Note from the Editor:
They say the military amplifies who you already are. My service brought out all the drawings, songs, and other art that was waiting somewhere in my mind. All the wildest plans and dirtiest jokes came, too. I wanted to get as much of it out and shared as possible, just in case I died over there.
At first, I just scribbled it all down on my all-weather notepad, hiding it in MRE-sleeves so the Marines who were retarded harassers would assume it was just gross trash. This allowed me to sneak it back to the States after the wars. Once there, I hid and better protected it by locking it up in unregistered off-base storage units.
Some of the warriors I served with came up with the idea to publish their offensive artwork and hilarious comic strips in a magazine. We decided that a spin on the name of Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, would be fitting; funny, offensive, and provocative. So all the stuff that built up in my MRE ‘trash’ and storage units became the first wave of great content for MKM.
They say the best art comes from the worst pain, and I certainly had tons of pain, sadness, frustration, and hopelessness. I and so many others were so grievously betrayed and openly disrespected, we would never run out of negative-motivation fuel for the rest of our lives. Nothing has softened those memories, and they continue to result in the most spirited writing and other works of creation to this very moment. The hell that we lived and worked in back then made MKM possible, and the breather we are experiencing now has made it possible to organize, polish up, and publish all those works, such as this MKM issue you are now looking through.
89 more issues are coming, so stay tuned. Their content was ready long ago. Today, it is coming online; going live for the very first time, and we here at MKM and Inisfree couldn’t be prouder. Enjoy… or don’t; we really don’t care what you think. That’s what makes the content here so great.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- A.B.D.: Auzdein Besseres Design; an alias of the company Austin Bunton Design, and one of the subsidiaries of the corporation W.G.I.
Advertisement Parodies:
The Onion is a comedy-based mostly-fake news producer which we strongly encourage you to check out; Onion staff produce articles and videos on a regular basis, all of them at the quality of mainstream news shows. In 2005, The Onion moved its offices from Chelsea to to Manhattan, New York. You can find all the details here.
Why not write our own articles? For the same reason the Onion just copies other news; no reason to waste time ‘re-inventing the wheel’. We take and post whatever we like, for that is part of being free.
This section of MKM was added not only to showcase hilarious art and art forms, but any good art in general; if it is exceptional, especially if it is inspiring and related to our work in Inisfree, it goes here.
Comic Strips:
News Stories:
We added this section to introduce our readers to news items which involved the military. This is not to say we will be publishing reports about mainstream military events; no, instead you will only find in this section some of the more secretive and once-classified stuff.
- 130 NORADs: hundreds of underground bases have been added to the global network
Poking Fun at Fake News:
Almost invariably, anything on the radio, TV, and Internet is erroneous, fake, and spun in some way. Here are some places you can find the fake news the mainstream always calls real:
- CNN (some examples of here of edgy stories that got blocked; even the major news outlets are under control)
- Fox
- Info Please
Here is an article detailing how the mainstream media uses legal loopholes to intentionally lie to to public: The Media Can Legally Lie
So… is all news fake? Based on what I’ve witnessed, the answer is a resounding ‘Yes.’
Gallery of Pages in Order:
As this magazine of ours goes into print, a few images of what the physical finished product looks like will end up here. Most MKM issues have dozens of memes, none of them taking up a full page, so, with several memes per page, and all pages printed front-and-back, most MKM issues end up having a few dozen physical pages (as opposed to a digital page, which takes up one side of a two-sided physical page). You can expect them to have ~32 physical pages, including the front- and back-cover, making them comparable to other magazines, such as FHM.
Meme Faves:
If it’s funny and offensive, at least for us, it goes here. We’ll have other meme sections in later issues; some will be entirely for military memes, some for gun memes, and so on.
Military Memes:
Gun Memes:
I could have cropped them, but what the fuck for? Now you get to see what I was looking at on my phone during all those shitty jobs where assholes thought I’d actually pay attention, care, and stay. Enjoy!