These are the signature California-style residences right along our main lake‘s shore.


Table of Contents:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Introduction
  3. Population Over Time
  4. Additional Notes
  5. Outsides (Images Begin)
  6. Insides
  7. Attic Windows
  8. Nearby
  9. Inspired by Hotel St. Germain
  10. Hangin’ Out


noun: bungalow; plural noun: bungalows
  1. a low house, with a broad front porch, having either no upper floor or upper rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows.



Like our city’s Ti Houses, these residences are low, small, cozy, and personal.  Each one has room for a group of 3 or 4 people.  Their beds are usually located in the attic-level lofts, though some have their beds in the middle of the main ground-level room, with couches and beanbags in their attic-lofts.

You can always hear the calming surf from your windows in this neighborhood.  Each bungalow has a sliding wall that opens to a wide porch facing the beach.  Shops and other beachfront attractions are all within walking distance.

These are much like the nice kinds of beachfront homes and semi-high-rises you might see if you find the right places in Carlsbad, Mission Beach, and Oceanside.


Population Over Time:

Roughly 1 more person made this neighborhood his/her home (or at least their 2nd/vacation home) every ~42 years from 2013 to 23000 A.D..

  1. 2013:  the first guest or resident here
  2. 2055:  the 2nd guest/resident living in this neighborhood
  3. ~23000 A.D. and beyond:  ~500 at capacity


Additional Notes:

Heather “Lifeguard” Cameron makes her getaway home here; she maintains a residence in one of these Inisfreean bungalows.




Attic Windows:


Inspired by Hotel St. Germain:

Hangin’ Out:

Video Player
Beach Waves and Sound of Surf
Audio Player