Note from the Editor:
More alcoholism –not mine; I was just dealing with it …again (the first time being in my childhood; most of my relatives were alcoholics, and then there was that first ‘wife’, if you can even call her that). The second ‘wife’ (psycho whore) was alcoholic even worse. So were all her friends. So were most of the people I kept meeting. What the hell was going on?
What I still don’t fully understand… is how the stinky substance never appealed to me… when I grew up all around it, EVERYONE doing it, everyone ABUSING it. Also, why did they keep pressuring me to do it WITH them? Why was it such a big deal?
Alcohol doesn’t taste good, it doesn’t smell good, it doesn’t make you feel good, it doesn’t get you with the kind of girls you really want, it prevents you from driving well, which means you are losing your freedoms every time you consume it, risking those freedoms for the rest of your life. In spite of all that, millions, if not billions, of people still do it. How in the world…
I suppose it was just to show me a never-ending string of unforgettable examples why it was as wrong as I’d always sensed and thought it is. Well, I certainly have those now. If I hadn’t dealt with it enough during childhood and the military, I’d certainly had more than my fill during these last few years when I allowed myself to end up in places where it was consumed and served.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- ley-line: a planet’s, moon’s, or star’s equivalent of energy meridians, though also sometimes used to indicate a sequence of places which have both geological and historical interest, such as linear formations of ruins and monuments spanning great distances over continents (some humans attempted to build cities on ley-lines in hopes of enjoying their positive effects; the same concept behind bathing in hot springs before medical research determined its actual effects)
Advertisement Parodies:
2011-2012 articles are here.
Comic Strips:
News Stories:
Non-invasive Microwave-based Surgery Applied to Bunker-busting: the same technology that was used in early radar and later to cook food… has since been successfully modified for the medical and military industries
Poking Fun at Fake News:
Try just Googling “fake news” or “news lies” for this or any other given year, example here.
You’ll find ENDLESS sites all claiming to have confirmed or refuted different things; you’ll find that NO ONE can agree on what is fake news and what isn’t, and this is largely for two main reasons; 1) no one witnesses 99% of what is reported, so no one can ever really know or confirm anything, and 2) no one has ever honed their ability to reach out and sense what the truth is, so all they can do is make an assumption (which is not a conclusion or determination) based on their bias and random emotional surges at the time.
What does sheer logic tell us about this? If everyone is disagreeing on everything, and no one is confirming ANYTHING (since no one was present, and even the few who WERE present can easily be fooled), ALL news is fake, on ALL of these sites; like modern ‘science’, it is all a ‘best guess’ (or more like a most-emotional HOPE, not EVEN a guess).
Meme Faves:
Great Shit from Army Ranger Mat Best: