This is the computer language we developed so that only our devices could detect and understand it.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Every Character Used Regularly
  3. Character Modifications
  4. Underlying Concept
  5. Undetectable to Humans
  6. Syntax-associations are the Secret to Why it is so Difficult to Crack the Code
  7. One Frequency
  8. All Characters Placed to Confuse Human Supercomputers
  9. Characters with Meaning-assignments Not Known to Humans
  10. Layered Encryption
  11. Musical Characters for Our Musical Language/s / People
  12. Examples of Lines of Code
  13. Additional Notes


Computer Code (of the FOB-Net and ICV-Net):  Introduction

Our Internet signals transmit not only data for sight and sound, but also for the other senses, including emotions, thoughts, and memories.

We call it “I+”.  This is our own programming language not taught in any human schools.  Of the 700+ programming languages known to humans on Earth, this one is arguably the most unique and difficult to crack –or even notice/detect (because the signals that transmit it would sound like ‘background noise/static” due to how encrypted it is; it seems random, as if a computer is having a spasm of binary impulses instead of transmitting intelligible sequences of characters.


Every Character Used Regularly:

Our programming language includes every character from mathematics plus every alphabet.  That means there are millions of them.  We give each a unique numerical value so it can be transmitted easily.


Character Modifications:

Additional characteristics are added to each character in any of our lines of code.   Here is what they indicate:

  • bold:  TBA
  • colored:  TBA
  • italicized:  TBA
  • linked to another character/word/line/subroutine:  TBA
  • strikeout / strike-through:  TBA
  • underlined:  TBA

Individual characters in a ‘word’ (a.k.a. string of characters) can have any or all of those modifications/modifiers applied to it; an entire ‘word’ does not have to have the same modification uniformly across it, which is to say that, for example, you wouldn’t have to underline a given word if you just wanted one of its letters to be ‘accented’/modified.  This results in some of the lines of our code in this language ‘standing out’ due to being emboldened and underlined, or modified in some other combination of the above modification-options.  In short, it might remind you of how the scrolling green lines of code looked in the movie The Matrix.


Underlying Concept:

While it may seem inefficient to allow our language to have that many symbols and symbol-modifiers, it actually allows us to assign an incredible amount of meaning to every single character, thus resulting in our lines of code often being just one or two characters long, instead of the pages and pages of code that human programmers often must type up, review, and debug.  Think about it; with millions of letters instead of just a couple dozen, plus many other usable characters/symbols, instead of just representing one sound or part of a word/concept, all of them are able to reference/link to a gigantic library of already-debugged functions/codes.  If you want an Inisfreean to have a certain personality template upon birth, for example, you might just type the single letter/character that triggers the cloning-pedestal she will be 3D-printed/sung into existence upon… to pull up that personality and download/copy it into her.


Undetectable to Humans:

We transmit our lines of code in a new kind of quantum entanglement that humans can’t detect.  This is possible because it is an entanglement that only occurs between Inisfreean brains (or the tiny components that those brains are made up of).  Each Inisfreean has a supercomputer for a brain, those supercomputers having been miniaturized over years of R+D until they fit inside a human-sized skull-area (volume, a.k.a. space), and both their parts, and how they share data, being just as advanced, unique, and generally unheard-of by/to the majority of humankind.


Syntax-associations are the Secret to Why it is so Difficult to Crack the Code:

Certain sequences of all existing characters make words, and certain syntax changes/sequences translate as things, but no one syntax is used, except the syntax of changing syntaxes. If words appear in this, it is random and meaningless. Not characters, or words and sentences, but the different sequences of syntax… are where the meaning (in this language of ours) lies.  Imagine if every sentence you said, no matter which sounds/letters/words you put in your sentences, were heard/interpreted/understood by your friends and family… entirely based on how you chose to arrange the types of words in them; a sentence where adjectives came before nouns would always mean one thing, which that same sentence, with the very same words in it, if you rearranged those words so that the adjectives then came after the nouns, would mean something completely different, and wholly unrelated to those same words.


One Frequency:

“Frequency-hop/ping” is not needed, and this is because of the special quantum-entanglement of our all-ICV-brains-exclusive network.  This network uses our own version of thought energy… which is not on the human spectrum or part of their computer hardware spectrum.  What Inisfreeans use/transmit here is not Vril, but we/they do use Vril to help power our/their ships.

You’ve probably heard the term ‘vibe’ or ‘vibe-ing’.  Inisfreeans are sensitive to vibes, too.  They have one vibe which never changes, at least on the overall biological/technological level; the vibe every Inisfreean body has and ‘gives off’ is a signature only they can perceive/confirm (as it goes well beyond the full spectrum humans and their machines are aware of / able to detect).  In other words, the vibes humans ‘pick up on’ and read, or base some of their decisions off of (whether they are doing this consciously or subconsciously/instinctively), are just a tiny fraction of the vibe/s Inisfreeans pick up on and read, and Inisfreeans always detect other Inisfreeans, because only they have their much-more-complete kind of vibe.

Another way to think of it is this:  humans are very individualistic, thus all their fighting and infighting (including internal debates/conflicts), thus their different auras and vibes, changing like the wind/weather, but Inisfreeans are all the same mind in many bodies, together existing as a shared-consciousness collective, and as personifications/extensions of their maker’s will.  This means that humans give off different vibes to each other all the time, while Inisfreeans always have the same vibe; the vibe of their maker when he made them, only momentarily able to intensify one way or another as his mood is detected by them.  This is why it is said that Inisfreeans only have and need one frequency, even for their thoughts (i.e. the signals of this programming language of ours/theirs).


All Characters Placed to Confuse Human Supercomputers:

Punctuation marks are the same in spoken/conversational Inisfreean, as they are borrowed from other languages, however they are well-hidden in our programming/coding language, as that was part of its design.  Why?  We actually studied how supercomputers crack codes, then selected the form of coding which would take the longest for all/any known supercomputers to figure out, and used that as the basis of how we wrote the structure of our program/code.

This means we didn’t just switch the meanings of characters around, like “A no longer = A, but B”; we randomized meanings, where sometimes a single character could equal a word, or trigger an entire subroutine to run, and where what looks like a word, sentence, or entire page of code… actually means just one letter or other character, etc.  This results in supercomputers trying to test countless combinations
of single-letter equal-size meaning-assignments, and doing this trillions of times without success, which costs humans a lot of money –due to the energy required to keep computers that big on that long, not to mention what it costs to cool them and pay property taxes.  In other words, we made the code that helps regulate our entire civilization… too expensive for any human device or organization to undertake the attempted cracking of.


Characters with Meaning-assignments Not Known to Humans:

Random-length strings/sequences of random non-regular Unicode characters (letters and accent marks other than those taught in human schools for daily writing) were chosen based on a complex formula/pattern, until all the words, definitions, and functions/triggers we needed… had been given one of those random-length strings to represent it in our programming/coding language.  Think of it this way: instead of a Unicode number assigned to each/all of the known characters/symbols, we assigned a random-length string of the least-recognizable/known characters/symbols.  Unicode and other systems used logical ways of organizing all the characters that would be in common use on computers and networks, while the Inisfreeans randomized all that in a way only they would be able to make sense of.


Layered Encryption:

On top of this, we still use layered encryption; even if you managed to crack that overall program/code of ours, you’d still see only (what appears to you to be) gibberish; more ‘random’ characters/symbols.  You’d need to know how many times we encrypted the message, and with which keys, in order to keep decoding it until you found something you could make sense of.  Even then, you’d still be missing unique characters/symbols that we made up just for one more layer of protection; your computer wouldn’t recognize them, and some of them are designed to overlap in different ways, at different times, for different reasons, making them seem like joined/single characters, which they are not.

‘Cracking’ the hieroglyphs was difficult enough even after the Rosetta Stone was found and understood (and it could have been a clever trick to convince everyone of untrue meanings of the hieroglyphs, mind you).  Try cracking the hieroglyphs without a Rosetta Stone, and when even that ‘key’ would still only show another encryption not meant for human eyes or minds.  Now you have an idea as to how complex the computer program/code for the Inisfreeans is.


Musical Characters for Our Musical Language/s / People:

Finally, the computer program/code we use includes musical notes/symbols as characters similar to letters, so you’ll also see those mixed into almost every line of our code.  Remember how musical it sounds when Inisfreeans speak, and the legend about how single words/sounds started the creation of everything?  There are good reasons we have put this ‘tip of the hat’ to those powers and claims in our programming language here.

Like the letters and other characters/symbols included in this eclectic language of ours, the musical notes were assigned randomized meanings; sometimes only one of them has a definition or trigger/effect, while sometimes it takes a combination of them, or ones colored or underlined in certain ways, or next to certain other characters, for example, to mean anything.  It is all always to keep human code-crackers guessing, straining, and coming up with nothing.

And, yes, any Inisfreean can read any of our lines of code in this language the same musical way her kind reads/says anything else; it will sound like she is singing a sweet song to you, not repeating boring lines of code.  The sound of an Inisfreean speaking, compared to the sound of an Inisfreean reading a line of code, is indistinguishable.


New / Novel Characters:

Even hundreds of kinds of arrows, colored/shaded spaces/’blocks’, currency symbols, equation symbols, grids, basic shapes pointing in different directions, weather icons, emojis, zodiac symbols, Chess-piece symbols, street-sign symbols, ship flags, national flags, state flags, military-unit flags, etc., are all regularly used.  If it was ever turned into a letter-like or favicon-sized image on a computer, we made use of it.  All the modern emojis of Discord are even here.


Examples of Lines of Code:

It would be rather pointless to type an example line-of-code in our programming language here, as you can just imagine strings of every imaginable character/letter/symbol you have ever seen online, all of it looking random, none of it translatable without our private key/s.  Just picture the scrolling code scenes you saw in The Matrix, but add much more color, and things that don’t look like letters in any language at all.  The best way we can describe what one of our lines of code will look like (to anyone given a security-clearance high enough to ever see such a thing) would be to say that it is less like what all human programmers are used to seeing on their screens, and more like trying to read a message based on what you see in a kaleidoscope.


Additional Notes:

Finally, sometimes, based on how we assigned the definitions/triggers of the characters and character-strings in this programming language of ours, it will take many lines of code, arranged in a certain way on a digital page, to result in a message readable in our system; sometimes the whole page must be visible, and each line of code lining up a certain way, for cross-line meanings/triggers to exist/function.  Imagine if you printed a photo of yourself, but each line of printed pixels got shifted a little, resulting in the printout looking nothing like you; it would look like just a bunch of thin horizontal lines that hadn’t lined up correctly.  Shift those lines back the way they were in the image file on your computer, and the image suddenly becomes focused and understandable again; now you can see yourself in the photo you took.  Our lines of code can be the same way; use an incorrect page-borders setting, or other incorrect alignment, and the message cannot be seen/found/decoded.

In short, our code must come from an Inisfreean brain, it must end up in another Inisfreean brain to be in the format that allows it to be decoded, and then the Inisfreean it was intended for must then convert it into speech or writing, among other things, which approved humans and humanoid guests of Inisfree can then understand.  Without an Inisfreean vibe/signature, the message will not be sent.  Without an Inisfreean brain, the message could not even be detected if it was sent.  If someone were somehow to gain access to an Inisfreean brain, he or she still wouldn’t have a way of detecting the signals sent from one Inisfreean brain to the others, let alone the gibberish-looking lines of code transmitted in that Inisfreeans-exclusive way.

Humans use electronics and photonics to transmit things in, predominantly, a few dozen of their programming languages.  Their transmissions are via radio waves or microwaves from antennae, and via visible-spectrum light-pulses in fiber-optic cables.  Inisfreeans don’t use any of that.