This is the only ‘church’ you will see in our entire kingdom.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features
  4. Additional Notes
  5. Overall (Images Begin)
  6. Exterior Details
  7. Interior Details
  8. Interior Color Scheme
  9. Concepts
  10. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



Religion is banned throughout Inisfree, so this gigantic cathedral has nothing at all to do with Catholicism.  Instead, it is built to honor the artistic beauty that came as a byproduct of the era of cathedral building.  Inisfreeans love the way many cathedrals look, and so with this construct they combined all of the features of their favorite cathedrals from around the world, and on their usual titanic scale, fully furnished to the height of all imaginable luxuries.  The only three major things they changed were:

  1. ​the religious aspects of these structures; religion is banned, now being felonious, and all crosses and other symbols of torture are kept out of this design; the cross is as offensive to the Inisfreeans as the swastika is to the Outlanders
  2. ​all statues and figurines; no longer of gargoyles and clothed male leaders, such as priests, all masonry likenesses in this cathedral are nude human females, and are, in accordance with Inisfreean law, always flawlessly sexy
  3. ​services and other gatherings; no gatherings happen here, as this is just a drive-through

Among others, this Inisfreean cathedral is a fusion of cathedrals and related buildings from all of the following:

  • Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy
  • Burgos, Spain
  • Cologne, Germany
  • Dallas and Frisco, Texas, U.S.A.
  • Lincoln, in Lincolnshire, England
  • Monastery of Monreale, Sicily, Italy
  • National Cathedral, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Notre Dame, Paris, France
  • St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, Italy
  • St. Vitus, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Straßburger Münster, Strasbourg, Alsace, France
  • Ulm Minster, Ulm, Germany


Dimensions & Layout:

Measuring nearly two thirds of a mile from front to back, more than a quarter of a mile wide, and nearly half a mile tall, this is, by far, the largest cathedral in the world. Its pillars, flying buttresses, and stained glass windows are all made to scale; designed and sized so that even when driving at highway speeds (which most people are when sight-seeing at this attraction of Inisfree), every last detail is still noticeable. Its steeple spires are as big as skyscrapers, and around its foundation is a Caribbean-colored moat 132 feet wide (and banked by beige and white sand shores, of course). And while arguably the most impressive and massive cathedral in the world, St. Peter’s Basilica, is 452 feet tall; 45 stories, this cathedral of Inisfree is 2,310 feet tall; 231 stories; more than five times that of the Basilica.


Special Features:

The 16-lane G.A.H. superhighway passes straight through the middle of this cathedral’s sanctuary.  At the top of its steeple is a drive-through observation level, and deep within its foundation is a church-themed dance club, complete with the gogo version of Catholic school girls and altar girls, open and staffed by flawlessly hot Inisfreean girls ’round the clock, 24/7, 365 days a year (as are all Inisfreean clubs).


Additional Notes:

This scaled-up construct now includes vertical highway corkscrews to reach the balcony, rooftop, and bell tower levels.



Exterior Details:

Interior Details:

Interior Color Scheme:


2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft