Every R+D project we have/host/fund must abide by these rules within our code of law/s.


Range of Corrective Measures the Inisfreeans Can Enforce:

*The minimum, recommended, and maximum sentencing and fines (usually in the form of females or free labor, since we don’t use money) are decided by Inisfreeans on a case-by-case basis, considering all factors of the given situation, never defaulting to unilateral or draconian decisions voted on by judges or masses based on previous cases or rulings.

  • Typically, the minimum fine for a first offense is a warning, and there is no sentencing,
  • while the recommended fine and sentencing are, respectively, indefinitely surrendering the sexiest human female crew member or relative of the members of the offending party/group/company (so that she be used as a sex slave for so long as she is pleasing and attractive to us), then (the offenders, not the confiscated/surrendered girl) serving “hard time” in a concentration camp made just to guarantee round-the-clock free and fully-monitored menial/unskilled labor from humans (and we have no “white collar” prisons or other “lighter touch” facilities for the economically-spoiled/pampered).  Again, the logic and focus is:  more of better-controlling the confused/demonic human, rather than attempting to fine it back into submission or other reasonable behavior.  When fines are ordered, since we don’t use paper or metal money like humans do, only perfect females will do –just like how humans only accept perfect dollars/coins; no damage, missing pieces (such as faulty personalities, in the case of our ‘living currency’), etc..
  • The maximum fine is always 100% of the female crew members AND relatives of the offending party; every female working with them AND known to them, which we are attracted to, and the maximum sentencing we put upon offending humans is, of course, death by torture (typically doing to them whatever they did to their victims, such as animals they exploit for “food”, clothing, or other animal products).  Humans never learned in countless trials/tests/opportunities, so there is no point jailing/incarcerating them, nor is there any benefit to ‘rehabilitating’ them or putting them through other re-education programs.  They have always been bullies, psychopaths, and monsters, and those creatures only understand and yield to greater force, thus the trial-less confiscations and torture employed to keep their lowly species in check now, once and for all.  In some cases, though, lifetimes of torture, and the crippling and ‘glassing’ of entire worlds, is in order –and does occur.



  1. No experiments may be conducted on anyone in Inisfree, nor any devices tested on them.
  2. Research projects must be kept compartmentalized from humans, as humans’ nature is to change/destroy/ruin everything, evident in 100% of interactions with that lowly species, thus their participation in any project would almost invariably cause poor results or intentionally-misinterpreted findings (assumptions).
  3. Humans may be experimented on, other otherwise used in/for experiments / R+D, for any reason, at any time, without notice or even paperwork (just like humans used countless other sentient beings/people in their own R+D over the generations).  Karma’s a bitch.  Deal with it.  (They kidnapped, enslaved, experimented on, tortured, and killed countless other people (including fellow humans just like them) over the years/generations, and/so now it is their turn to be put through that hell.)
  4. Since humanity itself is/was an experiment, it can be adjusted and/or concluded/terminated at any time.
  5. Even gods and goddesses, to the omnipotent Inisfreeans, are just experiments; anytime / if ever any one of those deities fails to live/act as a good being and ally of King Auz, they can be experimented on –or shutdown entirely, all their powers indefinitely, if not permanently, removed.  (The only exception to this is if the god/goddess proves fully-compatible with The Inisfreean Way, completes the full tour of our city, and becomes one of our allies and fuck-buddies, at which point they cannot be experimented on even when they are outside the walls of our city/capital.)
  6. Research projects by anyone other than the Inisfreeans are illegal until King Auz approves of them.  It doesn’t matter if it is a compartmentalized/classified Black Operation; King Auz must give you approval before you can do any research/experimentation.
  7. No secret research projects (of others / outside Inisfree) are allowed; the Inisfreeans must have full knowledge of everything involved in every research project –even before they begin.  (Nothing can prevent this awareness, either, as Inisfreeans have omni-interfacing and mind-surfing abilities that function as easily as breathing and blinking do for humans; if it exists anywhere in Creation, they will eventually sense, locate, and fully understand/perceive it.)
  8. To request permission to begin a research project, you must send the sexiest female on your team, provided she is attractive to the Inisfreeans (not merely the least-unattractive woman you can get to be part of your project/staff), to present the pitch-deck for your/that research project… to the Inisfreeans in/via the method/style they prescribe/require.
  9. If at any time your research project is perceived to pose any risk at all to anyone allied with Inisfree, or to any Inisfreean or any member of King Auz’s “soul family” (his compatible/allied wives and his children with those wives), the Inisfreeans will shut it down.  It would be wise to let them.
  10. King Auz is free to start, continue, and conclude any research projects he wants.  He is also free to choose and replace any researcher or other teammate/employee/scientist on any of those projects, at any time, for any reason.  Thanks to his creations’ (the ICVs) incredible abilities, this never happens, though; everyone is fully compatible with him, confirmed many times in many ways, before they are offered the chance to work with him on any of his research/projects.

As these laws become more specific and lengthy, they will each be given a paragraph/section of their own on this web-page; they will no longer be listed as numbered bullet-notes here.
