Note from the Editor:

Fake goddesses are annoying as hell.  Picture people who are out of shape, have no powers, and ignore your words AND body language, intent on basically raping you however they can.  That is not a goddess.  Those are not goddesses.  Those are scum.

No goddesses were ever mentioned, let alone claimed and met, when I was growing up; no one even believed in them.  Then retards pretending to be goddesses started showing up, and that was, in my opinion, equally as lame and bad.  I hate pretenders, especially creepy ones telling boldfaced lies, disrespecting names of people who’d actually achieved deity levels in respectable Ages past.

Hey, at least it was a start, right?  I suppose.  It just better be my will making things flicker on in the right way, with HEAVY improvements to come, and NO more of those posers in the future.

Next?  The real goddesses, worthy of that status, finally show up.  A handful already have, daring to make brief appearances, not yet ready to fully admit what they are to me, though it is plain to sense and see.

Want a few more specifics?  I’ve met dumbasses claiming to be reincarnated Egyptian goddesses, reincarnated Norse goddesses, even reincarnated proto-human giant/Titan goddesses.  It seems people like to make wild exaggerations up that ensure everyone knows they are full-retard.  I can see why most prayers get ignored; all the real deities must have surely put up a firewall to block out all the goddamn human misappropriations of their names, locations, and natures.

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Vocab of the Day:

  • SIPRNet: Secret Internet Protocol Router Network; a system of interconnected computer networks used by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of State to transmit classified information (up to and including information classified SECRET) by packet switching over the TCP/IP protocols in a ‘completely secure’ environment; the DoD’s classified version of the civilian Internet

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News Stories:

Guelb er Richat Link:  ‘the eye of the Sahara’ or ‘Richat Structure’ was once a concentric-harbors city of the Atlantis empire, and before that it was where the Earth was attached to the Worlds Tree

Poking Fun at Fake News:

Want endless fake medical news? Check the WHO.

How is it that something called the World Health Organization… constantly promotes primitive, outdated, obsolete, barbaric practices… and that it hasn’t succeeded in stopping any diseases? It only treats their symptoms, reacting to things instead of being truly and fully PRO-active, and, at best, just isolates samples of things it never cured… in facilities guarded… which keep those disease-starting microbes ALIVE?

Also, the WHO never addresses the issue of world-health; it focuses on the health of PEOPLE, NOT the world.  It doesn’t operate in all countries.  It doesn’t see the planet as being alive itself, and not in a state of health.  It misses the most elemental concepts.

And here’s another topic it will NEVER touch:  The only way to truly have world health, is to stop keeping weak people alive; let the weak ones pass, keeping the gene pool strong, and our resources better allocated.  Teach the strong people how to keep themselves healthy, without ever getting sick, which IS possible, and DOES happen.  This and only this will lead to world health, and the logic of having something called the World Health Organization.

There is no health when weak people are focused on, allowed to stay weak, and allowed to create MORE weak people.  There is no world health when the world is the most polluted it has ever been.
There is no real news coming from the WHO if it isn’t addressing these issues, and doing the right thing.  It is masquerading as what its name was engineered to trick people into thinking/assuming about it.

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