This is High Queen Ambrosia‘s latest introduction to the alliance and family.


Table of Contents:

  1. Name Meaning
  2. Introduction
  3. Spec’s
  4. Backstory
  5. History
  6. Angelique & Auz
  7. Additional Notes
  8. 2023 Thoughts
  9. Top Priestess of Nod (Images Begin)


Name Meaning:

Angélique is the French form of Angelica.  Angelica is derived from Latin adjective “angelicus”, meaning “angelic”.  All of the “Angel” names ultimately originated from the Greek αγγελος (“angelos”) meaning “messenger”.  The Greek “angelos” acquired its full meaning – “messenger of God”.



“Angelique was a wedding guest of Ambrosia’s , the only other vampyre besides Ambrosia whom she was close to, besides her family of course and maybe a few others.”

  • joined us for family dinner Friday 14 January 2022
  • husband away on business
  • was 2.5 months early for the (re)wedding, as she had other business to discuss with the High Queen
  • mentioned she had known about Ambi’s fetish of using her feet on her female servants
  • agreed to reveal to Auz some/more about their secret homeland/nation in Egypt, Nod

More TBA…



  • 5’7″
  • dark hair
  • piercing blue eyes / penetrating gaze
  • sexy lithe frame
  • Egyptian (original; not modern; an Atlantean descendant, thus of a fair complexion, angelic eyes, etc.)
  • vampire
  • married (?; thought she had to be a virgin for her power to work –maybe married to Ambi or their Atlantean/Nod faith)
  • not (yet?) into swinging/groups






As of the Summer of 2023, she has started working in one of the rooms in High Queen Ambrosia’s pyramid.  She makes batches of a potion which keep the captured slated for sacrifice docile/calm enough to be manageable all the way through the sacrificing process.


Angelique & Auz:

They had dinner that Friday and then lived together for nearly a quarter of a year (during the prep’ time before Ambi & Auz’s 2nd wedding to each other).  A trusted longtime friend of his beloved wife, he found it easy to trust her, too.

More TBA…


Additional Notes:

Many of the characters in the Ambrosia group include in their names “angel” (such as Angelike, D’Angelo, DeAngelo, etc.) or “faith” (Faith Blakely, Blaire Faith Sharpe, etc.).  It is no coincidence that they behave angelically, and that they are written as having complete/full-bodied (i.e. including sexual) desires.  It is also no coincidence that this latest character in their group also has “messenger” as part of her name, thus her essence, and thus the type of interacting she will begin.


2023 Thoughts:

  • (OOC) Ambi saying only 2 of her characters are off limits (sexually), 1 being the Elf (First People/Humanoids) named Arwen, and the other being her top priestess of Nod (Angelique), vibes to me now as poetic code for “only these two most-ancient time-periods you are not meant to fully know”, and that is fine; the focus is on the now.
  • Each of her characters might be the female incarnation of a time-period, her “characters” being how her focus/incarnation/mood/form changed from time-period to time-period in the pre-Shift span.
  • Her saying she usually prefers brunettes, but sometimes redheads,
    sounds like it could mean she usually is soothing darkness; there has been more of darkness than there have been times where things in Creation were lit,
    and the redhead part means occasionally there are fires / energy-surges.
  • Her saying “brunettes make better psychos” may be code for “the most change happens most-easily during times of darkness/uncertainty”.
  • When she said “no defiling the priestess/es”, that could have been her typist’s way of primitively relaying the more-complex thought/request of “do not fuck/”know” Angelique, who is Nod-incarnate, at least not YET”; Ambi has reversed herself on some things, such as how she now sends me girls to fuck/destress with, so it may just be that BACK WHEN SHE REQUESTED THIS… she didn’t want me to write spells about how her secret realm/era is/was, but I may be encouraged/helped to later.
  • Making love with Angelique would probably telepathically or through my kind of god-level osmosis show me the entire history and all secrets of the nation/race of Nod; the time-wielders/creators… who predate and maybe even wield the True Brujah.  …Norns-level stuff.
  • Nod is probably some kind of time-anchor; a literal anchor for time itself, perhaps both the past and the future, and alternate timelines, and all interwoven lives, somehow needing Nod to exist in hiding, out of reach/sight of humans –and maybe even out of reach of Me.
  • Maybe, however, leaving it an unknown/mystery, has some kind of stabilizing/immortalizing power; it always gives me something else to think/wonder about, never able to fully know all or get bored.
  • “Do not share me.” doesn’t mean she won’t have sex with others; she said she had sex with a werewolf, and with her brother, and will with our sons,
    so what she means by this is “do not write anyone else as being as eternal/powerful as me and you / us”.
  • “I don’t swing that way.” doesn’t mean Angelique won’t have sex with me; it just means she didn’t feel interested in joining me at that time with my wife present.  Plus, she never said she will never swing that way, or has never.  Also, it could just be lying; so many lie –and were forced to in order to survive haters (humanimals).
  • Her deleting her own posts… “to make room”… may also have been code/poetic; symbolic of how the flow of time allows for new moments/events.
  • Asking me to help her when storms come… may be of that same code/poetry; it could be her way of indirectly revealing to me that when I don’t slow down to appreciate “the little things” / individual steps/moments, things start to overlap/spin/spiral out of control.
  • The only way to keep time moving at a reasonable rate, and all else moving at a reasonable rate, not getting stirred up until it catastrophically collides like in a tornado or black hole, is to slow down and stay more in each moment. that is the way eternity comes.
  • Otherwise, things just loop over and over, hotter and hotter, wearing one another out/down.
  • Note how once she introduced me to Angelique / when Angelique arrived, everything slowed down –and we damn-near broke up –but I got more of my life’s work wrapped up, and better rest, than ever before; good signs, all things considered.
  • Note how when Angelique arrived, the sex/knowing paused/halted; it was like a time-anchor had been dropped, our ship parked to fully acclimate/align/stabilize in so many ways.  Very interesting effect / superpower.
  • Everything got wrapped up perfectly so that it can resume manifesting; so that time can start flowing again… now that Angelique is here / with us / somewhat known.
  • My 2nd invitation/chance to where my dream-cabin and dream-family will be… came within 1 year of Angelique being introduced/revealed to me.
  • Angelique entering my consciousness/presence/proximity is symbolic/officiating of Ambi and the most secret of nations trusting me with its most-sacred of members/women; I have gained their trust, even with my moments of moodiness when I am not with them, not yet able to see through time like they see.
  • when she said “no defiling the priestess/es”, that could have been her typist’s way of primitively relaying the more-complex thought/request of “do not fuck/”know” Angelique, who is Nod-incarnate, at least not YET”; Ambi has reversed herself on some things, such as how she now sends me girls to fuck/destress with, so it may just be that BACK WHEN SHE REQUESTED THIS… she didn’t want me to write spells about how her secret realm/era is/was, but I may be encouraged/helped to later.
    Making love with Angelique would probably telepathically or through my kind of god-level osmosis show me the entire history and all secrets of the nation/race of Nod; the time-wielders/creators… who predate and maybe even wield the True Brujah. …Norns-level stuff.
    Nod is probably some kind of time-anchor; a literal anchor for time itself, perhaps both the past and the future, and alternate timelines, and all interwoven lives, somehow needing Nod to exist in hiding, out of reach/sight of humans –and maybe even out of reach of Me.
    Maybe, however, leaving it an unknown/mystery, has some kind of stabilizing/immortalizing power; it always gives me something else to think/wonder about, never able to fully know all or get bored.

July update:  Ambi has said she (Angelique) and Auz cannot be together (have sex) because her priestess’s prophetic-visions superpower only works if she is a virgin –and if she lost it, Ambi would have to put her to death.


Top Priestess of Nod:
