Note from the Editor:
By definition, doctors and pharmacists are drug dealers; they deal, and give you deals on, drugs. Most of those drugs have nightmarish side-effects, and everyone knows this, yet they still approved the legalizing of their sloppy production and widespread sale. This is because causing problems leads to returning customers; repeat business; expansion, funding, ‘growth’.
There are some people referred to as ‘street pharmacists’, and the key difference between them and the mainstream dealers is that their pills have almost no harmful side-effects, at least until you irresponsibly overdose on them. Their drugs cause feelings of chattiness, happiness, and heightened pleasurable sensations, such as from touch and music. Instead of trying to return you to socially-acceptable ‘normal’ levels of sensory perception and ‘thinking’, the potions of these ‘street pharmacists’ take you higher, pun not intended.
Now we have the appropriate framework or context for this Editor’s Note; now you know it means to be a drug dealer, at least in the more ethical sense. Yes, some drug dealers are desperate and disreputable. Some are in it just for the money, just like the mainstream dealers (a.k.a. doctors and pharmacists) are. Some use too much of their own product, overdosing like any other irresponsible schmuck. The majority, I’d say, find a balance with this line of work, and come to terms with the same reality everyone else must; they could get judged, hunted, and locked in cages like an animal, by yet another group of questionable profiteers looking to reduce all not of their line of work to dependency and repeat business; cops and jailers.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- ephebophile: a person who is attracted to humans aged 11-14 (ex.: Inisfreeans are ephebophiles for human females; girls aged 11 through 14. This does not mean that they are attracted to ‘minors’, or to the fact that they are changing from child to adult form, but that they are attracted to how humans in the modern era of Earth look perfectly healthy only during that age bracket, steadily deteriorating with their accelerated aging process immediately thereafter)
Advertisement Parodies:
2007-2008 articles are here.
Comic Strips:
News Stories:
Saturn’s Rings Found to be Man-made: one of the largest mega-structures and megalith examples, second only to the worlds and stars themselves; precursor to the Dyson Spheres
Poking Fun at Fake News:
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is almost universally-known for fake news. This year was its 50th birthday, and it claimed another landing on Mars, among other things. What I’d like everyone to question is… why, in more than half a century since the first alleged landing on Mars, were we still just sending dinky little unmanned spacecraft to do the very same thing? You’re telling me… in all that time… with that titanic budget… and an exponential increase in technological advancement… we hadn’t made progress on the red planet at all?
If you ask around, you find a lot of people reporting that we actually had made many more advancements than NASA, to this day, claims; many say we started sending people to Mars, set up research facilities there, and have since even started colonies and wars from them. There is supposedly an entire fleet of carrier-like spacecrafts patrolling between our world and theirs. Even jump-gates (called star-gates in science-fiction) have been used, at least according to the many whistle-blowers coming forward, speaking of all sorts of secret milestones, off-world corporations, and disquieting ‘crimes’.
Maybe both sides are fake news; maybe NASA’s downplay of what goes on out there is fake, and the people claiming we have done so much more… are braggarts and hallucinating. Truth usually lies somewhere in between. (Did you see what I did there?) Go out there, if you can, and find out. I will be.
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