I barely managed to keep my cool when so many flawless women happened across my path in so many different spots of this land.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Then
  3. Finally
  4. Bear Lake
  5. Wasatch Range and West
  6. Goth/Industrial Club ‘The Sanctuary’
  7. February at the Mansion Recording Studio:
  8. Babe-scouting in Sandals at Twin Peaks with Hiker Tim
  9. Flying Back to Further Explore Park City
  10. Snowshoeing
  11. Museum
  12. Bobsledding
  13. Sled-hockey
  14. Snowmobiling
  15. Snowboarding
  16. Cave Hot Springs
  17. Videos of the Rock Concert
  18. Videos of the Twin Peaks Hike
  19. Videos of the Park City Veteran Event
  20. Hot Hits with Utah Origins



In Phase 1, I went up here with a war-brother to join his family at Bear Lake.  That place, in case you don’t know, looks at times like a shallow and crystal-clear Caribbean rectangular body of water surrounded by the light-green rolling hills of Idaho or Ireland, surrounded farther still by snow-capped Lord-of-the-Rings-esque mountain ranges.  It is amazing, and I spent a long time trying to figure out ways to either convince the local authorities to let me build there, or to just conquer the whole thing.  It wasn’t all gravy, though; there was a lot of tension during this phase, incompatible locals here and there, near fights, and a hectic overall schedule, with only a return near Death Valley imminent the entire time.  A mosquito also stung my lower eyelid, causing it to swell up for a full day like a damn golf-ball.  It was ridiculous.

Years later, still in the thick of Phase 1, I had to evacuate from California back to this state, and ended up living in a disgusting, noisy, literally-insane hell of a town-house or whatever the hell it was.  It wasn’t long before I gave up on enduring there any longer, and drove through the eastern pass out into the steeper peaks of Colorado, making my way back down to another shitty shelter just about as bad.  Yeah, my options were shit back then.



Phase 2 started off awfully, too, but got rapidly better; I drove solo through the entire state, checking out every single one of its mind-blowing and otherworldly national parks, found smokin’-hot babes on every trail as well as riding floats on hidden lakes atop secret mountaintop communities, and was offered nearly $100,000 in a starting salary plus other benefits, free living arrangements, and a free gym membership.  I ended up spending seasons at a giant mansion in a neighborhood of other mansions and the most expensive cars you can find, in the shadow of an even greater mansion neighborhood high up on the slope of the adjacent mountain range.

When I wasn’t learning to play all the many musical instruments in that place, and enjoying an entire floor all to myself, not to mention the private stone-tile walk-in shower with massaging water-pressure settings, I was hiking up Utah’s Mount Olympus and many other incredible trails and peaks –where still more babes seemed to be waiting.

I replaced my jacked-up off-roading monster Jeep with a brand-new high-tech electric car with tons of features (and it never needs gas, and gets like 500 miles to a single overnight charge, with free charging stations all over the place!), and locked-in the Europe 50 mega-trip across that entire continent.  Holy shit!  Utah really outdid itself.  Props, Utah!  Mad props!



How can Phase 3 be any better?  It’ll be with me spending quality time with all the hot blondes and other babes I’ve seen driving around in this realm from here all the way to Salt Lake and the super-rich Park City; ski-bunny heaven in all directions, with dozens of resorts every which way you turn.  Phase 3 Utah is coming, and I’ll be there, with more connections than ever, even in the heart of this misinterpreted land; so many think it’s all about Mormons, and it really, really isn’t anymore.  A lot of them have become super chill, and are definitely worth my time.  I’ll be sure to be worth theirs.


Bear Lake:

These pictures only capture a small fraction of what this place is; in person, it looks like a clear shallow lake you can walk across, surrounded by rolling hills covered in meadow grass, with a rectangular perimeter horizon of snow-capped mountains right out of Lord of the Rings.  I jumped off the top of a speeding speedboat into this lake.  I highly recommend a visit here.

Wasatch Range and West:

Goth/Industrial Club ‘The Sanctuary’:

February at the Mansion Recording Studio:

This is where I started learning to play the drums, resumed my guitar and piano lessons, and got shown how to use recording studio software to cut and remaster tracks.  So much of this place reminded me of the design elements of Inisfree’s Governor’s Mansion.  It was another great next step.

Babe-scouting in Sandals at Twin Peaks with Hiker Tim:

Flying Back to Further Explore Park City:







Cave Hot Springs:

Videos of the Rock Concert:

Videos of the Twin Peaks Hike:

Videos of the Park City Veteran Event:

Hot Hits with Utah Origins: