Note from the Editor:

Four police suburbans pulled up alongside me one night after that corrupt court incident.  What was I doing to illicit such an overwhelming response?  I was walking on a lit sidewalk, at a normal hour of the evening, in normal clothes, with no weapons, after doing my homework right down the street, in a nice neighborhood, without a single other person around to even interact with, much less estrange enough to have them call the cops on me.  Welcome to Nazi control-freak Texas.

I could understand maybe one squad-car pulling up to chat with me, but not a cop stopping to get out and ask for my ID, I having committed no crime.  I can’t understand a suburban full of police and weapons, and three more just like it, and them standing in a circle around me, keeping their spotlights on me, when I was clearly peaceful and defenseless.  I can’t understand the cop clearly enjoying lying to me, making up “a report they’d received about someone throwing rocks”.

What happened was another attempt to scare a good person, to stir up negative emotions (which they feed on and apparently need), to ruin a nice stroll (just because they can; because they are bullies and demons at heart), and to show dominance and the ability to abuse any and all powers.  What happened was what we, in the military, call “a show of force”.  The local corrupt cops wanted me to know that it was their city, they didn’t like me being there even when I was minding my own business and just walking before bedtime, and I’d better leave as soon as I could.  It was the Deep South bullshit tactic I’d grown up being subjected to every time I went anywhere and did anything.

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Vocab of the Day:

  • omni-calendar: the calendar the Governor of Inisfree made to include all the compatible holidays, festivals, and other major events of the 196 nations of 21st-century Earth with those of the Elves, Goreans, Asari, and several other major groups, giving the Inisfreean people an easy, global, cultures reference point and travel planning aid, as well as a clear foundation for the pace and purpose of Inisfree’s years, along with a simple method for relating the 28-day Inisfreean-month and 13-month Inisfreean-year to other calendars such as the human ones

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2011-2012 articles are here.


Comic Strips:

News Stories:

Montauk:  another storied project whose setting was just outside New York

Poking Fun at Fake News:

Another good concept: Who is fact-checking the fact-checkers?  Really, I propose we ask ourselves, what is the point in having fact-checkers at all, since they are just humans full of biases and poor critical thinking skills, just like anyone else?  How can you even check facts at all, given how easy it is to falsify “evidence”?

It all boils down to trusting one source or another, i.e. trusting strangers, no matter where you are getting your “information”.  I say trust only yourself, if even that.  I say do all your own fact-checking, relying on none but yourself for this.

Meme Faves:

Great Shit from Army Ranger Mat Best:

