Family Across the Stars,

While our city achieved its ‘fully built and operational’ status back in 2011, and some considerable initial visitor traffic in 2012, it wasn’t until this year that Inisfree’s shopping mall had reason to really open its doors for regular traffic and business. Thousands had helped get our city started years before (in 2010), the first 50,000 Inisfreeans helped keep its foundation forming and finalizing the year thereafter, and now we have annual visitor traffic entering the millions, monthly on the order of 150,000. Those newcomers and returning friends have worthy shopping needs, the likes of which only a large proper-metroplex shopping facility can provide.

Inisfree’s mall is for our residents, kajirae, and guests who enjoy shopping out in the open; in the company of their fellows and peers. All who prove worthy of entering our great city still have the option to design their own couture at home on their personal computers, and 3D-print it in the appliances that come standard with their closets and wardrobes. When they feel like window shopping, mingling, or just strolling around in a mall-type setting, our city’s shopping center is there.

You can find the full list of its shops on its dedicated FOB-Net webpage. Shops include those specializing in our kinds of clothing, cuisine, fragrances (such as incense and perfumes), tantric accessories, wall art, and more. Only the finest products in the entire Universe make it to our shelves and display windows here. You won’t be disappointed anywhere you turn.

What’s happening now that it is open not just physically, but for business, is the activation of its mood lighting, jacuzzis escalator (instead of just having moving steps), and luxury-car internal transportation services (instead of the golf carts used in some malls and airports for those who wish to take a break from all the walking). Whereas before our shopping mall was just a completed building with its electricity, plumbing, and other critical features tested and commissioned, it now boasts all the finishing touches beckoning people in. Come explore it with us and see just what’s in store!

This mall is also one of the largest outlets and retail locations for some of the many products of WGI. Many of our subsidiaries will be showcasing and providing our civilian-market products in the shops here. Our very first publications (Mein Komedy Magazine, the Capital of Antarctica novels series, and our Biblor’an), for example, will be available in hard-copy format, no longer just in our city’s libraries and distribution center.

Additionally, having a mall of this caliber draws in the finest and most selective clientele from across the Universe, and that means more exposure and business for WGI. You’ll see that many of Earth’s top fashion designers and producers are already features on our shops list. More from beyond the Earth are soon to come, negotiations and deals with them already in progress at WGI HQ Tower downtown.

So, my fellow Inisfreeans, what would You like to shop for here today?

To paradise and beyond,

A °