Family Across the Stars,

What better corporation to conduct the map update for the hyperspace ‘subway’ system that connects so many far-flung realms of our growing Universe? The Webway, as it is called by the elves who made it out into Space, has so many problems at this point, even the brilliant Space-faring Eldar don’t want to deal with much of it, anymore; they’ve sealed off and permanently set guards to many nodes of the thing. WGI is the finest military R+D organization of all time, so we’ll handle it from here, ever with their guidance.

How the Webway came to be: The story goes that an ancient reptillian race created it to expedite travel between the new and distant realms of Outer Space. This was billions of years ago, so you can imagine how much parts of it have grown and changed in the meantime. Wars have been fought over and in it. The Webway of today is a very different and much more complex place than the Webway of yester-millennia, and some of the descendants of that same reptillian ancient race are still around, trying to keep it under control.

When it was safe, and normal for elves to make regular use of, the Webway was a wondrous network of wormhole-like passages. It made hyperspace jumps and warp drives entirely optional; one could instead simply steer their ship into any of the Webway’s many openings, then navigate through its own dimension-like labyrinth, coming out almost effortlessly on the other side. Untold billions, perhaps trillions, of people and ships once used it daily, and that is what we aim to restore now that the Shift of the Mayan calendar sequence has occurred.

We can enjoy even more impressive R+D with and within the Webway than WGI has before. How so? It allows for the study of manipulating cosmic bodies and creating new dimensions. It is a major leap forward from terraforming to helio-forming, and from safely accessing pre-existing worm-holes to custom-building all our own. The Webway also gives us much more rapid access to every corner of the Milky Way, as well as access to some of the most intelligent and advanced of the ancient reptillian races and organizations. It is a wealth and treasure-trove of R+D opportunities unlike any our peoples and world have ever known. We are going in.

What WGI is going to do to stabilize it: Now that we have done the R+D to upgrade aircraft carriers to rooftop carriers, and those on to the Spacecraft of the Inisfreean Star Fleet, we will be sending some of that fleet of ours out across the galaxy through the Webway, while the rest of our fleet traverses the galaxy outside it. This will show us just how to choreograph sub-fleet movements for the most efficient sailing and mapping of the entire galaxy. It will also show us just how we need to tidy up certain sections of the Webway, how best to build our own Webways tailored to the forms (‘shapes’) of other galaxies, and exactly which of our WGI-made Spaceship functions work in dimensions beyond our own. The Inisfreeans at the helms of these ships of our Space fleet will finally have tasking worthy of their supercomputer minds, each and every one of those amazing minds of theirs fully committed to the task of bringing the same level of peace and love to every portion of the Webway that you and I enjoy back here in Inisfree.

This will play into our plans to map not only the Webway, but all Webways and the rest of the Megaverse; our galaxy isn’t the only one with such a system of rapid-access fanning throughout it, artificial or otherwise. The problematic local Webway is the right place to start; ours is the easiest for us to access right now, we have the most intel about it out of all the others from our Space-faring elf brethren, and it is full of a diverse range of dangerous problems, which facing makes for the best way we can get ready for whatever else might be ‘out there’ beyond our galactic borders. And WGI is certainly maintaining its momentum to expand all our business operations across the stars. The Webway is about to show us how.

To paradise and beyond,

A °