There are many hundreds of log cabins now across Inisfree.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Population Over Time
  4. Special Features
  5. Cabins Directory
  6. Overall; Location & Layout (Images Begin)
  7. Terrain Slope
  8. Exteriors
  9. Interiors
  10. Specific Sites ‘Cloned’
  11. Attire & Staff Uniforms
  12. 2020 Update:  Chalets
  13. 2021/+ Additions
  14. 2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



The cabins neighborhoods of Inisfree include standard cabins, along with chalets, and lodges. These neighborhoods are located high on the slope of Inisfree’s central mountain, right between the longest stretch of the city’s cliff-dwellings, and the Redwoods and Sequoias greenbelt which separates them from the base of the Avalanche Wall.


Dimensions & Layout:

This neighborhood spans a couple square miles of a big portion of our central mountain’s slope, extending down from the trail near the base of the Avalanche Wall… to the near the top of the Cliff-dwelling 1 neighborhood/structure, and over from the tributary/canal nearest the ski-slope/lanes of the Valhalla II resort… to the tributary/canal separating this cabins-neighborhood from the one for ryokans.  The hundreds of cabins here are arranged along 47 the terraces of that area.  Averaged out, that comes out to ~11 cabins per terrace (though the actual range is 1 to 29 cabins per terrace, some of those terraces being narrower or otherwise unsuitable for dwellings).

Cabins in these ‘hoods range in size from single-room constructs about the size of a guests’ lakeside hangout house or hotel room, to a hundred or so cabins which are as large as a full hotel building or mansion.  They all have all the room types which come standard in almost every home we have build in our realm.  They also all have ample yards and greenbelts, providing total serenity and privacy for each resident and guest.

  1. Compact:  Single-room cabins (~20′ x ~20′) can comfortably house ~5 guests/residents (in a bunkbeds setting).
  2. Tiny:  Small cabins (~30′ x ~30′) can comfortably house ~10 guests/residents.
  3. Small:  Common-sized cabins (~40′ x ~40′) can comfortably house ~15 guests/residents.
  4. Medium:  Cabins slightly more spacious than common Outlander cabins (~50′ x ~50′) can comfortably house ~25 guests/residents.
  5. Large:  Bigger cabins (~60′ x ~60′) can comfortably house ~35 guests/residents.
  6. Larger:  Mansion-sized cabins (~70′ x ~70′ x 2-3 floors/stories) can comfortably house ~100 guests/residents.
  7. Giant:  Hotel-sized cabins (~80′ x ~80′ x 3/+ floors/stories) can comfortably house ~200 guests/residents.

Our biggest cabins are on the parts of this slope/neighborhood with the longest spans of flat terrain.

Our smallest cabins are where there is the least amount of flat horizontal space; they are the ones closest to the cliff/s.

The number of trails/streets connecting these cabins matches their number of terraces; there is 1 trail/road/street per terrace, + ~13 footpaths/trails evenly fanning out from top to bottom of this sections of our central mountain’s slope.  47 terraces for this neighborhood means 47 trails, + the 13 ones going up/down this side of our central mountain; there are 60 trails connecting all these cabins.  13 up-and-down trails between the average 11 cabins per terrace = 1 up-and-down trail between every one of them.


Population Over Time:

Roughly 1 more person made this neighborhood his/her home (or at least their 2nd/vacation home) every year from 2013 to 23000 A.D..

  1. 2013:  the first guest or resident here
  2. 2022:  ~9 living in this neighborhood this year (meaning at least 491 of our cabins here are vacant/available)
  3. ~23000 A.D. and beyond:  ~20,000 at capacity

That is calculated from the following per-cabin capacities:

  • Compact:  104 cabins x ~5 guests/residents = ~520 guests/residents
  • Tiny:  91 cabins x ~10 guests/residents = ~910 guests/residents
  • Small:  81 cabins x ~15 guests/residents = ~1,215 guests/residents
  • Medium:  71 cabins x ~25 guests/residents = ~1,775 guests/residents
  • Large:  61 cabins x ~35 guests/residents = ~2,135 guests/residents
  • Larger:  51 cabins x ~100 guests/residents = ~5,100 guests/residents
  • Giant:  41 cabins x ~200 guests/residents = ~8,200 guests/residents

That totals 19,855; ~20,000 guests/residents (with couch-room and standing-room for about as many; this neighborhood of cabins can house/shelter ~40,000 human-sized people, not including camping-tent space in their yards/greenbelts).


Special Features:

Most of these cabins have a ‘look and feel’ inspired by the toys called Lincoln Logs; they look like traditional, old fashioned, tree-trunk stacks for walls, with overlapping end-sections protruding at 90 degree angles as if the frame of each cabin was made from a neat pile of telephone poles laid on their sides.  Inside, most structural and artistic features are of this same ‘look and feel’; most of them are made from tree trunks, including rocking chairs and bunk-bed railings.

By far and away, this neighborhood/region of Inisfree is the one which produces the most of the pine nuts it harvests for consumption.


Cabins Directory:

The homes in this part of Inisfree are modeled after the following inspirations:

  1. Aspen – 731 Bay St., Aspen, CO 81611
  2. Aspen 2 – 931 N. Hayden Dr., Aspen, CO 81611
  3. Aspen 3 – 411 Willoughby Way, Aspen, CO 81611
  4. Aspen 4 – 201/565 Midnight Mine Rd., Aspen, CO 81611
  5. Beaver Creek – 602 Bachelor Ridge, Beaver Creek, CO 81620
  6. Jared’s Cabin – in Montana
  7. Loveland Colorado Estate
  8. Mountain Village – 105 Highlands Way, Mountain Village, CO 81435
  9. Mountain Village 2 – 107 Eagle’s Crest Circle, Mountain Village, CO 81435
  10. Snowmass Village – 601 Two Creeks Dr., Snowmass Village, CO 81615
  11. Steamboat – 46660 County Rd. 129, Steamboat, CO 80487
  12. [hundreds of others across this section of the central mountain’s slope]

More TBA…

As of 2022, there are 500 cabins in Inisfree.

  • Compact:  104
  • Tiny:  91
  • Small:  81
  • Medium:  71
  • Large:  61
  • Larger:  51
  • Giant:  41


Overall; Location & Layout:

Terrain Slope:



Specific Sites ‘Cloned’:

American Spirit 849:

Andesite Ridge 168:

Big Sky Ridge 425:

Pine Ridge 336:

Attire & Staff Uniforms:

2020 Update:  Chalets


2021/+ Additions:

Driveways Concept:

2022 Scale-model in Minecraft:

Possible Addition:  Pinecone-inspired Cabin

Video Player

Also see:

“World of Warcraft --- Elwynn Forest - for Meadows y Greenbelts” World of Warcraft World of Warcraft
Audio Player

