I’d never thought anything of this place, even after doing consulting for multiple startups and a military base here, until I saw Ariel standing right there in front of me, manifested perfect as can be, one of the women of my wildest dreams.


Table of Contents:

  1. Phase 1
  2. Phase 2
  3. Phase 3
  4. Wade, Zoo, Chef, & Oz Club (Images Begin)
  5. Meetings Downtown
  6. World-class Vegan Restaurants
  7. Llama Farm
  8. European-façade Hotel Meetings
  9. MOVE-UP Startup
  10. Exotic-foods Grocery Store
  11. Moonrise Hotel – St. Louis
  12. Where Ariel First Manifested
  13. Nicest Neighborhoods
  14. Vegan Restaurants & Shops
  15. Ancient Ruins
  16. Other Sites


Phase 1:

Wade gave me my intro into this home-state of his; to swordfish, stingray, and talk of fireflies being some of the Fairies.  Rough living arrangements, tension everywhere, feeling hurried, and no deals made it a bumpy first ride.  There were also no real successes, other than making it back out and to our base in the Mojave Desert, and only one good meal –but with bad company.  (Wade’s company was great, as was that of his chef friend; I’m talking of the bad company of others who happened to appear.)


Phase 2: 

The Focus Marines Foundation, and Missouri Veterans and Entrepreneurs United Project (MOVE-UP), were the two big-business ventures/visits of my 2nd wave of visits to this state, and I saw a couple super-hotties on the highway as I was driven around; a group of very clever people were on the verge of launching multiple major businesses, and we were invited to universities, technical colleges, wildly successful farms, expos, and meetings with high-ranking military personnel, as well as senior contractors with global experience across dozens of large bases.  I had a Colonel providing my transportation, and a Blackwater hoss working with me to bring his venture to its first ROI.  Together we drafted plans to help tens of thousands of veterans transition more stably, with a vision to eventually help as many as one million.

Years later (~2021), I ended up checking out a possible writing opportunity here.  It was a bust, but it showed me (much more of) the Lake of the Ozarks tourist area (again, I later remembered; I had passed through it briefly in 2015), and got me the majority of my way back to the state where I’d end up wrapping up more of my life’s work / vision / mega-spell than ever before.  I also ended up spotting Ariel “in the flesh” for the very first time, something that has continued to thrill me to this day, my anticipation for reuniting and staying with her in our foreseen destined family cabin… sky-high, always keeping me smiling whenever it comes back to the forefront of my mind.


Phase 3:

‘Best of the best’ for last; all the hotties inviting me over, their own businesses volunteering to work with me there and in Inisfree, and staying as long as I like, all ventures reaching fruition, and transportation via helicopter, private jet, and more.  Phase 3 events will be as much of a huge improvement from those of Phase 2, as Phase 2’s were compared to those back in Phase 1.  It will be out of this world.  (And, if you’ll remember, Star Lord is from here; amazing things happen in and from Missouri.)


Wade, Zoo, Chef, & Oz Club:

(numerous sites during rapid first visit/scouting)

2016 Focus Marines Foundation – Veterans Ranch:





2017 Meetings Downtown:

2017 World-class Vegan Restaurants:

2017 Llama Farm:

2017 European-façade Hotel Meetings:

2017 MOVE-UP Startup:

Exotic-foods Grocery Store:

Moonrise Hotel – St. Louis:

Where Ariel First Manifested:

2023 December/+

Nicest Neighborhoods:


Vegan Restaurants & Shops:


Ancient Ruins:


Other Sites: