This is our only other club in Inisfree’s marsh/swamp region.


Table of Contents:

  1. Theme
  2. Music Genre
  3. Dance Genre
  4. Dimensions
  5. Layout
  6. Gogos
  7. Special Features
  8. Menu
  9. Finding the Club
  10. The Six Chambers
  11. The Five Dance-floors
  12. Exit Specifics
  13. History
  14. Design (Images Begin)
  15. Entry Bar
  16. The Look
  17. The Lay
  18. 2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse


Theme:  Indiana Jones / Lara Croft (and it’s where most traditional Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider temple ruins are; in the swamp and jungle)

Music Genre:  Tomb Raider movie OST’s catchier hits, and related music

Dance Genre:  Hawaiian / Hula

Dimensions:  5 66’^3 dance-floor chambers arranged around a central 66^3 foyer-bar; ~3 pixels wide on the city map

Layout:  A combination of all the best Zelda-like mind-boggler temple-ruins of the Tomb Raider game series, this club is full of moss-covered megalithic masonry, ‘unintended’ waterfalls (made to look that way), and all the other signature features players of those games know and love.  You enter through the central hollow cube room/foyer where the bar is, and from it you can choose any of five ‘main puzzles’, each puzzle-area granting access to one of the five dance-floor chambers.  All 5 dance-floors are isolated from each other, and all 5 have a one-way exit (which isn’t the way you came in), with all 5 of their exit-tunnels merging to/at the club’s one-way exit.

Gogos:  Two: 1) explorer / Lady Lara Croft skimpy outfit body-paint (fully nude), and 2) gogo-fused Lara Croft silvery-white wet-suit outfits with wide-leather-strap adventurer’s gogo-boot-uggs.

Special Features:  Plenty of Zelda-style ruins-puzzles are hidden throughout this big club; see if you can figure out where they are, how to operate them, and what effects they cause.

Menu:  Rare/Exotic  *All 51 clubs in Inisfree serve the same drinks; water, smart-water, flavored water, fruit juices, and teas.


Finding the Club:

To get to this club, you have to take a rowboat across the muck of the swamp to reach the surface temple ruins entrance.  That entrance goes down to the AIOW in the temple ruins.  The AIOW service-lift doesn’t work, so you can use the spiral-slide or climb down via the jungle-gym / ladder bars.  If you try to use the spiral-staircase along the inside wall, stairs will often be missing, making it tricky.  The zip-lines are also intentionally in a state of disuse/disrepair; they are fallen and hanging limp, thus barely useful even as vines or to climb/belay.


The Six Chambers:

You find the AIOW that gets you down to the entry/foyer-chamber, and then decide where to go from there.

  1. entry/foyer/bar:  central; the first place you see after finding this temple in the swamp, and around which all 5 of the dance-floor chambers are arranged (4 around; 1 at each side, and the 5th below) –and to open the door to each maze/puzzle, you need the corresponding activation-material; blowing air on the air-puzzle door opens it out of your way (revealing that puzzle, not the dance-floor it leads to), while a handful of sand or dirt will open the door to the earth-puzzle, and a small flame such as from a match will open the fire-puzzle door, any piece of metal (such as a flip-lighter or keychain ring or coin) will open the metal-puzzle door, and a droplet of water or two will open the water-puzzle door.
  2. air/wind: to get to one dance floor, you have to go through an iFly tunnel
  3. earth/stone: and for the 2nd dance floor, you have to find the right tiles to step on (and have people remain standing on) to get the door to open –and it won’t stay open if you step off them, so you have to leave something there, such as an ICV or kajira you ask for help
  4. fire/light: to get to the 3rd dance floor, you have to walk through a hall of mirrors (and this is the first multi-leveled hall-of-mirrors in the world, with multiple routes through it, and the door/end (to get into the dance-floor chamber it leads to) in a unique place (not on one of the walls, but above), so the maze-beating method of “taking every right turn” won’t work)
  5. metal/magnetism: to get to this dance floor, you have to pull on oversized levers (that look like short/mini totems) to set them at angles that connect invisible magnetism lines –which eventually activates the entrance to this chamber to close, while the dance floor doors are revealed, opening
  6. water: to get to the 5th and final dance floor, you have to get through that water-temple thing –and this is below the central chamber; you go down into the water-temple themed sub-floor, then find the dance-floor chamber beneath even it


The Five Dance-floors:

  1. air/wind:  floor-fans for up-skirt breezes here, especially under the dancer-pedestals
  2. earth/stone:  monoliths around a ziggurat, with the dancers atop the stone structures and terrace corners
  3. fire/light:  erupting rotating flame nozzles atop obelisks high above the dance floor, and club lights that move to align their beams with mirrors, resulting in interesting changing zigzags of light over and onto the crowd/dancers
  4. metal/magnetism:  rotating table-sized gears on the walls (and their notches/cogs don’t touch/press/lock, ensuring no one can get stuck/smashed in them), with some dancers using magnetic belts and boots to seem to dance in mid-air over the magnetized platforms
  5. water:  (the only dance-floor below the level of all the other floors/chambers) transparent-metal glass-looking cylinders standing upright with water flowing down their sides to fountain-like moats around their bases, dancers atop each, looking like they are dancing on a geyser of water, not a solid foundation

All five chamber’s walls look like ancient, weathered, mossy stone, fake cracks in some places along/across them.  All are lit by dim torchlight from sconces high and out of reach.


Exit Specifics:

To prevent people already in one of the dance floors from revealing the way to get access to it when they are exiting, each dance floor exits via a one-way set of doors staffed by ICVs, and all 5 dance-floors’ one-way exit-tunnels curve together, merging before the one-way one-door exit for the whole club –meaning if you leave any of the dance-floors/chambers, you’ll have to go back through the entrance to the lobby/nexus, then perform whatever ‘puzzle’ task/sequence is needed to reopen the door/s to the dance-floor you want to go to.

How does this work?

The doors/panels that grant access from the foyer to the dance-floor chambers have no controls that guests/dancers can use to open them from the dance-floor side.  The doors that grant access from the dance-floor chambers to their exit-tunnel/s also have no way to open them once you are on the exit-tunnel side.  ICVs on staff also shepherd/usher guests in the right direction, ensuring the fun game/secrets of this special night-club are kept –at least for first-time visitors.

The exit is out a tree cavity near the G.A.H. corner/curve in this region, not in sight of the temple-ruins entrance.



This club was dreamed up sometime around 2012 after Inisfree was ramping up for its first global cleanup operation.  Years later, it was built, but was just the first chamber (of which there are now 6; 5 around the central/foyer one).  In October of 2021, its puzzle-based access features/devices were designed and added, making this the final of Inisfree’s 51 night-clubs to be completed (even though the Sock-hop Diner was the 51st club to be added to the city’s night-clubs list a few years before).

As of 2023 August, Ixchel is now, of all Auz’s wives, the one who loves coming here to dance naked for -and be fucked by- him.  Amen.




Entry Bar:

The Look:

The Lay:

2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse


Video Player
“My Spirit Flyes to You (Stl Radio Remix)” Sakya Tashi Ling The Buddhist Monks
Audio Player
