Note from the Editor:
I had yet another druggie boss right before I departed to return to the south coast. Would you believe a guy in charge of a construction crew –and his own company– regularly took a controlled substance while on job sites in front of other contractors? Would you believe he even rammed one of the cabins we were building with a giant tree-sized log held up by a fucking crane?
I’d worked with drug-abusers before. I and everyone else I knew had tried drugs, too. I’d even driven clients around who’d chatted openly about their hard-drug use during wilder times in their not-too-distant pasts. Drugs were apparently normal and universal.
Normally, I just let it go, such as at parties were you are pretty much guaranteed to see people dealing, doing, and overdosing. It was different when money and safety were on the line. It was a LOT different when the users got attitudes at those of us who were actually remembering things for them, putting up with a TON of bullshit, and doing our jobs WELL.
There was no way I could stomach or condone a BOSS doing that crap. I wrote a long, thorough, ‘nasty’ letter ‘lighting him up’, copied it to everyone else on the team, and cut contact. The turd blew up my phone with a wave of messages I deleted without reading or listening to. That guy was just a stubborn prick and bully to the bitter end.
I hope he got better, and didn’t break anymore goddamn houses with his inability to operate something as simple as a crane. I hope no one else had to deal with his attitude, overreactions, and outbursts. There is a good chance he froze to death out there, though. Either way, never again.
You’ll see a lot of construction and warehouse memes in MKM issues, largely thanks to this.
Actual Advertisements:
Vocab of the Day:
- V.R.II: Violent Rebirth 2; the all-Inisfreean music/rock band inspired by its all-human namesake, VRII’s concerts and smaller performances happening all across the Inisfreean realm; VRII plays songs and entire shows in several of Inisfree’s 50 night/dance-clubs, atop the special firetruck retrofitted for mobile concerts, on the stage of Inisfree’s Coliseum Amphitheater, in the Auz-dome, and even aboard deployed Inisfreean Spaceships, with the Governor of Inisfree himself sometimes performing as the band’s lead singer –just as he did as one of the founding members of the original all-human band
Advertisement Parodies:
2015-2016 articles are here.
Comic Strips:
News Stories:
France Pyramid: the one spotted right beside a normal highway, and likely partially dismantled for free building materials
Face App:
Poking Fun at Fake News:
Facebook claiming it is fighting fake news is fake news. Facebook is based on code; lines of script in a programming language… typed by people who are paid and biased, and educated only in typing that code, not in critical thinking or being ethical, for example. The code they have created automatically blocks things they don’t emotionally approve of, and things their investors or financiers don’t emotionally approve of, which are based on how they are trying to compete and make money,
not on facts or reality or fairness.
They call real news fake… when it doesn’t promote what is providing their paychecks.
A LOT of real news and real science has been blocked by their “fake news filter”.
Anyone can “report” something as “fake”, and this is just a tactic to delay its spread.
Facebook’s approach actually maintains the spread of fake news from all the richest sources, as those are the only ones being claimed by large and wealthy groups as being legitimate in terms of the ‘science’ backing them and the educations (brainwashing) of their contributors. Imagine how quickly Facebook would be shut down if it actually blocked all the news (which is all fake) coming from political campaigns, Fortune 500 companies, military recruiters, and so on. Facebook’s “success” has created the irony that it is now a prisoner to all those collectives, and this is driving away millions who once enjoyed using it, which means it has now, at least partially, failed.
Meme Faves:
Mat Best’s: