Note from the Editor:

What do you do when you lose all faith in a fully-corrupted system posing as something it is clearly not?  You become what they call here… a ‘skate master’; you learn how to be talented not at your bullshit fake-warrior job, but at ‘skating’ out of the endless bullshit duties they heap upon you every day and night, just to keep you busy and wallowing in the cesspool that is the bottom of their proverbial totem pole.  I became a skate master.

The term ‘skate master’ stems from ‘Jedi master’, which is, of course, from Star Wars.  The Jedi weren’t the biggest or strongest, but they were the most focused, practiced, and clever.  They were the equivalent of that saga’s special operations forces; you send one or two deep behind enemy lines, where larger units could not effectively go, and they surgically take care of business.  A skate master does this, too, only our enemy lines are those of our own units and military branches.

I first heard ‘skate master’ from a clique of African-American Marines who’d been screwed over so many times, they were not only skilled at skating out of all duties put upon them, …they were casually fully proud of the fact that they’d adopted this lifestyle and sense of belonging within the lifestyle and sense of belonging of the Corps.  At first, having been raised on patriotic brainwashing, this irritated me, but I was the new guy, my position was one of endless shit and threats, and these Black friends had a point.

So… I listened.

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Vocab of the Day:

  • Alternative 3: the option chosen by world leaders to clandestinely migrate millions of people from Earth to other worlds and Space stations in preparation for the prophesied ‘end of the world’; the thinking was that if humanity spread far and wide across all habitable worlds and other places in Creation, no global disaster on any one world would be enough to reduce them back to ‘the Stone Age’

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2005-2006 articles are here.


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Washington D.C.’s Streets Layout:  why the U.S.A.’s national capital is arranged around a giant pentagram

Poking Fun at Fake News:

More fake news can be found here.

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