Here is where you’ll find weekly gatherings of Dryads and other people of the forest, such as the Fairies and Elves.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Texture
  4. Dimensions & Layout
  5. Special Features
  6. Relevant Holidays
  7. Overall (Images Begin)
  8. Dryads; Tree Nymphs
  9. Temple Flags and Other Decorations
  10. 2021 Update:  WoW Views
  11. 2022:  Hottie Witches Worshipping Here
  12. 2023 October/+:  Concepts



Dryad is a word meaning “a person of the woods/trees”, somewhat like an Ent-Fairy fusion or in-between.  Like river-nymphs (such as Asparas), they tend to remain around the nature-structure where they came into existence/consciousness, likely because they are a manifestation or incarnation of it; they are the humanoid extension of its being or will.  Some are even bound to the tree or river which made/sustains them, unable to travel beyond its reach (mana-range; aura) or the sight of it.

noundryadplural noundryads
  1. (in folklore and Greek mythology) a nymph inhabiting a forest or a tree, especially an oak tree.

Dryadia, then, is their land or realm; wherever they are in charge, that is Dryadia.  This temple in Inisfree is named to both acknowledge that sovereignty… as well as become its latest part (though, of course, it is more of their embassy here in Inisfree; High King Auz remains in charge of it, as it is within his own realm/territory).



Like all Inisfreean temples, this one is not for the worship of alleged deities; rather, it is for the refined expressions of love toward present, tangible beings; the science of perfect healing which has been so restored and advanced that it appears to be on the level of the magics of lore. Instead of sermons and services, temples such as this one in Inisfree all have communal, timeless gatherings.  Instead of regurgitated chants and droning ‘organ’ ‘music’, these temples have wondrous, mesmerizing, truly aetherial songs and other forms of soothing music.  Being set in the FAU, this temple’s theme is naturally that of the forests and elves; guest attire and conduct are expected to match.  And, given how closely the abbreviated name of that parent region is to that of the Fay, it should come as no surprise that a good number of them also reside and hang out here; there are fairies at this temple.



As all Inisfreean grasses and mosses, those of the Forest Temple feel especially soft and silken –even more so than that of an infant Golden Retriever’s.  The only substance even remotely comparable to this softness is vicuna.  Walking and laying upon these flora is a true pleasure unlike anything possible in the Outlands.  Just imagine them caressing between your toes… and you have an idea.


Dimensions & Layout:

This temple is over 720 feet in diameter, and stands dozens of stories tall, some of those floors extending down into the forest floor as a bowl-like, open-air basement or amphitheater.  Thick vegetation grows around its border, the roots and vines of which weave all throughout its many structures, making for excellent climbing and perching surfaces.


Special Features:

Beneath the heavily moss-covered foundation of this temple lies the hidden Club Dendro.


Relevant Holidays:

  1. 1 February (4 Februus on our calendar): Imbolc/Imbule; the traditional beginning of Spring (back in the northern hemisphere)
  2. 20 March (23 Mars on our calendar): Azerbaijan’s Spring Festival
  3. 22 March (25 Mars on our calendar): Nauryz; Kazakhstan celebration of the coming of Spring & abundance
  4. 6 April (12 Aperire on our calendar): Dandelions
  5. 3 August (19 Shakira on our calendar): Nuts
  6. The entire month of Aperire is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Fairies (actual people).
  7. The entire month of Maiesta is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Nymphs (actual people).
  8. The entire month of Harvest is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elves (actual people).



Dryads; Tree Nymphs:

Temple Flags and Other Decorations:

More TBA… as the Elves from their various races/tribes (Angelic, Blood, Drow, Eldar, Fay, Night, Wood, etc.)… start to bring them…

2021 Update:  WoW Views

2022:  Hottie Witches Worshipping Here

2023 October/+:  Concepts

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Also see:

“Many Meetings” The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Howard Shore
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