This is where people in Inisfree go to get their teeth checkups.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions
  3. Services
  4. Usage
  5. Frequency
  6. Layout (images begin)
  7. Example Inisfreean Teeth/Smiles



Inisfreean dental science is starkly contrasted to Outlander dental science and practices. Inisfreeans do not use scraping tools, nor do they apply spacers, braces, dentures, or head-gear. Inisfreean dentists can solve nearly any conceivable dental problem by simply licking the teeth and gums of the patient (because of how many millions of helpful microbial items are transferred with each kiss).  This works to cure halitosis, as well, although most of these ailments are usually instantly cured upon reaching the first (outermost) chamber of the Pearly Gates; proximity to Inisfreeans -especially when in their realm- is enough to right just about any wrong.


(section added on 2024 August 22 Thursday)

  • “Integrated Design Studio uses the benchmark of 450 square feet per treatment room. The standard size for a treatment room is 12 feet by 10 feet, totaling 120 square feet. So what are the remaining 330 square feet for? This additional 330 square footage accounts for any treatment support including sterilization, lab, imaging,
    and supply/technology storage,
    the public zone such as waiting/reception,
    business office spaces,
    and circulation/halls,
    and the private zone including the staff lounge and private office(s).”
  • 10×450=4,500sqft; ~67×67 (just about 1 66’x66′ Inisfree-map green-pixel square)
  • The hosp’ map-zoom (see first album below) shows the label “11” where the dental suites are,
    8 suites available, 4 per hall side,
    each suite 20×20; 400sqft, slightly smaller than the advised 450, but the wide hall between those 2 lines of 4… makes up for that, so our dental section has at least the advised total sqft.


(section added on 2024 August 22 Thursday)

  • If you have cavities, we can heal them.
  • Gum disease or decay? We can heal that, too.
  • Fillings you want out? We can remove them painlessly and cause the hole to fill back in.
  • Missing/Replaced teeth? We can grow you new ones just like the original/real ones were formed.
  • Want a bite-guard for sports or prevention of grinding? We can 3D-print one the same day you get your teeth scanned/measured; you can walk out with it in hand the same hour you arrived.
  • For those who do not have teeth aligned to their faces, beyond just perfecting their teeth relative adjacent teeth, our gods-level tech’ can painlessly adjust their entire faces to be perfectly bilateral, teeth aligned to the rest of their face, as was the norm/guarantee back during the first Golden Age.



Inisfreeans (ICVs) needing any dental assistance for straight teeth or cleaning is virtually unheard of (as they were able to auto-self-heal from the start, and have become invincible, after all), usually only being attributed to incredible surprises during combat operations.
Thus, this Inisfreean dental facility, one of the sections of Inisfree’s only
hospital, is typically only utilized by Outlanders visiting the city as guests.
Residents, of course, are also always welcome to come here for free.

To request/schedule an appointment, do so via our private Internet, or just chat with the nearest ICV.



Dental check-ups are (2024 August update:  were) bi-annual, mandatory, and free for all Inisfreeans (everyone in Inisfree).  Due to this, along with the wizardry-level of Inisfreean dental science, gingivitis and periodontitis do not exist in Inisfree.
However, if you French kiss enough Inisfreean girls, you’ll probably never need to come to this dental facility, for their saliva perfects, not just fixes, teeth and gums.
This clinic is more for newcomers seeking an alternative to the ridiculous, barbaric, Outlander dental practices which cause more cavities and gum decay than they remedy, due to the stresses Outlander dental clinics heap upon their clients with bills, thoughtless spells, and scraping by sharp tools instead of loving caresses.

2024 August 22 Thursday revelations:

  • Those bi-annual visits always include a 3D-scan of the patient’s mouth to check if there are any changes in the surfaces of the their teeth, such as can be caused by teeth-on-teeth grinding.
    When anyone in our realm shows signs of shrinking teeth due to grinding, we now know how to restore their teeth to their new/ideal forms, something Outlands dentists thought was impossible due to blood being unable to reach into that hardest layer of teeth.
    We have also learned noninvasive ways of treating the root/cause of this issue, not just remedying the symptom; we can coach and otherwise assist people here so that they never knowingly or unknowingly/subconsciously grind their teeth again.
  • Assuming 90% of people foreseen to visit Inisfree do not have invincible/perfect teeth and gums when they first visit our realm, that would mean 1,800,000,000 patients spread out over 20,988 Earth-years; 85,763.29331/yr;
    and most dental visits only take an hour,
    thus this facility only needs room for 10 per hour –and that’s assuming EVERYONE NEEDING dental help doesn’t accept it from ICVs outSIDE this facility, which all of them Can, and which many of them probably will Try, if not Prefer.
  • To reduce congestion/demand on this only dental facility in our first city, we now only mandate bi-annual checkups here for newcomers who need/wish further/ongoing dental work from ICVs in such a setting.
    Once our residents and citizens have become invincible, they no longer are asked to attend checkups here.
    Additionally, anyone can ask their nearest ICV to do dental work on them anywhere they are, even in the Outlands –since everyone I like gets at least 1 ICV assigned to them as an indefinite bodyguard.
  • Since ICVs can now self-heal themselves, and heal themselves via their stasis tubes,
    and via their healing-causing lasers/beams,
    and via their presence/proximity,
    and via being in our realm or any of our ships/vehicles,
    they no longer have any reason to come to checkups at this dental facility, or any of the dental facilities which will be ready by 2088 A.D. in SSA. If ever they needed dental work, it would be administered wherever they are together, more than 1 ICV in the same spot/station.


Additional Notes:

Inisfreean dental hygiene and orthodontics involve absolutely no metal tools, braces, spacers, retainers, dentures, caps, fluoride, or mercury-based fillings.

Decay isn’t just something that happens to teeth; it is caused by eating death waste; products from poorly-farmed/sprayed land instead of vision-held crops whose growers together held a stable mental picture of those plants/lifeforms being normal-sized (what humans call “giant”) and immortal/eternal (normal health, at least before the humans invaded Earth from The Abyss).

In Februus of 2023, High King Auzdein von Himmler suspected the permanent bar installed by an Outlander dentist may have been a mild form/equivalent of Kryptonite to him, so he had it removed, his brilliant/genius ICVs/ICs perfecting his teeth-roots so it wouldn’t need that anymore, anyway.  Sure enough, his only form of decay stopped, and his health further improved.  This is Inisfree, amen.



To get here, enter our hospital’s ground-floor, typically via the front/main (revolving) door, walk the square hallway around to the back, or walk through the central courtyard, and wait for the nearest ICV in section “11” to seat you.

Example Inisfreean Teeth/Smiles:

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06 - E.S. Posthumus - Nara - for LAA y Auz children y Persephone Firefly
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