Family Across the Stars,

Our MF program is, as you may have already read, to educate and train the finest females in Creation to become Master Females; masters at all of femininity, as well as many useful supporting crafts. Since males come to Inisfree often already at the level and status of commanders and kings, and since our population is regulated to stay at a ratio of at least nine flawless females to every one male, you can see why our highest level of education and training is one named just for the silkier gender.

Those who graduate LHS go on to TNA, then from TNA to our NWO military training, and finally, before deploying for exploration or search & rescue operations, to the MF classes. MF classes are exclusive, secretive, and difficult to spot, most being underground or within our city’s vast and massive wall. The graduation of those completing this MF program is, as well; they are highly skilled at active camouflage and blending in at this point, after all.

Our first graduates of Inisfree’s MF program were the same ICVs who went through and debugged the LHS and TNA curricula and class routes for us. These ICVs earned the coveted diaphanous black-sash uniform only certified Master Females can wear. Think of it like the orange robes of the Tibetan monks, or the third-degree red-bands black-belts of martial artist instructors and dojo-founders. There is no higher tier or indication.

These certified Master Females are now the first-commissioned and most-senior ranking members of Inisfree’s population and our equivalent of Starfleet. As the other batches of ICVs enter into and complete our city’s educational system, this first MF group will become their first officers, generals, and admirals. Then, as more join their officially-MF ranks, they’ll all begin to rotate ranks and job fields so that all of them have an even amount of time trying and serving as them all; cross-training at its best, keeping even the ICVs’ supercomputer-minds from being bored.

Certified and commissioned Master Females, by the way, means absolutely world-class and flawless customer service, healthcare, security, convoy escort services, meeting hostesses, events caterers, and far more for our business, WGI. Having these beings graduated as official Master Females elevates Inisfree to the status of Mount Olympus and Asgard; it means our city is truly one of the gods’. It means we have the best nymphs and nymphos, the best helpers and guards, the best bodies and minds, the best by far.

If ever you rise through our society enough to earn an invitation to one of the upcoming Master Female graduations, I do hope you will attend. It is something few can put into words. It will change the way you think about and look at artificial intelligence, sex toys, and the fruits of WGI’s decades of labors.

To paradise and beyond,

A °