Proverbs:  to give “prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young,” and to make the wise even wiser. The frequent references to “my son(s)” emphasize instructing the young and guiding them in a way of life that yields rewarding results.


Table of Contents:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Proverbs
  3. Memes
  4. Sigils



noun: proverb; plural noun: proverbs
  1. a short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice.

Sigils are also on this page because they, like proverbs, are short ways of expressing truths; proverbs and sigils are a form of shorthand.



In no particular order (other than that in which I remembered them in), here are some of the proverbs you may hear said by someone in Inisfree:

  • There are two distinct sexes/genders for a reason.
  • You get what you deserve, even if it takes a while.
  • Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword; if you choose violence and war, it will come back on you in a way that is too much for you to bear.  (You can kill to defend, and to be proactive against corruption/enemies/monsters/abominations; just don’t make it your whole focus or lifestyle to go around harming and killing things, as such an act always merits/warrants very good reason.)
  • Be like water; adjust to any container/situation, and with such force that nothing can stand in your way.
  • Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you; do unto others how they would have you do unto them; treat people not how you wish to be treated, but how they wish to be treated.
  • Once you have sex with an Inisfreean, sex with anyone else is like trying to fuck a pile of rocks.
  • Marines do it better.
  • Death smiles to all men.  Marines smile back.
  • There are no pacts between lions and men.
  • And, yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest motherfucker in the valley.
  • Tracers work both ways.
  • Before you judge a man, first… walk a mile in his shoes; then… you’ll be a mile away from him, and you’ll have his shoes.
  • It’s lonely at the top, but you get to shit on everyone else.
  • There’s no pussy like new pussy.
  • Spend a penny, make a penny.  Spend a quarter, make a dollar.
  • We are all both students and teachers at the same time.
  • The best… or nothing.  Das beste oder nichts.
  • Three things cannot be hidden long; the Sun, the Moon, and the truth.
  • All things happen in threes.
  • Be not afraid of growing slowly.
  • A bird does not sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song.
  • When you drink the water, remember the spring.
  • All these things I am doing, if you believe in yourself, you will do… and greater.
  • Porn…  The internet is for it.
  • If I want any lip from you, I’ll scrape it off my dick.
  • Can, will, must, and should.
  • Master is owner and girl is owned.
  • A female should wear her owner’s cum like a badge of honor.
  • Tread softly, for you tread on my dreams.
  • There is absolutely no faggotry or niggerdom here.  (Don’t be gay or stupid; be compatible; be worthy.)
  • Work that pussy.
  • Beware the false light; if someone has to say they are ‘a light-worker’, they aren’t.
  • You will know them by their works.
  • Two in the pink, one in the stink.
  • Fuck-start her face.
  • Why buy one when you can get a second for the price of two?
  • There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it… never care for anything else thereafter –except the acquiring and usage of kajirae.
  • What is best in life?  To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.  (Conan paraphrasing Genghis Khan)
  • The assassin’s creed:  For the price you pay me to kill your enemies, for one coin more I will kill you.
  • Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of lambs.
  • You are the company you keep.
  • A man who accepts an ugly wife is not a man.
  • Free men have weapons.  Slaves do not.
  • Never test the limits of a loyal man.
  • Sorry is the land that needs a hero.  Sorrier is the land that, having them, forgets.
  • A friend makes the journey short.
  • Hunger is the best sauce.
  • He who has the gun makes the rules.
  • Might is not right, but might is in charge.
  • The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  • When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.
  • Everyone has a price.
  • Just half a pussy-fart.
  • Let me sing you the song of my people.
  • If I’m standing on it, it is mine.
  • Gear adrift is a gift.
  • Improvise, adapt, overcome.
  • Do or do not; there is no ‘try’.
  • Being an ugly woman is a lot like being a man; you’re gonna have to work.
  • Beauty is always external.  It is character that is internal.  Do not confuse words.  Do not redefine the well-defined.
  • A new fuck-pet each day keeps the bad vibes at bay.
  • Who needs furniture when a woman is nearby?
  • Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove any doubt.
  • This cracker will make me happy for a few moments, but getting shot in the face will keep me from being sad forever.  (Marine dark-humor; we don’t want you to actually get shot or shoot yourself, so don’t be a gaytard like that.)
  • It’s not how many fingers you break; it’s how you manipulate the broken ones.
  • Inexperienced and dangerous is the man who believes the claims of women.
  • Any system which regards men and women as the same, and deserving of the same consideration, is only chaos in masquerade.
  • Your personality in public is your mask.
  • Her pigtails are your handlebars.
  • Kill anyone who even gives you a cross look.
  • How convenient for governments that the people they administer do not think.
  • I built my palace with the stones they threw at me.
  • No fate but that which we make.
  • Doomsday?  Destiny-day.
  • Incest was good enough for the gods and first men, and it is good enough for me.
  • Marriages and exclusive relationships are not recognized in Inisfree.
  • An attractive female covering her good looks with clothing is rude, stupid, and banned.
  • Don’t ask to ride my bike (motorcycle), and I won’t ask to fuck your wife.
  • Sharing is caring.
  • Poly(amory) and free.
  • May the bridges I burn light the way.
  • Your problem is not merely the absence of a beard, but your efforts to smooth and soften yourself –like a woman.
  • I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
  • Give her what she’s afraid to ask for; unleash your woman’s / women’s sexuality.
  • Every attractive female in your life should lust and long for you, and to please and serve you in every way.  If any of them do not, they should not be in your life, for less is to be a frustration, thus a stressor, thus a cause of disease, not an asset.
  • Unattractive women should not exist.
  • Men who are not loyal to you should not exist.
  • Why allow anything to exist which is not aligned with you?
  • A woman unattractive in any way… is a doormat.
  • There is no law but that which we tolerate.
  • Laws are pointless; good people don’t need them, and bad people ignore them.  (Then, of course, bad people also find ways of getting bad laws approved and enforced against those who childishly try to keep obeying the law as a whole.)
  • Why ask questions to which you already know the answers?
  • Dependency makes you submissive and weak.  (Do not depend on foreign oil or anything from other people and lands.)
  • There are no more nations; there have not been for at least a few centuries; there are only black-ops masquerading as nations.
  • Over-complicating things causes stress, which causes disease and other injury; let your medicine be simple; let nature heal you, never people with complex brainwashing (the ‘educations’ of ‘doctors’) or complex facilities (such as human hospitals).

A complete list of the common/famous English proverbs is here.

  • A man who is returning to his city is not to be detained.  (Gorean)
  • All beautiful women belong in a collar and chains.
  • It is good for every woman, from time to time, to find herself in a cage –mostly because she longs for it.
  • Every woman wants to be so desired that she is hunted, captured, owned, trained, bargained for, and bought.
  • Give gifts to a woman?  Why would I give money to property?
  • Women want no possessions –not deep down; they want to be possessions, and a possession cannot have possessions.
  • I cannot see her; she is clothed.  I see only her clothing, and I am not here for women’s clothing.
  • It is said, in a Gorean proverb, that a man, in his heart, desires freedom, and that a woman, in her belly, yearns for love. The collar, in its way, answers both needs. The man is most free, owning the slave. He may do what he wishes with her. The woman, on the other hand, being owned, is institutionally and helplessly subject, in her status as slave, to the submissions of love.
  • More real than the law is the heart.
  • A conversation with a slave is always more thought-provoking and satisfying than any conversation with a free woman, for a slave is not permitted to lie, even to herself, and so must bare her full being at all times; conversations with free women are bound to be childish and full of lies, even delusion, and are always dull and lame by compare.
  • The sword must drink until its thirst is satisfied.
  • Beware the sleen that seems to sleep.
  • One who speaks of Home Stones should stand, for matters of honor are here involved, and honor is respected in the barbaric codes of Gor.
  • Do not ask the stones or the trees how to live; they cannot tell you; they do not have tongues; do not ask the wise man how to live, for, if he knows, he will know he cannot tell you; if you would learn how to live, do not ask the question; its answer is not in the question but in the answer, which is not in words; do not ask how to live, but, instead, proceed to do so.
  • Before the feast, go hungry.
  • To see her is to want her.
  • Gold has no caste.
  • Where weapons may not be carried, it is well to carry weapons.
  • There is a time and a place for speaking, as there is a time and a place for steel.
  • A woman has no value until she has earned the collar and the brand.
  • Only the width of my body, and no more, and that but for the time it takes to pass.
  • Free women, raised gently in the high cylinders, in their robes of concealment, unarmed, untrained in weapons, may, by the slaver, be plucked like flowers.
  • The free woman is a riddle, the answer to which is the collar.
  • No man respects a woman who knows what else to do with her.
  • Beautiful enough to be collared.
  • She has legs pretty enough to be those of a slave girl.
  • There are only two kinds of women; slaves… and slaves.
  • Any man who frees a slave girl is a fool.
  • Any man who lets a beautiful girl go free is a fool –or not a man.
  • No master, it is said, who has not denied his girl food knows her.
  • Only in a collar can a woman be truly free.
  • Slave girls relish compliments.
  • Any woman who relishes a compliment is in her heart a slave girl. She wants to please.
  • Most Gorean men would not think twice about collaring a girl who responds, smiling, to compliments; such a girl has a desire to please her Master. When she is complimented, she knows she has pleased him.
  • It is said that he whose lips have never touched those of a slave girl does not know, truly, what it is to hold a woman in his arms.
  • I then made her respond to me, and she began to moan.
  • A girl wants to be bought.
  • To beg to be purchased is a slave’s act.
  • The actions of every woman provided further confirmation of the rightness of the collar upon her throat, that she was a natural and true slave.
  • He who ties a woman owns her.
  • Only a fool buys a woman clothed. / Only a fool would buy a woman clothed.
  • Masters do not much interfere with the squabbles of slaves.
  • Good land is protected only by the swords of the strongest owners in the vicinity.
  • There is no justice without the sword.
  • When gold will not do, only steel can meet steel.
  • A good sword is a good investment.
  • There is only gold, and power, and the bodies of women, and steel.
  • Generosity is the prerogative of the free man.
  • Truth not won is not possessed. We are not entitled to truths for which we have not fought.
  • Perhaps we cannot see truth. Perhaps nature has denied us this gift. Perhaps we can sense only its presence. Perhaps we can sense only its heat. Perhaps to stand occasionally in its presence is sufficient.
  • Beware of a silent enemy.
  • Invisible chains are those which weigh the most heavily.
  • We are bred hunters; we are made farmers.
  • It does not matter if, from time to time, a slave finds herself out of her collar, for she is still a woman.
  • I was once pressed, by a caring slave girl, why I had discontinued reading the saga of Gor, which she, in her understandable frustration and feminine confusion, thought meant the end of me (as a man, or one forming into a man).  I later understood why I had lost interest; a man does not merely read and accept the works of others, for that would be feminine; a man must draft and decide on works of his own.
  • A creature who had not known hatred, lust, and terror, I suspected, would be ill-fitted to understand the Kur –or men.
  • You may judge and scorn the Goreans if you wish. Know as well, however, that they judge and scorn you. They fulfill themselves as you do not. Hate them for their pride and power. They will pity you for your shame and weakness.
  • Civilized men; the small and pale, the righteous, the learned, the smug, the supercilious, the weak-stomached and contemptuous, stand upon the shoulders of forgotten, bloody giants.
  • One does not know, truly, what it is to stand, until one has fallen. Once one has fallen, then one knows, you see, what it is to stand.
  • How can one know the answer to a question which one fears to ask?
  • Logic is as neutral as a knife…
  • Fairness is a central thesis of sound governance.
  • How hard it is for two who do not share caste to understand one another.
  • There are brave men in all castes.
  • Manhood cannot be forever denied. The beast will walk at our side, or it will destroy us.
  • Goreans, I knew, seldom drew steel unless they intended to make use of it.
  • Too often it seems it is the peaceful and innocent who are slaughtered. In this a lesson may be found that it may not be prudential to be either too peaceful or too innocent. One does not survive with wolves by becoming a sheep. That is only a short-cut to destruction.
  • I wondered if barbarisms were civilizations which were not one’s own.
  • It is pleasant to have one’s enemies in one’s power.
  • Ritual is important. It is fulfilling, and meaningful. It is beautiful. It is symbolic, mnemonic, and instructive. It establishes protocols. It expresses, defines, and clarifies conditions. It is essential to, and ingredient within, civilization.
  • The most dangerous lies are those which we tell ourselves.
  • It is hard for a man to be great who does not have great enemies.
  • It is often easier to know others than ourselves. Perhaps that is because there is less need to tell lies about them. Few of us recognize the stranger in the shadows, who is ourself.
  • There are good fellows in all cities.
  • If she is not pleasing to me, she is sexually inappropriate.
  • Anything that does not include women I find attractive, aching to please me, is sexually inappropriate.
  • That which is sexually inappropriate by my standard… is a crime.
  • Disobedient women make good pet food and cannon fodder.
  • A girl’s place is on her knees.
  • Enslaved women are always livelier and healthier than the free.
  • Slaves get to cum much harder –because there is nothing holding them back, and they are not permitted to hold back.
  • Being the object in the game of Girl Catch is for every girl to experience.
  • For an attractive girl to not acknowledge a warrior or other real man… is a crime unthinkable and deserving of swift death.
  • There is no reason for anything or anyone to exist which is not pleasing to me.  Manifest and tolerate only that which you love.
  • She dresses and undresses for you.
  • Do what it takes to wake up each day on a bed piled high with women, else… what is the point in waking up at all?
  • A woman who is attractive has a use.
  • (to a girl in training to become a kajira; on her way to earning a life as a pleasure-slave)  You are almost beautiful.

Many of the proverbs of Gor (the Gorean saga) are here.


more TBA


