Picture a pit in the shape of an upside-down pyramid; that is what this construct is based on.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Occupants
  4. 2023 Revelation:  Representing the Post-Shift Focuses
  5. Overall (Images Begin)
  6. Basic Elements
  7. Wintergrasp Elements
  8. Concepts from Belegost and Nogrod
  9. Concepts from Erebor
  10. 2020 Update:  Oribos
  11. 2021 Update:  WoW
  12. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  13. 2023/+ Update:  Interiors
  14. 2024/+



This subterranean structure is designed to reflect the Dwarves’ tendency to build down and in, rather than up and out, and is decorated, furnished, and complemented with light fixtures inspired by Dwarven cities such as Belegost, Erebor, and Moria.  It is literally an inverted pyramid; going down instead of up, and being hollow, as a pit, rather than solid, and is a likely development of the Dwarves in the near to distant future.  This is also the second major area, after the Underway, devoted to Dwarven architecture.


Dimensions & Layout:

This ‘hood has the same measurements as the basic form of the Luxor II hotel; roughly 1/4 of a mile across each of its four foundation sides, and has a central courtyard extending toward its lowest point, with suites arranged around its perimeter in balconies which grow successively smaller from ground-level to its lowest level where its four triangular sides converge on its central point.  Its uppermost terrace is open to ground-level.  It includes thousands of rooms and suites, connected by dozens of halls.

*As of 2021, it now also includes full-sized houses surrounded by lawns, fencing, and walkways, their front-yard infinity-pools spilling over to become waterfalls feeding other liquid features on the terraces immediately below.



Dwarves are not among the races permitted in Inisfree, though the good amongst their kind are respected in the Outlands.  The people who usually come to this inverted pyramid of Inisfree include approved members of the Naga race, as well as those of the cave-elves called Drow.  Elementals and dragons taking on human forms can also be found visiting here.


2023 Revelation:  Representing the Post-Shift Focuses

Everything leading up from billions of years ago… to near the end of 2011 A.D. …was an overlapping sequence of nine consciousness-focuses which the Mayans (having inherited this knowledge/system from their predecessors; the Atlanteans) represented in their ziggurats; step-pyramids.  Note how there are always nine terraces/levels to each Mayan pyramid; each level represents one of the consciousness-focuses.  The first/lowest level is the widest/largest, as the first time-period lasted the longest.

2012 became known as The Shift; it was not just a shift from one consciousness/focus to another, but a changing and reversal, more or less, of that entire billions-of-years system.  2012 was when High King Auz committed the rest of his newly-eternal life to receiving the Inisfree vision, building this website about it, and adding more and more to his series of novels (which are all spells helping share the mega-vision he is still receiving, his audiences’ minds then better-able to help hold/manifest that vision with/for him).  All of Inisfree and the rest of the Inisfreean empire/realm can be thought of as representing that singularity/reversal.

Everything after 2012 (starting with The Rapture campaign he masterminded and launched in the first moments of 2013) is organized in a mirrored/flipped version of the nine focuses or cycles the Mayans taught of.  Since the Mayans stacked stones up into ziggurats to represent the successively smaller cycles, each requiring the previous cycle’s / cycles’ foundation/s to begin/exist, it makes perfect sense for we here in Inisfree to remove stones, so to speak, digging down to form the concentric terraces of this reverse/hollow/upside-down ziggurat of ours.  In short, this neighborhood known as The Inverted Pyramid now represents how things are developing (no longer expanding / becoming more complex/chaotic, but unifying and bringing compatible people/beings back close together again, similarly to how they were in the First Time) now that Auz has taken the helm of the entirety of Creation.

Note how there are nine levels/terraces in this neighborhood’s design –and that occurred/developed before he even realized this about it, years later.



The final image in this album shows how 288 normal/big houses can be arranged on the cascading concentric-square terraces of this construct.  Hundreds, if not thousands, more can be tucked in behind/under them.  That makes room for tens of thousands of residents, ~100,000 guests, and even more people here during multiple / mega-parties.

Basic Elements:

Wintergrasp Elements:

Concepts from Belegost and Nogrod:

Concepts from Erebor:

2020 Update:  Oribos

2021 Update:  WoW

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

2023/+ Update:  Interiors


Multiple pyramids in our city, and only 1 inverted pyramid, symbolizes how different realms and races, each developing in similar ways to how the Mayan calendar explained things on Earth were developing, are now unified in the same one vision and development after The Shift.
There are no pyramid groups aligned to constellations… because 1) Inisfree moves, and 2) we align/move stars.