Note from the Editor:

More minimum-wage is what I got to enjoy this year; I left the minimum-wage work of being a war-fighter… for the minimum-wage work of a country somehow letting itself keep all its workers below the poverty line –even though it paraded itself around as the only superpower.  If your people are poor and struggling, and if you have a homeless issue, or anything of the sort, you aren’t a superpower; you are just delusional and temporarily over-sized.  America will always be known by its people as the land of the poor, not “free”, kept on the verge of bankruptcy by the cops it rightfully calls pigs, who zero-in like starving whores in heat, on what little is left of their income and savings after secession-inspiring taxes, doing all they can to cowardly meet their ticket quotas when “the man” comes calling.

Let me be more specific; having proven myself after years in some of the finest educational and military programs, not to mention hundreds of combat missions on multiple deployments, and by teaching hundreds of different classes to tens of thousands of professional troops and other personnel, how was I rewarded?  Did the jobs, pay, and benefits offered to me once I honorably completed that voluntary enlistment contract reflect my skills, experience, and character?  No; I had to fight like everyone else just for the scraps being passed off as employment and careers, and it started with working a dead-end entry-level job at a gym, followed by one as a chauffeur, followed by one being treated like dirt by racist supervisors at a bloated telecommunications office.

Sure, this kept me humble, on my toes, and always researching ways to improve my situation, but it was hell the whole time.  I wasn’t able to support myself, no matter how many hours I worked, or how tight I was with my spending.  I didn’t have much time at all to socialize or lead a normal life, let alone deal with the return of police brutality, corrupt courts, and worse.

Since minimum-wage was all I got in thanks for risking my life for my country, and living by the absolute highest standards imaginable, I soon faced the sobering reality that things were not what I’d been told, growing up.  They weren’t going to get better, either.  Even if I somehow survived life in that income bracket, I would forever be treated like a worthless slave.  I had to break free… but, with almost no resources of any kind, how?  I would have to, for now, resort to a personal secession… and a war of ideas; of words; through MKM.

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Vocab of the Day:

  • cum dumpster: a girl who accepts cum from anyone, often in orgies

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2007-2008 articles are here.


Comic Strips:

News Stories:

Sphere-beings Alliance:  an ancient collective of often planet-sized people regulating many solar systems

Poking Fun at Fake News:

The economy was said to be on the verge of crashing again this year.  Don’t even get me started on how the economy itself is fake.  Any time “news” is pushed about how that fake economy is doing… it’s with the intent of steering the majority of those participating in it to either buy or sell, based on whatever ‘black’ programs and projects are likely to benefit from such shifts.

Banks want more money than they are getting from those printing it, and from all their unethical interest-based schemes?  Initiate a ‘collapse’ of the financial sector so bad… that only a ‘bank bailout’ (dramatically increasing their funding streams from surgically-panicked people) will ‘save’ them all.  When the only other option is to find other ways of hiding and protecting your money, wouldn’t you buy into such a ‘bailout’?  …to keep on financial life-support… the very institutions that are keeping 99% of the population on the verge of finances-based collapse.

So many people watched as the value of the dollar went down, while the demand on what dollars they were able to make… kept going up.  The economic/financial collapses and crises were caused by the system itself, and those in charge of it, not by any mis-spending or credit-card debt on the part of the working-class.  People used what was made available to them, and pursued normal enhancements to their shitty lives, which anyone could be expected to do; they were operating normally within the abnormal modern-financial system.  The economy itself had to change… but wouldn’t until long after this coming engineered-collapse.


Meme Faves:

Military Memes:
