This is the largest body of water in Inisfree.


Table of Contents:

  1. Orientation
  2. Main Yachts
  3. Surface Attractions
  4. Underwater Attractions
  5. Name Explanation
  6. Location & Depth (Images Begin)
  7. Overall Appearance
  8. Surfers
  9. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



Located between our city’s farmland and the cliffs up to the Governor’s mansion, this largest lake in our realm is home to dozens of attractions.  You can walk out very far from its shores; many sections of it are shallow for this purpose.  You can swim to its lake-bed with no pressure on the ears; it is 40′ deep​​ at its lowest points.  And you can see all the way out to its far-side, 3 miles away, underwater, unassisted; we keep its water that clean and clear​.

Main Yachts:
  • Golden Star
  • Island-yacht
  • White & Gold (a.k.a. Curvy Gold)
  • Information on all our other yachts here.
Surface Attractions Here:
Underwater Attractions:


Name Explanation:

Obviously we are thousands of miles away from the Caribbean Sea.  The name of this lake is due to the color we made sure it would be; its color-scheme is based on how the water and beaches of the Caribbean looked.  There was no reason to come up with another name, given that this one already had the right associations.


Location & Depth:

Overall Appearance:


2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

Video Player

Also see:

Beach Waves and Sound of Surf
Audio Player