My childhood memory of this place is of a single-canopy wilderness with storybook old cabins and shoppes full of sweets.


Table of Contents:

  1. Phase 1
  2. Phase 2
  3. Phase 3
  4. Childhood Visit
  5. Treats Discovered
  6. New


Phase 1:

I went here very early during Phase 1 of this life; the allegedly biological immediate relatives I was enduring back then took me along for a big ‘family’ ‘vacation’ in the Ozarks.  It was a relatively interesting trip, though all I really remember fondly were the first chocolate-covered pretzels I’d ever tried.  I’ve been hooked on them ever since.  (And maybe I’ll tell you the story about how the house we rented was on such a bad foundation that its tilt caused me to roll and fall out of the bed in my sleep, as well as have to stand at an odd angle to carefully use the toilet.)


Phase 2:

Phase 2 brought me back down through this state from a completely different direction, and I got to go alone; MUCH more enjoyable, even with the horrible non-highways factored in.  I got to orient to the entire middle of this state from top to bottom, rather than just one old hotel about to fall off its supports in the corner where my family had driven in all those years before.  I even saw one or two hot country Barbies walking by when I stopped for gas and other supplies.


Phase 3:

Phase 3 will be all the best from this state, with none of the annoyingly winding and under-maintained roadways; I’ll fly in and out, staying with the hottest women here, and bypassing all the rest.  This might mean going through its biggest college, and ending up in the cavern systems where peaceful blue-skinned descendants of Noah are rumored to live.  Who knows?  We’ll see.


Childhood Visit:

Treats Discovered:


many more TBA