Note from the Editor:
Zero brotherhood; none of what we were promised, in terms of community, loyalty, and oneness are here. There are the same primitive types of cliques and gangs you find in any inner-city high-school… or out amidst the apes and monkeys of the jungle wilds. Every tier of the chain of command is at war with the other ones. Every type of unit distrusts and insults the other ones. On base, and out on the town, you can barely even count on the fellow Marines from your very squad you are forced to go with. I can only imagine how much tension and ignorance there is between nations and worlds.
I came to the military, thinking its members would have been put through comprehensive psychological evaluations, proving themselves time and time again in the toughest training and on missions, resulting in truly exemplary members of society. It wasn’t any of the American propaganda that got me thinking that way; it was the sheer logic of the training pipeline, and how all books and men say war changes them, helping them to focus on better things. No one had told me that the military can also be a vast breeding-ground for tyrants, bullies, state-sanctioned mass-murder, and more. I should have also thought about the sheer logic that it trains all its people to fight, not find ways to stabilize anything or bring peace. It is even more extreme in this way than two-sided sports and two-sided religions are; all the members of those two collectives rarely have to fight or die, these days.
So I now feel like a lone wolf. I am a far-better trained and seasoned one now, but still alone. We all wear the same uniform, march the same way, eat the same crap, and mindlessly repeat the same actions and words, but none of us are unified. We are all alone out here. We just happen to look similar while we do our best to be alone in public.
Is there a real brotherhood out there somewhere? I do not know. There isn’t here.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- Ahnenerbe: an institute purposed to research the archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan race, as well as potentially useful ancient ruins which might have artifacts worth reverse engineering
Advertisement Parodies:
2005-2006 articles are here.
Comic Strips:
News Stories:
Webway Charting in Progress: the naturally easier-to-traverse corridors linking many solar systems and other distinct regions of Space
Poking Fun at Fake News:
“The top news stories of 2005“, according to Fox News, aren’t truly highly-rated at all –or even legitimate stories; just look at what they cover, and dig a little to get to the facts that lead to these stories being chosen.
First was their ‘news’ about how expensive gas had become, and why; it was an appeal to the emotional side, not mentioning a single fact about how 1) gas-based vehicles were obsolete centuries ago, 2) natural events such as hurricanes hadn’t led to industry-crippling damages, and 3) expanding this obsolete, harmful, and control-based industry would have been carried out regardless of the weather, the damages to refineries, and the ‘necessary’ cost changes.
Second, the ‘missing persons story’ is the standard way most of the masses and those in power resort to economically and socially ambushing any who they feel threatened or challenged by; they default to accusations of human trafficking, differences in sexual orientation, and the need for more laws drafted and enforced by strangers. This cuts into trust and tourism, thereby sales and growth, and then the general ability of those being slandered against to provide for themselves, making them both demonized and dependent, both of which start building upon the other in a vicious cycle.
Third was a story about an alleged killer being brought to “justice”. The coverage ignored the reality that law enforcement, judges, wardens, doctors, and most others in “respectable” positions do far more serial killing, and are the real monsters who should be on trial –or not allowed trials at all. It also ignored how suspiciously submissive and ‘cookie-cutter’ the defendant’s statements were. Then there is the reality that it is not the authorities who get taunted, but the rest of us.
Fourth was a story about local, state, national, and international authorities arguing over whether or not a certain individual should be kept on life support, even though her spouse had made his decision. The article didn’t mention the fact that it was no one’s business but his own, or that the medical industry refused to cure her, pretending it didn’t already have cures to everything that could ever go wrong with anyone. Those should have been among the very first points made, yet all were silent on them.
Fifth was another typical and unbelievably boring story about a famous person, Michael Jackson this time. Anyone who becomes loved and very successful… gets accused of indecency with children, then a mountain of made-up evidence is built up by paid armies of lawyers and false witnesses… until they are powerless to defend themselves anymore. It wouldn’t surprise me if every single bit of “footage” about M.J. was falsified, too; it is likely nothing we ‘know’ about the man, beyond his music videos, is real.
I could go on and on, but with countless fake news stories already at this point, you can pretty much just look up any news story from any news source, and quickly find out a number of errors, intentional and otherwise, by doing your own -and very simple- research. Here are some general pointers for you, if you feel inclined to do this: 1) never assume any source is credible just because they are well-known or vouched for, 2) fact-check and cross-reference everything, and assume nothing, even if you were present to see an event, and 3) always “follow the money”; if you can find out who pays who, it will shed a LOT of light on why the stories coming from different sources are the way they are.
Meme Faves:
Military Memes: