This is where people in Inisfree come for chill classic rock.


Table of Contents:

  1. Theme
  2. Music Genre
  3. Dance Genre
  4. Dimensions
  5. Layout
  6. Gogos
  7. Special Features
  8. Menu
  9. Design
  10. Interior Appearances (Images Begin)
  11. Girls & Outfits
  12. Concept Elements
  13. Club Decorations & Other Features
  14. 2023 Update:  Creativerse Model


Theme:  Motorcycle Bar & Grill with Live Rock Music

Music Genre:  Classic Rock and some Blues

Dance Genre:  Judas Priest & ZZ Top-style

Dimensions:  the size of several bars and dance floors merged into one

Layout:  Like every good Freebirds World Burrito, we have a motorcycle coming halfway out of the inside brick wall high up near the ceiling.  The decor is a mixture of BBQ joint, TGIF, and a classic sports bar.  Simple-framed photos of various classic-rock all-stars adorn the walls between the other items hung or fastened there.  And, as is the case in the Hard Rock Cafes, there are hundreds of polished, perfectly-maintained electric-guitars.

Gogos:  Dancers in this club wear biker-gang skin-tight black-leathers for girls, and rarely have on more than one layer covering a tiny fraction of their bodies.  Their boots match, and are left sexily unlaced (laced, but wide open).  Rough-sex moves, such as light spankings and hair pulling, are part of their partnered routines.  Deep eye-locking during rough finger-blasting is, too; this is an aggressive, rough-around-the-edges, pre-alternative era, all-rock-and-roll lounge.

Special Features:  Many of the barstools are motorcycle back-portions attached to the fronts of the bartender areas; everything except for the front-wheel assembly extends out to sit on.  Girls sit down straddling the seats, often sitting 2 or 3 girls to a bike; they like to sit close, chest-to-back, legs-open like that.  A built-in squirting-dildo option allows girls to use these motorcycle’s handlebar controls to raise the dildos up into them while they are seated, adjust the level of rotation and vibration, and cause single squirts or long and uninterrupted flows; just work the throttle for cum instead of gas, the brakes to slow or stop any aspect, and so on.

Menu:  Burgers, Sliders, Wings, & Sides    *All 51 clubs in Inisfree serve the same drinks; water, smart-water, flavored water, fruit juices, and teas.




Interior Appearances:

Girls & Outfits:

Concept Elements:

Club Decorations & Other Features:

2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse



Billy Idol - Rebel Yell - she cried more - to classicrock y Culture y Nyria y Freyja y Regist y LHS Dance y 80s
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