Note from the Editor:

For those of you, like me at this time, that don’t have a vast rich-fuck network of people wanting to hire you just because they know you, or just because you had a ton of money and attended the same rich-fuck school they did, it is a full-time job applying to jobs.  I tested off the charts throughout school, I voluntarily served my country and was honorably discharged after hundreds of successful missions, I went back to school and got multiple degrees and certifications, I traveled the world and was honest about who I am, I took care of people and was supposed to’ve had good karma.  I was more than a little upset when I realized no one gave a shit when it came time to pay me, or to even let me do work remotely related to all the things I proved I’m outstanding at.

Picture yourself graduating with an impressive degree, after years of extra study beyond what 99% of humanity ever does, and then you have to fill out applications and reword your already-perfect resume a hundred times, and you spend ALL FUCKING DAY EVERY DAY EVERY WEEK fucking doing that over and over and over for MONTHS.  You get two interviews, and they don’t choose you.  You expand your job-hunt area to the ENTIRE PLANET, and still nothing.  Then you even stoop so low as to trying fields that aren’t fully related to your degree, work history, or passion.  Still nothing.

I ended up taking whatever dead-end low-paying teenager-packed minimum-wage restaurant-bitch jobs that were in driving distance.  I’d end up washing dishes, making fucking doughnuts, of all things (as a fucking vegan!  WTF!), and even cooking for a strip club –that I had to ride my bicycle to –12 miles out of town through farmland in stormy weather and at night with highway traffic passing within inches.  Yeah.  Shit was tough.

The only things that make me feel kind of okay about this, are that it kept me in shape, showed me mountain scenery most will never see, gave me much-needed alone-time, diversified my skill sets and portfolio, and kept putting me around hordes of slutty young women, such as all the other high schoolers and college girls who were struggling, too.  That, and I learned from news reports that others with Master’s degrees and PhD’s had been shafted and left in illegally-enforced inflation-exaggerated ‘debt’ (none of our fault, thanks to this bullshit system), too.  One Master’s holder reduced to working as a cashier at Pei Wei put it best; “Eight dollars an hour is better than no dollars an hour.”  Fuck.

Welcome to America.

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Vocab of the Day:

  • rainbow cannon: a nickname for the type of versatile laser gun emplacements built into Inisfree’s perimeter wall and the vambraces of all Inisfreean S.T. suits; named because of its ability to fire all colors of lasers, as well as a great variety of other projectiles and laser-like beams (such as masers)

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2013-2014 articles are here.


Comic Strips:

News Stories:

Ley-lines & Double Tetrahedrons (Stellated Octahedrons):  natural linear spans of stored and active energy similar to tectonic-plate lines in some ways, and why they are where they are

Poking Fun at Fake News:

When you see most of the Internet links being to sites speaking out against ONE news source, even when that news source is DEFINITELY fake, it is still mis-direction and a warning-sign; it is a distraction from the reality that ALL the sites have fake news they never bothered to check in person.  Why else single out one news source instead of point out all their flaws, and the flaw in the underlying logic they all operate on?  As bad as that one news source may be or is, it still doesn’t make sense to focus on just their/its issues/crimes/lies.

Meme Faves:

Mat Best’s:

