Note from the Editor:

Natives, Blood-elves, Fairies, and a perfected Rain Ocampo were all there to meet me in the Grand Canyon.  It was amazing enough that I was getting to go into that legendary place without any way to finance it myself.  I never dreamed it would be so full of beautiful beings literally coming out of nowhere at every bank and turn just to say ‘hi’ and wave to me.

Their greetings and vibes were unmistakable; it was for me.  This was beyond the whole “there are no coincidences” mentality; when that many just-for-you occurrences happen, lined up, back to back, it is well within the threshold of what it takes to be classified as a miracle; definitely meant to be.  It felt like all those I’d been calling out to… somehow felt that one canyon was safe and remote enough to finally honor my requests.

In Phase 1, they’d been unknown to me.  In Phase 2, they’d started showing up in books, games, and shows.  Now, they were appearing in the flesh right in front of me, standing there and sometimes happily greeting me, giving off the unmistakable vibe that they were wanting and waiting for more.  They would soon return, the next time being when my health was fully restored, and none of the lame beings were around anymore to sour our interactions.

Part of me wants to call out to them again, now knowing they can hear me, and that they respond, even when I am not at my best.  That part wants to apologize to them, and explain myself, pointing out what a poor state of health and mood I was in, some days very sick and exhausted, barely holding on, wondering if I’d survive that passage through the deepest and longest river-lined canyon on Earth.  Then there’s the growing part of me that knows they already, and they’ll be back; they, too, wanted to say and do more, and probably didn’t feel their best, so we understand each other, and understand that this was just the tiny first meeting that always leads to infinitely-better more.

When they come back to me, in other places, and when we team up to go through that same canyon as one, no longer just meeting or spotting or hearing each other there, it will be a true paradise for us all, and we’ll bond even better than the fellow veterans and I did on those rafts we used this time.  This will lead to us realizing all we’d hoped for in each other.  It will also lead to them showing me their hidden realms, I helping with them, and they then helping me by working alongside me as we, as one, build and enjoy Inisfree.

Actual Advertisements:

Vocab of the Day:

  • weaponized Tai Chi: a martial arts style designed to trigger sequences of reflexes in opponents that sprain or otherwise hurt and disable them, with the advanced form of this martial art including ways to channel and focus qi in order to knock opponents away (like the Jedi Wind technique) (*Note: All Inisfreeans learn this martial art during their regular schooling at L.H.S..)

Advertisement Parodies:


2015-2016 articles are here.


Comic Strips:

News Stories:

Cryogenic Stasis Achieved:  flash-freezing for preservation has enjoyed a new breakthrough

Face App:

Poking Fun at Fake News:

Religions are the best examples of fake news; every single person in them… is repeating claims of events none of even their ancestors witnessed, and claiming to sense things none of them are sensing, and claiming to have privileged and esoteric knowledge of other dimensions, such as those called Heaven and Hell, and they use words they don’t even know the definitions of, such as “good”, “sin”, “holy”, and “news”.  Each religious book, such as the Bible and Qur’an, is one big issue of fake news, and can be said to be a collection of fake news; just trace the text back to who edited it… then who wrote it… and how long they lived after the events they themselves were only recording second-hand hearsay about.  Any book or other recording, or article online, or news footage on TV, about any event in the past, that the reporters weren’t there to confirm, and you weren’t there to witness, is an interpretation, passed through many filters, thus fake news.

Meme Faves:

Mat Best’s:


Change Those Faces: