Note from the Editor:

Overdose.  You all know what that term means –but do you know how it feels?  I do; after one fateful party in the wee hours of the still-dark night, I ingested by mistake something bad.

After barely managing to drive myself somewhere I could induce vomiting, calling my friends to warn them about what they might have ingested, too, then barely managing to get myself to a hospital, I spent the next several hours convulsing on an emergency-room table, wondering if my system or any of its organs would shut down.  The hospital felt so void and awful.  The company and staff had an even grosser vibe.  I was just happy to have survived and been rid of them all.

Looking back on this experience, it was good; first, because it showed me just how easily and instantly a good time can take a complete and catastrophic nosedive, risking the freedom and lives of many or even everyone involved.  Next, it showed me just how primitive and useless modern medical installations and personnel are; they have no way to diagnose a person without primitive technology, and even if they figure out what is going on inside them… they rarely have the means to fix any of it, beyond other primitive methods, such as surgery and more pills.  There are no true healers anymore, at least not in the cities and countries I’ve been in.  They let you ride out whatever you’re going through, offer more drugs, slap you with a huge bill that might as well be a fine (and is extortion), then send you on your way, clearing the table and room for the next unfortunate soul desperate enough to resort to them.  Finally, overdosing taught me that prayer, and people praying, doesn’t work; all you can do is focus your own mind, committing yourself to staying there, to healing, and to getting out.

I hope none of you ever have to experience the horrors and fatigue that I did that day.  I hope none of you end up overdosing on any of the many products that are on the market, legally and otherwise, today.  I hope you also don’t have to live with the memories of witnessing others right in front of you starting to overdose, having themselves fallen the victim of badly-cut tabs, incompatible combinations of drinks and other things, malnutrition, dehydration, or all the other things that can lead to a day of collapse in the E.R..

Actual Advertisements:

Vocab of the Day:

  • F.T.L.: Faster Than Light, indicating anything faster than light-speed (299,792,458 meters per second), such as tachyons (‘relative-F.T.L.’ indicates things which bypass the hypothetical light-speed barrier; the universal speed limit which physics suggests cannot be passed without reaching infinite mass, by bending Space-time into portals called ‘worm-holes’ which allow astronomical distances to be crossed in mere seconds without having to move much at all, let alone quickly)

Advertisement Parodies:


2007-2008 articles are here.


Comic Strips:

News Stories:

Sarcophagi of Crystal in Africa:  ancient coffins found underground in this continent show a method of meditation, healing, and preservation far more advanced than what was found in the Egyptian pyramids on the surface

Poking Fun at Fake News:

Wikipedia is another great source of fake ‘facts’ and fake ‘news’.  Countless major events occurred this time of year… which never got posted to that website –or mentioned by any of the other sources of ‘facts’ and ‘news’.  Why was so much being so uniformly filtered out?

Stick-figure Comics:

Meme Faves:

Military Memes:
