Russian (sung by our Anastasia and Olga Kurylenko ICVs)

decorations are all ancient original Asgardian pre-Russia clothes, artwork, totems, etc.


  1. “Carla’s Dreams” by Acele (a band with songs in Romanian and Russian):
    –Romanian lyrics with Russian accent/sound
    –screen shows 2 people, one after the other, back and forth, fantasizing about becoming a couple with each other



  1. “All the Things She Said”:
  2. “Ne Ver, Ne Boisia (2003 Eurovision Version):
  3. “You are My” (Shazam says by 52purple56; ???):
  4. “Not Gonna Get Us”:
  5. “Show Me Love”:
  6. “What am I?”:
  7. (same as #3 in the playlist)
  8. “How Soon is Now?”:
    –“how dare you say I go about things the wrong way” ICV lead vocals, ICVs ahhhh-bg group sfx, shows Auz and others standing up for their natures/selves against the Outlander morons/haters


more Russian hits

  1. “Sexmisja” by Pezet:
    –Sexmisja, ICVs doing all Patty Mayo best dance moves while in Russia-flag body-paint
  2. “Etot Dzhaz Dlya Nas” by RDSLV (Radoslava):
    –title translation:  My Risk Zone
    –ICV singing sets her hair color to match that signature orange, and her skin etc. to match RDSLV’s
    (song below it in playlist is same song)
  3. “Sleduyuschiy Raz” by RDSLV (Radoslava):
    –instrumental only except for “choo choo” until 1:34ish
    –no luck Shazam-ing
  4. **Why is J’adore here? Just bc of remix name being Rusky?
  5. “Lambada” by T-Fest & Skryptonite:
    –song is about passion for exhibitionism; being fit, sexy, showing off good accomplishments proudly, sharing beauty, etc.
    –shows all my favorite clips from Tiktok of hot sluts doing that ass-up slow-start slam-down bounce move, knees sliding wider on the smooth floor in the process, eye contact the whole time because facing the camera while ass is up behind her, etc.
  6. “Uebok” (Gotta Run) by Apashe:
    –music vid on screen whole time (bc they already basically nailed it), except uglies are replaced w Deepfakes-tech’ hotter faces


projector screen during this concert shows:

  • Russia hotties/models at interval with all of the following:
  • beautiful drone/UAV views of the (St. Basil’s of/in) The Kremlin,
  • the Winter Palace,
  • ancient ruins in Siberia,
  • etc.
