Note from the Editor:

Wouldn’t you know it, I had some more Texas hell coming up!  Having crossed the entire country again, and with no way of affording any other big ‘jumps’ (long drives or flights), all I could do was cross the border in the state that had illegally mistreated me all the days I had been in it.  Resorting to it when I’d realized I couldn’t make a career out of military service had been excruciating enough, but twice?

I found another room to rent, took up more low-paying odd-jobs, and again made-do.  I worked on this magazine and all the rest of my designs and projects whenever I had time.  I was careful to avoid all the places I’d encountered the people who had abused and attacked me the most.

Somehow, I ended up saving up more money than ever before, and even managed to extract some from the worst beings of all.  Things were definitely shaping up in the most unexpected of ways, if the darkest creatures were now being reduced to fund me.  I would have never thought it possible in a million years that I’d 1) see those creeps again, much less 2) get a single penny out of them.

Leaving Texas with enough in the bank to do pretty much whatever I wanted, but not enough to start a home or business, or make it to Antarctica the way I knew I was meant to, I started traveling to orient to more places around the world, seeing where I might like to live and do business next.  I also took a healthy amount of time off between new jobs, which allowed everything you see here to finally make it from my computer memories to online.  I guess it’s no coincidence I got exactly the amount I needed to complete and present all this to you, making my intentions known to the whole wide world once and for all, and not enough to launch any startups or other ventures that would have distracted me from this life’s work… and been fed on by the tax-creating parasites pretending to have worthy authority.

Only because of how the exact amount I’d earned made all that work out, keeping me on the straight and narrow, I am, more or less, glad.

Actual Advertisements:

Vocab of the Day:

  • W.G.I.: War God Industries; the inter-galactic and inter-dimensional umbrella/super-corporation based out of Inisfree and created by the city’s founder

Advertisement Parodies:


2015-2016 articles are here.


Comic Strips:

News Stories:

Dulce Incident:  one of the few-known firefights within one of the hundreds of known underground bases

Face App:

Poking Fun at Fake News:

Imagine how many people, who have never been taught to think critically, fact-check, or test things for themselves, are DAILY and HOURLY and CONSTANTLY influenced and manipulated and PROGRAMMED by the fake news… which is now endless and everywhere.  There are billions of people out there, and even those in isolated villages beyond the reach of any cell towers or Wi-Fi signals… are subject to the effects of fake news.

Meme Faves:

Mat Best’s:

