Note from the Editor:
Universal Slave Maid Corporation; USMC; that’s what we in the United States Marine Corps jokingly call it. We were led to believe we’d be warriors and heroes, but we are daily reduced to little more than the manual labor and insulting tasks of unwanted slaves, convicts, and worse. Is this so we will not be that upset if we get captured and treated how they say captors always get treated? Perhaps, at least in part.
What of the ‘Corporation’ part of our re-defining that abbreviation? It is becoming more and more apparent that corporations, not educated people, or even any individuals or governments at all, run the show here. Everything is about continuing and perpetuating the many businesses of this military-industrial complex, as those in opposition like to call it. There is a lot of truth to their viewpoint and claims, and we experience it firsthand every time we request something basic and necessary, only to be denied, and told that ‘mission accomplishment takes precedence over troop welfare’. In other words? If it costs anyone in power a little more money than they’d like to spend, we are expected to endure, suffer, and die. As long as the higher-ups and businesses get their way, and don’t experience any of the strains that we do, that is what they say is good.
‘yoU Signed My Contract’ is another way you often here Grunts and other Marines negatively joking about the modern Corps. I’m reminded of the contracts the corrupt feds and my even-gayer father used to try to make me sign. I thought this one was liberating and sharpening me. It did at first, but now… it is not. “If I had the chance to go back and do it all over again, knowing what I know now,” some retard-Marines like to begin their boasts, …but I don’t think any of us really would put that pen back to paper… in that moment of truth in our recruiter’s stations. Who wants to be an unwanted slave? Who is okay with false advertising? Not us.
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- A.T.M.: ass-to-mouth; when you fuck a girl’s asshole and then she gives you a blowjob
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