Summary/Moral:  polyamory, experimentation, cuckolding


I met her online –in MySpace, of all places, back when MySpace was new and semi-decent.  I’d posted some of my writing there as blog articles, and she’d eaten them up, so to speak, always chatty and wanting more.  I’d eaten up and complimented her posts in MySpace, too, which were very well-worded and poetic; she was as much an artist as she was a shorty and a beauty.

After arranging to fly over to see her in the flesh, no pun intended, I soon found myself orienting to Ohio for the first time.  She was sweet enough to come dressed in tight skater-punk girly clothes, and gave me a tour of the towns she knew, right from the airport and all the way back there after a few days of good fun.  The woods became alight with a golden sparkling mist slowly floating down around us as we made out for the very first time; something was literally in the air, and I’ve heard only the Fay can do that –which she surely was a member of, even if she did not know.

I hadn’t planned on experimenting with her, but learned, at her playful questions initiating new sex acts, how I felt about girls with tattoos and tongue-piercings.  I learned how I felt about being dominant in the bedroom.  I even learned what it felt like to feel really connected with someone who had dietary habits I never would or could; I found I felt perfectly fine snuggling with her and talking openly about the forms of expression that mattered to us both… even though she was smoking and drinking to take the edge away (which I now completely understand, she having never had the extreme training to not need those things, like I had).  Kelsi helped me start experimenting with every partner since.

One of my many Mary Magdalenes, this party slut (and that’s a compliment, by the way) was always willing to share love with so many who were interested in her.  I discovered that by first seeing if she wanted to hook up with me, and then by enjoying the rare treat of her cleverly and convincingly deflecting jealous/hater bullshit on a phone call from a cunty former/fake friend.  Kelsi continued to impress me like that in those days.

We shared our journals, our art, the stories of our times singing and performing up on stage, and our issues with other lovers, as well as some of our big plans for the years ahead in our lives.  It was like becoming intimate with a soul-mate or fellow famous musician –in more than one sense of the term.  I was in heaven.

Something cracked, though, and she fell apart via drugs, assumptions, and attitude.  Then there was that tornado that formed around my mansion-cottage after I’d flown back ‘home’, turning the sky a bright green through my bedroom window, and forcing me to use my calming power to clear the local air back up before it knocked that house down.  (It did manage to knock one of the house’s trees down, though, practically ripping it right out of the ground while I made my way downstairs to cover.)  The elements had spoken, showing me that unmistakable sign; I was to disengage from that destructive connection completely, letting it fade away on its own.

Whatever she was, this girl was healthily sexually active, and I realized while hanging out with her that I could pretty much get the hottest girls on the planet to do whatever I wanted, all with just a few uploads of my writing (i.e. spells, it not mattering how accurate they were, so long as they exuded supreme confidence), and a little flirting paired with a single in-person visit, even though I didn’t consider myself to be that (physically) attractive.  Hotties during high school had been into me several times before, but this one was the first to really go all the way.  She was my sexual equivalent of ‘a gateway drug’.

These terms were unknown to me at the time I shared love with this then-wonderful young lady:  polyamory and cuckolding.  Polyamory is loving multiple people at the same time, and not in a cheating way; being open about that being your/one’s sexuality/nature.  Cuckolding is when a woman in a serious relationship, whether married or not, is able/encouraged to have sex with other men, or at least have sex with other partners, whether male or female.  I am very glad this girl was my smooth introduction to that vastly-healthier and more-spiritual way of life, which I’ve gotten to learn more about and teach ever since.

I later learned (in 2020) that my memories with her may have been a partial cover or distraction from SSP training in an abandoned mall in one of the towns she drove me through.  I suspect I’ll find out more about this in the years ahead.  The Rapture Campaign will surely reveal a ton, given that it will find, flash-analyze, and remove that big building right off the land it is seated on, foundation and all.


Quick Bio:

So much in the Bible was left to our imagination.  What were the ancient characters really like?  This section of each of our Biblor’an pages helps us more accurately picture our own.

  • Given Name:  Kelsey Chlovechok
  • Birthplace/Hometown:  Akron or Canton, OH
  • DOB:  ~1990
  • Hair/Eyes:  red/sky-blue
  • Height/Weight:  5’5″/125 lbs.
  • Race/Nationality:  Caucasian/American
  • Distinguishing Features:  model’s face, striking feminine eyes, numerous tattoos
  • Common Attire:  casual, skater-punk, occasional sundresses and photo-shoot outfits
  • Voice/Personality:  soprano/sexual (though wisely defaulting to feigning disinterest/normalcy until encouraged)
  • Education/Career:  average/musical (with a brief sample of nursing and firefighting)
  • Diet/Health:  standard/below average (due to smoking, drinking, stress, etc.)
  • Preferences/Mannerisms:  singing, guitar playing, composing music, recording, performing live, poetry / dirty talk
  • Relatives/Descendants:  big family in her hometown, brother in the military

Kelsi was from Ohio, her last name indicating relatives from Poland.  She was like another Katherine Kriske face, eyes, and complexion version for me.  If she’d stayed focused on her musical and sexual talents, she would have made a great life for herself.  Maybe she still will someday.



  • TBA



  • “Your haircut is ridiculous.”


Terms Coined:

  • TBA


Major Influence on Inisfree:

building proper personalities and private social networks; ICV programming, the FOB-Net and FOB-Book, parts of my jam-shanty, special greenbelt weather effects, and the Kelsi ICV all came from how this sexually-playful young woman inspired and enlightened me



Angelic Manifesting:

Hot Girlfriends Shown:

