This is where everyone coming for meetings in High King Auz‘s “Batcave II” basement arrive.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features
  4. Appearance
  5. Wall Art
  6. 2022 Update:  Minecraft 1:1 Build



The entire command-and-control bunker complex known colloquially as ‘The Bat-cave’ (inspired by Batman’s sub-mansion lair) hinges around this nexus linking the majority of its rooms and their hallways to the AIOW and turbo-lifts connecting this underground intelligence facility to the Governor’s Mansion high above… and to the Magics Chambers facility far below.  The local restricted-access G.A.H. subway station also connects here.


Dimensions & Layout:

100’x150′, 100′ tall, with sleek, tall, translucent-white double-doors that automatically slide into the walls when authorized people/visitors here approach them.

Adjacent to this room; in this facility’s subway-station, are the mag-lev train-tracks (all 3, terraced just like the rest of our subway system‘s track-sections are) running the length of that long-axis of that room.


Special Features:

Like all rooms in this basement level, this lobby is a ‘smart’-room capable of identifying threats and hermetically sealing itself to prevent contamination, among other things.  This lobby will literally auto-scan everything, sense what intentions are, and even detect “sleeper cells”; people who don’t realize they are agents/”Trojans”.  Even if an explosion or other major power/energy release did start to occur, it would rapidly be contained/redirected/absorbed/transformed, if not cancelled out of existence with incredible precision.



Wall Art:

2022 Update:  Minecraft 1:1 Build