Near the shore of our Main Lake is this triangular-prism shaped building predominantly used for paintball.


Table of Contents:

  1. Dimensions & Layout
  2. Training ‘Pipeline’
  3. Appearance/Design Concepts


Dimensions & Layout:

This is a horizontal triangular prism structure standing several stories tall, with large areas inside, all devoted to paintball training & games.  Some sections of its floors appear unfinished, and are filled with haphazard ‘discarded’ construction & finishing items, such as buckets and stacks of material; plenty to be mindful of and avoiding noisily tripping on.  The rooftop and surrounding parking lots are kept open for paintball drills, as well.


Training ‘Pipeline’:

Players progress from this facility to the more advanced paintball training & games aboard the nearby aircraft carrier.


Appearance/Design Concepts:

Video Player
“trigger happy Weird Al” trigger happy Weird Al
Audio Player