Note from the Editor:
Another ‘brother’ rogers up; I got a message from one of the guys I’d served and instructed with, and he wanted to catch up and show me his state. Like I always do, I received him well, arranged the next trip, flew out to see him, and started touring his part of Montana. It was the standard sure-sign it was the right time to get the hell back out of retard control-freak chronic-liars Texas.
Before I even got off the plane, I could see the mountains in his state were amazing; they were beautiful, snow-crowned, and everywhere. When the door opened, the perfectly-clean air hit me, and I was in love. This was the opposite effect I’d lived through when moving from the forests of Virginia to the hyper-polluted urban-sprawl of Texas. I stepped off and out of that plane with the greatest of feelings in my nose, lungs, feet, and hands; I was where I would call home… for a number of years to come.
I was learning that when a war-brother rogers up, you not only respond… but go. When people make contact with me, even if it seems normal or trivial at first, you explore the options with that, and you dare to do more. The men I served with didn’t have everything figured out, and some were just as foolish and immature as the religious fanatics I’d struggled to escape and avoid, but they were still determined to be decent and useful, and to keep in touch, caught up on news and ‘old times’.
Again, accepting contact restored with him… led to more adventures and great material for MKM; we drove out and hiked up so many picturesque places, and the people he introduced me to had absolutely hilarious jokes. I probably spent half of all our time together trying to write or type it all down. Thanks to them for that, and thanks to me; together, we started another full season of this magazine, and its comedy kept getting me by, helping the offensive past to finally fade.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- P.B.-P.K.: PaintBall ParKour; a sport invented by the Governor of Inisfree, combining the paintball shooting game with Le Parkour for a more fluid version of both, as well as a more fluid version of urban warfare training
Advertisement Parodies:
2011-2012 articles are here.
Comic Strips:
News Stories:
Mercury-based Plasma Engines: details on one relatively simple way to very precisely overcome gravity and other forces
Poking Fun at Fake News:
Another article about fake news ‘going viral’: click this, fuck face.
And what was the fakest news that went viral the most? Religion; religious people (religion creators, and religion promoters) went around telling everyone that they could do whatever they wanted, no matter how bad, and have it be magically forgiven by an imaginary friend, so long as they gave a lot of money on a regular basis to the people telling them that (i.e. going to church, tithing, etc.). Naturally, all the lazy people wanting excuses to keep living bad lives, jumped on this, spreading it far and wide, hoping, if everyone started believing or even just wondering about it, it would help keep them off the hook –not rightfully attacked and killed, purged from the communities this thinking of theirs was plaguing.
“News” (anything) seems to spread proportionately to how fake it is –and how convenient it is to repeat and believe.
Meme Faves:
Great Shit from Army Ranger Mat Best: