This is the other of the two new factories introduced in 2021.


Table of Contents:

  1. Dimensions & Layout
  2. Floor 1
  3. Floor 2
  4. Floor 3


Dimensions & Layout:

This factory is located near the industrial/production-zoned area with the other main factories, and has three floors, each with 15 separate sections.  Each section has multiple 3D-printers designed specifically to rapidly produce that section’s assigned product/s.  Dozens of ICVs staff/’girl’ each section –anytime it is online/producing.


Floor 1:

  1. Antibacterial hand soap (though this is rarely ever made/used, as no one in our realm can get sick)
  2. Baby wipes (for ‘field showers’, as we don’t have anyone below the age of sexual maturity in our realm)
  3. Bandages (for newcomers/outsiders who have not yet fully immortalized)
  4. Bar soap/body wash (more for mild scents than anything)
  5. Barber comb & scissors (usually just for males, as females in our realm do not cut their hair; they only style it)
  6. Chap-stick (for any extended exposure to the elements in our Perimeter Orb or beyond, though most of us don’t need this)
  7. Comb
  8. Conditioner (sulfates free, etc.)
  9. Cotton balls
  10. Cotton tea towels (to use for drying)
  11. Dental floss
  12. Dental kit
  13. Deodorant (vegan and metals-free)
  14. Epsom salt (and lotion) –for sore muscles
  15. Facecloths (not washcloths)


Floor 2:

  1. Feminine hygiene products
  2. Garbage bags
  3. Hair brushes and combs
  4. Hair shampoo &  conditioner
  5. Hair clips
  6. Hair ties
  7. Hand mirror
  8. Laundry detergent
  9. Lime oil (removes grease, sap, & soot)
  10. Lip balm
  11. Lotion
  12. Medications/first aid kit
  13. Microfiber washcloth
  14. Mouthwash
  15. Nail clippers


Floor 3:

  1. Off-grid toilet (5-gallon bucket with seat)
  2. Q-tips
  3. Razors (electric, for men) and nose-hair trimmers (also electric, for men)
  4. Sanitary pads & “Wet Ones”
  5. Shampoo (sulfates free, etc.)
  6. Shave gel (for males; females in our realm can’t grow hair other than from their eyebrows’ and scalp’s follicles)
  7. Shower cap
  8. Soap
  9. Solar shower (for hot showers without electricity)
  10. Straight razor & sharpener
  11. Tissues & Toilet paper (and bamboo-paper napkins; Caboo tree-free household paper products)
  12. Toothbrushes
  13. Toothpaste
  14. Towels and (face) washcloths
  15. Tweezers

