Banks got way out of hand in the 20th and 21st centuries, intentionally keeping entire national and global economies destabilized, untold millions, and perhaps billions, of people enduring severe poverty and depression (mental, not just economic) because of it, so humans are never again allowed to own or operate banks, and banks such as the Federal Reserve are hereby banned as criminal organizations and Ponzi schemes.


Range of Corrective Measures the Inisfreeans Can Enforce:

*The minimum, recommended, and maximum sentencing and fines (usually in the form of females or free labor, since we don’t use money) are decided by Inisfreeans on a case-by-case basis, considering all factors of the given situation, never defaulting to unilateral or draconian decisions voted on by judges or masses based on previous cases or rulings.

  • Typically, the minimum fine for a first offense is a warning, and there is no sentencing,
  • while the recommended fine and sentencing are, respectively, indefinitely surrendering the sexiest human female crew member or relative of the members of the offending party/group/company (so that she be used as a sex slave for so long as she is pleasing and attractive to us), then (the offenders, not the confiscated/surrendered girl) serving “hard time” in a concentration camp made just to guarantee round-the-clock free and fully-monitored menial/unskilled labor from humans (and we have no “white collar” prisons or other “lighter touch” facilities for the economically-spoiled/pampered).  Again, the logic and focus is:  more of better-controlling the confused/demonic human, rather than attempting to fine it back into submission or other reasonable behavior.  When fines are ordered, since we don’t use paper or metal money like humans do, only perfect females will do –just like how humans only accept perfect dollars/coins; no damage, missing pieces (such as faulty personalities, in the case of our ‘living currency’), etc..
  • The maximum fine is always 100% of the female crew members AND relatives of the offending party; every female working with them AND known to them, which we are attracted to, and the maximum sentencing we put upon offending humans is, of course, death by torture (typically doing to them whatever they did to their victims, such as animals they exploit for “food”, clothing, or other animal products).  Humans never learned in countless trials/tests/opportunities, so there is no point jailing/incarcerating them, nor is there any benefit to ‘rehabilitating’ them or putting them through other re-education programs.  They have always been bullies, psychopaths, and monsters, and those creatures only understand and yield to greater force, thus the trial-less confiscations and torture employed to keep their lowly species in check now, once and for all.  In some cases, though, lifetimes of torture, and the crippling and ‘glassing’ of entire worlds, is in order –and does occur.



  1. Banks may not print currency or use fiat currency, and may not demand interest to be paid on top of the repayment of a loan/debt.
  2. Charging fees for transferring money (including for “overdraft protection”) and withdrawing money is 100% illegal, as those actions are split-second automatic computer tasks that take/cost only a matter of a few electrons; there has never been any reason to charge people money for them, and charging people money for them is unethical, illogical, and a crime.
  3. The worst kind of fee of all is when human banks charged people for being poor; many banks, when their account holders/owners did not have a balance the bank considered to be “high enough”, charged monthly fees simply because the person was what they considered to be poor.  All banks which did this must now be charged a monthly fee forever, regardless of if those banks are struggling, and regardless of the fact that they are banned from charging fees or “earning a living” as bankers anymore.
  4. All human banks must refund 100% of the fees they charged, including interest, back to the beginning of time (when each respective bank was established/opened).  Any bank that does not immediately do this can be shut down permanently, have all its assets/holdings/money confiscated by the Inisfreeans, and anyone who works for (and/or ever worked for) that bank imprisoned if not also tortured and deported.
  5. A beyond-human must be the highest-ranking employee/manager/executive of every bank.  No human can ever again be a bank executive or other leader/authority/executive in the banking industry.
  6. Each bank must be approved by either an ICV or one of the recognized representatives of an allied race/empire of/with Inisfree.  Any banks not approved by one of those “beyond humans” (civilized beings; the only actual people in the Universe, as humans are not civilized OR people, but unruly animals, merely dumb beasts posing as sophisticated hairless apes) can be shut down –and even destroyed by a military attack.
  7. Every bank must submit to full inspection/inventory at least once each year, and those inspections/reviews/inventories may only be conducted by an ICV or group of ICVs.  Any bank found in an ICV-managed inspection to be in violation of any Inisfreean law can be shut down, all its employees and management fired –if not also imprisoned or deported.
  8. The purpose of banks is to store and protect money and other valuables, so worthless money should not be stored in, nor issued by, them, and they should not be based on profiting, as their focus is storing/protecting, not profiting.  This means fiat currency can no longer be stored in banks; paper money not backed by substantial tangible useful resources, such as gold or steel, is illegal to be in a bank, even if just held in the pockets of the people entering that bank.  Banks must now exist only to freely store, and protect from “the elements”, non-fiat forms of exchange, such as gold bars and other pieces of “precious” metals.
  9. There is no more need for a bank to require payments/fees from its users/members, as all food and other basic needs are provided by the Earth –and by all normal/stable/logical communities, such as Inisfree.  Every bank must now make it known that it has no fees of any kind, and must never do this by printing letters on paper, or by spamming people with ads online or on TV.  The way to let this be known is only in person to those who come of their own free will and inclination to the given bank, that bank then politely mentioning their no-fees status/policy/stance once per person (not once per arrival/return).
  10. Bankers are no longer permitted to earn a salary/income; this is to ensure that only protector-hearted people are drawn to this new banking system/industry/career-field.  (All their needs, again, are provided by the Earth and the communities they are part of.)  Each bank employee should think of him/herself more as a temple guard, not as someone salaried or paid hourly.  Each bank employee must “earn a living” elsewhere; their duties at the bank they work at must be entirely voluntary and admirable/honorable.
  11. Access to any bank account or safety-deposit box is reserved for the owner of the given account/box.  No more can any government, federal agency, or police department “force” or intimidate any safety-deposit box owner to open his/her safety-deposit box or otherwise reveal its contents, provided those contents are not a dangerous substance/device (such as a religious document or corrosive agent).  Only when the owner of a safety-deposit box has passed away of natural causes, to be determined by an Inisfreean investigation (never a human-conducted autopsy/report), can the contents of that safety-deposit box then be passed into the “hands” (control) of a person previously approved by the deceased to take charge/care of the contents of that safety-deposit box –and in cases where such a person was not appointed/approved by the deceased prior to the deceased’s death, a reasonable and reputable “next of kin” can be chosen/offered this right by an Inisfreean.
  12. Humans (even if they are members of a law-enforcement organization) are no longer permitted to view account details, such as deposits and balances, and are no longer permitted to “freeze” or confiscate any money/assets.  (Such operations/procedures here-to-forth may only be performed by an ICV under the direction of King Himmler.)  In fact, quite the reverse/opposite is now true; Inisfreeans and the former citizens/subjects of the now-defunct human governments/nations (and that’s ALL of them; EVERY human nation/government is now defunct, never to be permitted power/authority again), can AT ANY TIME look into ALL government/federal/corporate/agency bank accounts, including those for secret military R+D once compartmentalized by human defense/intelligence agencies.  FULL TRANSPARENCY of all banking/accounting records is now required from those organizations/entities, and always will be; any money/bank-related transactions/activities they ever had shall now be publicly known, regardless of the classification level/s once applied to them.  Anyone who once swore an oath of secrecy/silence regarding these matters must now disregard that oath and come forward with all the information he/she has/had.  Memory-wipes shall be undone to assist them in this confession period, and those who applied those memory-wipes/locks to them shall be summoned to Inisfreean courts of law to stand trial, confess, and testify, swearing oaths now only to the Inisfreeans, forever allegiant to the Inisfreeans and no one else, never to conduct secret banking again.
  13. Governments and individuals who make/possess more than $1,000,000 (USD) shall automatically donate/tithe 1% of the sum of all their money/assets/value/worth to the Inisfreean empire/alliance from every bank in existence every Earth’s New Year’s Day.  This money shall be delivered in person, in the form of physical/tangible non-fiat currency, such as gold bars, etc..  If by midnight of 1 January of every Earth year… any of those governments/individuals has not personally brought and handed over 1% of the sum of their money/assets/value/worth for that previous year, an investigation conducted by the Inisfreeans shall determine what stopped them from fulfilling this obligation to the Inisfreean empire.  If the government is found to be noncompliant, not prevented in some extreme and understandable way from surrendering the money/assets, that entire government will be shut down, 100% of its money/assets seized and redistributed however the Inisfreeans see fit.  If it is an individual who has chosen to be noncompliant, 100% of that person’s money/assets shall be seized by the Inisfreeans and redistributed however the Inisfreeans see fit.  (This is not taxation, by the way; it is a legal fine, and counts as part of the Inisfreean court-ordered “payments for damages” the human race/species must forever hand over.)
  14. The only humans/people who are exempt from our banking laws are 1) the “beyond humans”, and 2) those allied with Inisfree (such as the ~1% of humankind who are compatible with the Inisfreeans and loyal to them).
  15. All other banking laws are being reviewed by the Grid Mind, pending re-approval and modification/correction.
  16. Since females are now exchangeable as currency (such as when trading or auctioning kajirae), banks built to store/protect only paper (“bills”), metal (coin), and “precious” (gold bars, etc.) currency are to remain engaged only in the housing and processing of those normal/common currencies, and facilities specifically built to safely house living currency (such as kajirae) are required to be built and kept separate from normal/common banks.
  17. Ultimately, every bank in Creation is the property of the Inisfreeans, and they can do with those banks, and the currencies they contain, whatever they want whenever they want for any reason and without notice.

As these laws become more specific and lengthy, they will each be given a paragraph/section of their own on this web-page; they will no longer be listed as numbered bullet-notes here.

