Did you know that many, if not all, of the pyramids are connected?


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Alaska
  3. Antarctica
  4. Arizona
  5. Atlantic
  6. Australia
  7. Bosnia
  8. Canada
  9. China
  10. Cydonia
  11. Egypt
  12. El Salvador
  13. France
  14. Germany
  15. Greece
  16. Guatemala
  17. Honduras
  18. Indonesia
  19. Iran
  20. Iraq
  21. Japan
  22. Mexico
  23. Peru
  24. Sudan
  25. United Arab Emirates
  26. Miscellaneous



These were only barely heard of during Phase 1, and my first trip to them is likely during this; Phase 2.  There will be at least 3 trips down into and through them; the first will be just to see what their entrances and foyer-equivalents are like.  The 2nd?  To go much deeper, but certainly not all the way –and I’ll likely meet some of the people from the civilizations that exist down there.  Whether or not I’ll complete the trek from surface to hollow core through one of these tunnel networks during my 3rd visit down into them remains to be forecast.

Most of us have probably heard, or guessed, that there are tunnels in and beneath the pyramids.  Why wouldn’t there be?  They aren’t just piles of blocks.

What most probably haven’t heard or guessed, however, is that those tunnels aren’t just for each pyramid they start (or end) in; some stretch on for miles.  Some… for thousands of miles.  The pyramids… are connected.

It is not yet certain whether all pyramids are connected in this way.  Some sites may be in such severely-eroded states of ruin that, if they ever had tunnels connecting them, we might never be able to tell; earthquakes and other major events happen, causing cave-ins, for example.  Sometimes construction overhead causes it.  Sometimes there are demolitions; some organizations knowingly (and literally, in this case) cover up the past.

Many tunnels were found flooded… and then this made some researchers consider that they weren’t really seeing accidental flooding, but pure water moved either from deep within the earth… or to it; water was being utilized in the deep cores of some pyramids, perhaps for alchemical or hydroelectric purposes.  Had they tapped into the now-petrified giant roots of the World Trees?  Were they trying to use the ley-lines or help stabilize them in some way?  We’ll have to study and test more of the global pyramid tunnels network to find out… or until one of the ancients who knows the answers to those questions senses it is time to introduce herself and make them known to me.

In the near future, the Inisfreeans I make, working in partnership with other worthy beings, will help map all of the tunnels in this network between the pyramids.  They’ll also see if they connect to the other underground sites, whether they are in ruins or not.  Even more, they’ll help restore them all, getting the whole system back online.

Due to tectonic plates/drift, some of the tunnels of this/these network/s may have shifted out of alignment.  Once the means to shift their landmasses back the way they were become known to the Inisfreeans, they will surely put them to good use.  Perhaps all it takes to reactivate this/these network/s… is that gradual realignment… and a few notes/songs.

My question in 2022:  How many separate networks of these tunnels are there, or are they all, at least at some deep level, all (connected) as one?



Denali pyramid tunnel images TBA…


Images of the tunnels of the (at least) three known pyramids of this continent TBA…  It is possible they connect to the “seven plastic cities”, “rainbow city”, and the cavity in which Base 211 started and became New Berlin.


Grand Canyon pyramid tunnel images TBA…


Images of at least two crystal-based (not stone-based) pyramids on the ocean floor near the Bahamas (on the edge of the Bermuda Triangle) TBA…




Many more TBA…

Footage of exploring some of these pyramid tunnels is here.




Xi’an pyramid tunnel images TBA…


Images of the tunnels of this developed, canal-crossed, and temples-covered region of Mars TBA…  If it is anything like the global pyramid tunnels network on Earth, it will help us 1) reveal other sites perhaps too eroded to spot from satellite, 2) understand if tectonic or other major activity shifted those sites/structures out of alignment, and 3) if the building blocks (pun not intended) are of material not local to each respective site (as is typically the case with the pyramids on Earth).  It may also help us begin to understand why pyramids there are five-side, whereas on Earth they are four-sided.


Many more TBA…

Footage of exploring some of these pyramid tunnels is here.

El Salvador:





















Many more TBA…






United Arab Emirates:



Many more TBA…

Again, not only are there tunnels into the pyramids (and volcanoes), there are also tunnels connecting them.  The deeper one goes in the Earth, the bigger and smoother the tunnels are.  This is because energy-beings made them, not using the kind of all-solid/hard machines modern humans use today; their effects were much more precise and uniform, the tunnels they made… much wider, smoother, and longer-lasting.

Wisdom like this came to me at a distance, time and space having little meaning to those who become fully reconnected and aware/awake.  Imagine how much more will occur to me, and be unlocked and re-stabilized, when I return to the tunnels I’ve started to find and enter, …this time to go fully within.  …Technically, this has already happened; some people, mentally focused/anchored at this ‘modern’/current point in the timeline… simply have yet to realize it, though.

Furthermore, it isn’t just about finding these ancient tunnels that once connected all the pyramids; it’s about choosing where they are, how big they are, what they do, and who (not what) it will take to realign them.

2023 September adds: