This is our steepest club.


Table of Contents:

  1. Theme
  2. Music Genre
  3. Dance Genre
  4. Dimensions
  5. Layout
  6. Gogos
  7. Special Features
  8. Menu
  9. Interior Concepts (Images Begin)
  10. Exterior Concepts
  11. 2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse


Theme:  Cliff-dwellings

Music Genre:  tribal, ancient, primal, and all with a fusion of modern trance-y

Dance Genre:  crunk, booty, aerial-silk, etc.

Dimensions:  _

Layout:  cliff dweller open-air desert race style

Gogos:  Anasazi loincloths and nothing else

Special Features:  a sky-bridge roundabout like the viewing balcony built to jut out over one edge of the Grand Canyon

Menu:  New Mexican (like Blue Mesa)  *All 51 clubs in Inisfree serve the same drinks; water, smart-water, flavored water, fruit juices, and teas.


Interior Concepts:

Exterior Concepts:

2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse

