Note from the Editor:

Base-wide payback was one of my last great and triumphant endeavors.  I’d gone from mere venting in a journal or notebook here and there, to building up my rapport and ‘skater’ skill-set, to giving a few ‘disreputables’ a taste of their own medicine whenever I could, …to now launching massive ‘repurposing’ campaigns across entire military installations.  Anything more, and I would have been regarded as a notorious and unstoppable crime lord –or Robin Hood, I suppose; I did (eventually) give some of what was repurposed back, at least to the few Marines I’d screened and found to be good.

On other topics, I would elaborate much further in the second paragraph, then recap and wrap things up in the third.  Since this one is among the still-classified content, though, you’ll just have to use your imagination and move on.  Justice was understood and served, and at great risk.  That is all.

More base-wide fun will be had in the years and generations ahead.  I and my forces won’t be repurposing any of their items, though; we’ll be repurposing the very land they were built and staged upon.  Want to know more?  Prove you are worth having as a member of the new teams.

Actual Advertisements:

Vocab of the Day:

  • creampie: cumming inside a pussy or asshole without a condom; you inject and leave your ‘cream’ inside

Advertisement Parodies:


2005-2006 articles are here.


Comic Strips:

News Stories:

Tesla’s Wireless Global Power & Communications Grid (and here):  why our cars, engines, phones, power-lines, and roads have all been obsolete for more than 100 years

Poking Fun at Fake News:

Another of the all-time most-disreputable “news” sources is the BBC.  Follow the money, look at who is in charge of the country this organization is based out of.  The rest should make sense rapidly.

Bad Romance Covers:

Meme Faves:

Military Memes:
