Note from the Editor:
Newport News is the weird name of the town just up the highway, and on the other side of the bay, from Norfolk, Virginia. I’d moved into an apartment in Norfolk, as that was very close to where the latest bitch’s ship was parked (anchored & moored). They decided to move it across the bay to work on it some more, and that meant a dramatically-longer twice-daily commute, as I was the one dropping her off and picking her up. Fuck.
This was another opportunity to see more of Virginia I never had, and to see a shipyard and dry-dock. It also opened me up to some historical colonial areas, such as Jamestown. I appreciated these things, and of course the surprising number of young attractive girls stuck in rush-hour on the same highway I was now commuting out over the ocean on, many of them honking, waving, and rolling their windows down to get my attention. (Having a jacked-up Jeep with a Marine Corps bumper-sticker will do that for you.)
The shipyard town was as shitty and polluted as any industrial wasteland or inner-city slum can be, but at least it was big, new, and full of more adventures. It was hell on my gas, my vehicle having the mileage of a refrigerator box strapped down to a trailer going uphill in low-gear against the wind. I tried not to think about that, instead focusing on the unlikeliness of the whole situation, and all the sights and other experiences I was getting every single day; the journeys started to become worth it, resulting in even more networking, evolving, and flirtation, restoring my confidence and interest in the fairer sex.
I would never go back to Newport News, but I will certainly be accepting its hotties when they find me again, so long as they come to where I am, such as Inisfree. I would never build and refit ships the way they do, as it turns the once-pure water black and lethal, but I am surely going to build ships on that scale in the nature-loving way, and as soon as possible. I would never hook up with a girl in the Navy again, but I will definitely have a Navy and girls all my own.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- H.A.N.: Human Area Network, coined from terms such as Local Area Network and Wide Area Network, this is a data transferring network through the medium of the epidermis, making very discrete and ultra-short-range transmissions possible, such as for file sharing, through contact such as handshakes, allowing Inisfreeans to send and receive sensitive materials, such as top secret or even S.C.I. documents, schematics, and computer programs, with their human and humanoid allies without having to allow partial access to, or even awareness of, the I.N.N. to any of those entities
Advertisement Parodies:
2009-2010 articles are here.
Comic Strips:
News Stories:
Photonics Replacing Electronics: why Li-Fi has started outperforming Wi-Fi, and the other light-based technologies being developed and marketed in place of traditional electronic counterparts
Face App:
Poking Fun at Fake News:
Still more fake news, always negative, always distracting us from the real and underlying issues. At that link, you’ll find the standard wave of negativity, each story about a resignation, loss, defeat, suing, censuring, and worse. It isn’t an ongoing attack on, or campaign against, religion or those who ‘make it to the top’; it is just childish gossip, unfounded, unconfirmed, and relentless, all to get people fired up in all the wrong ways, all to make a quick buck.
Let’s get something straight; it doesn’t matter if any of those stories have a shred of truth in them, for they aren’t anyone else’s business, so they shouldn’t have been told, let alone broadcast across the nation and around the world. They also don’t matter because, though they involve famous and influential people, they aren’t really about anything new or unprecedented, so they aren’t truly news. News should be confirmed first-hand, it should help people learn and live together better, and should never invade the privacy of strangers whose stories being told won’t help anyone in any way.
If you spread fake news, you are a criminal, and you are wrong, deserving of an untimely end. If you allow your organization to launch what are effectively smear-campaigns, against people you have never met or even known, you are committing slander and character assassination, both of which are unethical and illegal. Everyone already knows the system based on endless competition and profits at any expense is completely unacceptable and overdue for a replacement, and we don’t need your help being reminded.
Meme Faves:
Mat’s Best: