This is the best place in Inisfree for nature-lovers to mingle and dance.

Dendrophiliac. (n.)
one who is aroused by trees


Table of Contents:

  1. Theme
  2. Music Genre
  3. Dance Genre
  4. Dimensions
  5. Layout
  6. Gogos
  7. Special Features
  8. Menu
  9. Relevant Holidays
  10. Dancers (Images Begin)
  11. Inside Features
  12. Additional Thoughts
  13. 2023 Update:  Creativerse Model


Theme:  trees/nature

Music Genre:  Hypnotic (Night Elves style) at times, festive flute & lyre at others

Dance Genre:  Tap (such as River Dance)

Dimensions:  _

Layout:  indoor treehouses instead of booths (located below our forest temple)

Worked down into the hollow trunk of a hidden baobab-like tree beneath the Forest Temple, this night-club’s position & layout were inspired by the starting-point tree (the Great Deku tree) in Zelda:  Ocarina of Time.  All of the seats, stools, and VIP booths are designated portions of the winding & weaving internal roots, some of which form natural benches, others forming cage or trellis-like partitions.  Balconies are just like the radial walkways found in that Zelda game.

Gogos:  Ent-like/body-paint, and the Disney theme-park’s stilt-style costume for some

They do their dances swinging from the smart-vines here, performing like ‘aerial silk’ artists, all the while being pleasured and penetrated by the tips of the vines they aren’t actively using.  Few wear anything more than one or two fig leaves, always leaving at least one nipple showing, and never covering up their ass.  Sometimes green and brown body-paint is added, though not in a camouflage way.

Special Features:  The stools and other seats in this club bloom like flowers upon approach.

Menu:  Vegan  *All 51 clubs in Inisfree serve the same drinks; water, smart-water, flavored water, fruit juices, and teas.


Relevant Holidays:

  1. 1 February (4 Februus on our calendar): Imbolc/Imbule; the traditional beginning of Spring (back in the northern hemisphere)
  2. 20 March (23 Mars on our calendar): Azerbaijan’s Spring Festival
  3. 22 March (25 Mars on our calendar): Nauryz; Kazakhstan celebration of the coming of Spring & abundance
  4. 6 April (12 Aperire on our calendar): Dandelions
  5. 3 August (19 Shakira on our calendar): Nuts
  6. The entire month of Aperire is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Fairies (actual people).
  7. The entire month of Maiesta is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Nymphs (actual people).
  8. The entire month of Harvest is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elves (actual people).



Inside Features:

Additional Thoughts:

All of the people who are Elves, and all who are Fairies, are naturally blissfully-aroused by trees and other healthy flora.  This stems (see what we did there?) from their ancestry; they were literally created by some of the first trees, and those first trees were literal deities’ thoughts/manifestations, if not the stationary/hibernating/meditating deities themselves (in one of their endless shapeshifting forms).  One can figure out, from this, that they also had no inhibitions when it came to utilizing their full bodies, interacting holistically (including sexually) with their direct relatives; the gods were (are) their parents, and sex back then was used to activate, stabilize, balance, and aim one’s full being, not to hastily spawn.

In polar-opposite contrast, those who cut down trees (i.e. the humans/Outlanders) feel no arousal, sexual or otherwise, to healthy plants at all –because they have no connection to them, descending instead from Chaos or Abyss; humans are literally fragments of Darkness Incarnate.  This is why it isn’t even possible to explain to them the kind of connection other people have to trees or anything else; they have never experienced such a thing, and are actually physically incapable of understanding it (due to having been bred so excessively that their minds became vestigial), let alone feeling such a wonder.  Humans only like, gravitate to, and praise emptiness, hollowness, etc., and do their best to destroy everything out of their way, making their colonized areas/regions as void-like and dark as possible.

Now you might understand why this club, more than all of the rest in Inisfree, only allows in dendrophiliacs; those who are descended from the great trees.


2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse




World of Warcraft OST - Nightsong - for Biolume
Audio Player

