Note from the Editor:

Now that I had a job, my elf-friend having been reasonable with his rent rate request, I was no longer job-hunting (it proved useless, anyway, so why bother?), but apartment-hopping.  Anyone who had an apartment or room posted on Craigslist (or wherever), I went to check it out.  Anyone who came by and mentioned such a space, I talked with them about it, seeing what we could work out.

I moved from the elf’s place to half a dozen others, ending up in a trailer park more than once, a nice house with another cult-member somehow illegally sub-letting it, and eventually a decent place of my own.  I hated it at the time, but it showed me how the vast majority of people were living and enduring, how poorly things were built across America, and how unbelievable the gap between rich and poor has become.  I think it contributed to my interest in having a variety of neighborhoods in my dream-city, each with its own architectural style, but every last one of them built and staffed WELL.

Will I ever apartment-hop again?  I don’t know.  If I end up with a ton of money or power or other means, I might not mind it as much.  Every time I go somewhere or try something, it is much better than the previous time, so… why not?

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Vocab of the Day:

  • Rex 84: (short for ‘Readiness Exercise, 1984) a secret government plan and recurring rehearsal to retrofit F.E.M.A. camps across the United States for the systematic rounding up, isolation, quarantining, and possible extermination of entire populations, such as for a last resort to stop the spread of a pandemic (ex.: Rex 84 was partially implemented by the United States shadow government after the 11 September 2001 incident (not a true attack), with many Wal-Mart Super-centers and similar facilities being clandestinely partially re-purposed, and again after the unexpected nuclear attacks of July 4, 2012, and the Rex 84 II program which it inspired was implemented by the black ops forces of Inisfree during the final season before the Rapture Campaign.)

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2013-2014 articles are here.


Comic Strips:

News Stories:

Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (I.C.C.) Established:  corporations became intercontinental and now have influence and operations beyond even that scale

Poking Fun at Fake News:

Another decent point being made; because of how quickly the big news agencies try to get their news out, mistakes are ALWAYS made, and that makes ALL their stories at least partially fake.  Don’t want fake news?  Don’t rush it.

Oh, your competitor is somehow “looking better” because they are getting the stories out a little faster than you?  Horse shit; all they are doing is looking hasty, and the masses never notice split-second differences in output, so stop making that one of the metrics you base your operations around.

Meme Faves:

Mat Best’s:

