So many things in Inisfree were envisioned to be built as or like giant trees…


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features
  4. Clay-model Area (Images Begin)
  5. Overall Form
  6. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



Inspired by the logo of its namesake Outlands hotel chain, this structure looks like the neon-sign outlines of two basic trees; brown trunks leading up into green ellipses representing their leafy portions.  The difference here is that the two trees are not ‘flat’, as would be the case with the average Outlands sign or logo.  Here in Inisfree, they are three-dimensional, full-sized buildings, and fully furnished to the point of outclassing even the ‘seven star’ hotels of Dubai and other ultra-rich realms.


Dimensions & Layout:

This hotel stands two fifths of a mile tall; just over 210 stories.  Its base spans 990’x462′.  Each of the lower floors in each of the two ‘tree trunks’ which make up this hotel’s main body… have 167,553 square feet of floor-space; more than that of five of the largest mansions combined. Multiply that times two (for two ‘tree trunks’), then again by the number of floors (210), and you get 70,372,260 square feet of floor-space for this entire hotel. That’s enough for 2,345 of the largest mansions, or more than 175,000 apartments.

All of the suites of this hotel are luxurious, and there are penthouses at its pinnacles; the top curves of its two ‘leafy outline’ sections. No ‘sky-bridges’ connect its two ‘trunks’, however, so in order to cross between them, one must go either to the ground level and walk outside, or all the way to the top (‘leafy outline’) sections -which connect at a single point like how links of a chain touch along their inside curves.


Special Features:

Like the logo which inspired this hotel, the entirety of this construct looks a bit like a brown and green neon sign during the Inisfreean nights.


Clay-model Area:

Overall Form:

2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft


mus_explore_day_06 - WarShip Hangars
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