Jessamine Marie Roux

Code-name:  Illusion


Table of Contents:

  1. Etymology
  2. Spec’s
  3. Personality
  4. “Shipper”
  5. History
  6. Schooling
  7. Abilities/Powers
  8. Weaknesses
  9. Non-Power Talents
  10. Equipment
  11. “Shipper” 2
  12. Summary of Her Time with Auz
  13. 2021 Update
  14. 2022
  15. Jess’ (Images Begin)
  16. Golf
  17. How She Loves to Greet Her Husband, Auz
  18. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  19. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates



Jessamine is a French girl’s name that means “jasmine,” a flower used to symbolize love, beauty, and purity.

Roux:  Roue (pronounced the same way) means a (cultural/sexual) “rogue” devoted to a life of pleasure and vice.



  • Hair:  Blonde
  • Eyes:  Light-blue
  • Height: 5’5″
  • Weight: 122 lbs.
  • Body:  perfectly feminine, petite, smooth
  • Breasts:  perky B-cups
  • Birthday:  13 March 2005
  • Affiliation:  Student
  • Alignment:  Unknown
  • Face-claim:  Kathryn Newton
  • Relationship Status:  Single (in an open though devoted relationship with Auz)
  • Sexual Orientation:  Bi-curious
  • Mother:  Maria Rachel King
  • Father:  Jean Antoine Roux

Jessamine is a very small pale girl. One thing to distinguish this girl from is the near constant scowl etched in to her otherwise sweet features. Her skin is exceptionally pale and looks like she hasn’t stepped out her house for a few years now. This notion not entirely wrong. Having spent a couple of years in a holding cell has left Jessamine very thin and pale.

What makes the girl stand out in facial features are her light blue eyes. The serenity of these eyes hold a turmoil beneath their icy surface. The girl’s oval face is framed with a wavy blonde hair that she usually just lets loose. Not being one to get interested in all these petty things such as doing one’s hair, Jessamine might come off slightly unkempt in her appearance. Despite having blonde hair her eyebrows are quite dark in comparison bringing a depth to her otherwise pale features. She has a small star tattoo on her right wrist.



  • Jessamine is a peculiar child. Ever since she was young she lived for attention but her parents were very liberal and accepting of every antic the girl came up with. She tried being a star student, talented but none of it gave her the reaction or satisfaction she wanted. Jessamine needed more. Soon, the girl turned her act from a goody two shoe to a bad girl. This act got a reaction from school and people around her, but still nothing from her parents.
  • The seeming indifference from Jessamine’s parents has caused to girl to retreat in her shell. She protects herself from any meaningful connection with a snarky, sarcastic shell. She has this world against me complex that causes her to enjoy every possible misfortune that comes her way. Jessamine has a hard time becoming friends with people because quite often they simply get tired of her constantly trying to push people away.
  • Despite the girl avoiding any real human emotion one thing that stands out over everything – loyalty. Once someone has earned the girl’s respect and trust, there is no force in this world or the next that would make her betray them. This though, is not an easy feat as she tends to try and push people’s every button rather than letting them get close. Jessamine’s world view is very black and white. The girl is quick to jump to conclusions from people’s thoughts. Nor does she believe in second chances. This proves how little the girl knows of real life. Instead, she likes to live this self-proclaimed martyr life style where everyone and everything is against her.
  • Having had to endure near constant torture while in the home for wayward youngsters Jessamine has developed a self-sustaining defensive mechanism to stop the girl from falling apart. She has an attitude where it’s all or nothing, causing her to become very prone to harmful behavior towards herself and others. At the institution, all of the mutants were drilled with the idea of not being worth to live unless you proved to be better than others. To this day, it shows on the young girl’s behavior. She can become quite erratic and even self-destructive, just to prove a point. Jessamine goes between no emotions to extremely unsuited emotional reactions. She lives with a very warped image of herself as this omnipotent being able to control everyone around her. Before the institution Jessamine believed to be nothing short of a god. This has proved to be wrong after being introduced to the X-men which has caused dread to set in the girls mind, slowly cracking her up.



  • Likes: anything black, croissants, tattoos, guitars, pseudo deep analogies, being the center of attention
  • Dislikes: Pop music, bubblegum, overly positive people, two faced people, people pleasers, people in general
  • Fears: Being left alone, forgotten, never learning to be happy, her parents never forgiving her, thunderstorms, night time
  • Dreams & Goals: Jessamine wants to be able to get through anything by herself. She wants to become strong enough to take on the world by herself. Never having to lean on anyone for help or showing any weakness. Her ultimate dream is to never be hurt again. Main goals the girl has is to learn to control her powers in a more useful way. Being able to project images of Jesus eating Taco Bell is all nice and fun, but as of now she feels her powers are nothing more than a useless party trick. Another dream of hers is to make the nightmares stop. Jessamine is suffering from gruesome nightmares due to the torture she endured. She would never admit this to anyone as it is one of her only ways to keep herself from losing her sanity..



  • Maria King had gone to study abroad in Paris, France where she would meet the love of her life Jean Roux. Sparks flew the moment these met on a bridge over the Seine. Or at least this is what Jessamine’s parents always told her. The reality was a bit different than that. Maria was in a student party with other exchange students when she met Jean. It was chemistry at first sight and after that the two were nearly inseparable. Maria’s exchange year was over too soon and the two love birds were at a crossroad. Maria was supposed to go back home and finish her studies in liberal arts and Jean had his whole life in Paris.
  • In the end, Maria went back to the states but the contact with Jean never ended. The two were falling in love more and more as days passed. Soon, Maria found out that she was indeed pregnant. This was the last push for Jean, who had been planning on following the love of his life to America. Once he found out, Jean had his bags packed and he was on the next plane to the USA – land of dreams. The two got married promptly in a shotgun wedding in Las Vegas. Their families were shocked at how fast the young couple moved but thought that raising a child would be best in a whole family –and so came Jessamine Marie Roux.
  • Jessamine grew in a house of love. Her parents were young and completely smitten with each other. Jessamine was simply the cherry on top of the cake. The girl was always adored for her light angel like hair and bright blue eyes that seemed like pieces of sky had been molded in to the finest of jewels in this angel child’s eyes. Then, Jessamine got a personality.
  • She had never been an easy child. The girl craved for attention and could not for the life of her accept that her parents indeed loved each other. She should have been the center of their lives but she could never achieve that complete adoration from both of her parents as it was always shared between the love they had for each other. This gnawed at the spoiled girl’s insides the older she grew.
  • Jessamine was used to the adoration that came with her looks. The ah’s and oh’s on how she looked like an angel had fallen from heaven. This became what Jessamine viewed as reality. She deserved attention and if she didn’t get what she wanted, well one could say she found a way to get it. From kindergarten, all the way to her pre-teen years Jessamine was the perfect daughter with the occasional temper tantrum (occasional being every time she didn’t get what she wanted). Nothing was enough for Jessamine.
  • Her parents were extremely accepting of everything their daughter did. They didn’t scold the child or tell her off for anything she did. In a child’s mind this translates to her parents not caring. Being the daring child she had always been, Jessamine put this thought to a test. She began misbehaving in school, her grades plummeting, constantly being sent home. Her teachers were calling the Roux residence worried sick for the girl’s sudden behavioral change but her parents said it was nothing to be worried about. They thought that if they let the girl test her limits and experience things as she wanted she’d sooner or later calm down. Bad move.
  • After this, Jessamine cut loose. The girl created a victim complex for herself thinking that no one loved her in this world. Her parents only cared for each other and she was just something they used as a pretty doll. So, from there onwards Jessamine decided she’d be anything but perfect. Jessamine became notorious in their small community for being in the wrong place with the wrong people anytime possible. The girl began experimenting with drugs, alcohol and in all honesty, anything she could get her hands on. if asked, the girl would snarkily answer that it was the only way she felt alive ‘for isn’t life but prolonged existence of pain’.
  • At age 14 Jessamine’s life changed. Her mutation manifested. It didn’t all hit at once but slowly step by step. First, she began hearing her parent’s thoughts. She just figured it must have been her tripping badly but it didn’t go away, and it began happening with everyone around her. This caused the girl to get in to a lot of fights. Soon, all of her so-called-friends had disappeared as the girl had heard their real thoughts on her. Then came the illusions. If she focused on an idea it would manifest itself in front of her. This shocked the girl at first but soon it became her greatest source of joy. Jessamine would make it life mission to mess with people the best she could. She was quick to get a hold of her illusions, making them very life like even though she couldn’t keep them up for long. What frustrated the girl beyond anything, was that she couldn’t get inside people’s heads. She heard them but it was like listening to a radio, so she focused on getting better with her illusions.
  • While growing up, Jessamine had become notorious and her whole community was just looking for an excuse to get rid of the girl. All the fighting, alcohol, stealing and in general trouble making was putting a huge strain on the community. The fact that the girl’s parents refused to do anything was annoying the whole community. They had tried reasoning with the Roux family but nothing was working. In the end, Jessamine gave the town’s folk the final straw herself. No one knows exactly why the girl would do something like that, but the best guess is that she simply needed the attention and didn’t think things through. She believed to be invincible and that they couldn’t do nothing. This notion turned out to be false.
  • What did the girl do then? It all began with her powers manifesting. Realizing she could hear people annoyed the girl beyond anything as she could kiss good bye to any peace of mind she had ever hoped for in the future. After some time isolating herself from people she couldn’t take it anymore. She needed to get back out there and use her newly found power for something entertaining. Jessamine kept testing her limits, hoping she’d be a world-class telepath who could make people dance the chicken at the snap of a finger, but this wasn’t the deal unfortunately for the girl. As it turned out she could create illusions. This miracle act required extreme mental concentration which was against the girl’s whole being. She had avoided staying in one spot like the plague. Having to concentrate was a treacherous task the girl despised.
  • Against all odds, the girl managed to get some feeble control of her illusions – just enough to get what she wanted. It took her a year to get through her initial plan. She started out with baby steps. Listening in on people, gathering everything she could to use against them. Everything they tried to hide, she would hoard like it a dragon hoards treasure. Everything was written down in files she kept hidden from everyone. She needed to figure out a way to use it. With a lot of practice on her parents, she began getting the hang of her illusions. No matter how much the girl wanted she couldn’t create large illusions all she could do was a little shift here and there. She’d focus on changing words here and there in conversation. This way maximizing what little she could do. Jessamine had grand dreams of creating illusions of people and making them do whatever she wanted but all attempts at that failed. She did once create a cat who could waltz, but that wasn’t exactly useful and it looked more like a realistic 3D rendering than anything else.
  • After about 6 months of messing with people and collecting information, Jessamine began releasing information. All the secrets began spilling out. Someone cheated on their husband, another one beat their child, a paedo here – everything she had gotten her hands on was coming out. Everything from exposing to embarrassing the upstanding members of her community. People were furious, denying all these claims but once the seed of doubt sets in, it’s hard to kill. Jessamine enjoyed every bit of chaos she had caused, starting out slow but building the speed as she couldn’t get enough. She had put out a call that if someone was able to prove who the culprit was, everything would stop. A lot of people had their suspicions of Jessamine, but they couldn’t prove anything. She was just a mere girl, right?
  • Soon Jessamine realized that if she kept her pace up, she’d run out material way too soon. So the girl came up with a plan. She’d release false information alongside the truth causing people to suspect everything and everyone. Anything could be the truth and no one still had found out how the culprit got all this sensitive information. If this wasn’t enough, Jessamine was slowly making her way in creating more tension between everyone. As mentioned earlier, the girl learnt that she could warp words with her illusions if she focused and manipulating others became like second nature for her.
  • Another 6 months passed and it was almost time. Her final revelation would be who had done everything. Who had brought this peaceful on the brink of destruction. Simply the idea of proving everyone she was a force to be reckoned with made the girl feel pleasure like no other. She felt like a god. But before she could do her big reveal there was an accident. The pressure and fear was too much and a classmate of hers ended up killing themselves. A weak mental state and the fear of being caught for having relations with his mother caused the boy to take his life. Jessamine hadn’t found out about this and never knew why the boy killed himself. Jessamine had two ways to go here. Deem her responsible for the boys passing or fully enjoy the idea of being able to instill so much fear one might take their life. The girl opted out for the second. Things were getting interesting now.
  • The feeling was exhilarating and Jessamine just had to get it all out. Finally, she had the whole town on their toes waiting for the sociopath to show themselves. This was her moment. The feeling of everyone wanting to see her. They needed to know who she was. This was everything she had wanted. It might not have been the love she had craved for when she was young but it was better. They feared her. Then came the day she revealed herself, but something was off. Where was the feeling of satisfaction? The whole town was outraged, terrified and wanted the girl executed. There was disbelief in some while others screamed she was spawn of Satan. The blonde imp enjoyed this but it wasn’t quite what she thought it would be. To add to it all she had told that she was mutation, hoping for more of a reaction. Nothing was enough. Her parents were too shocked to even react. The only thing they thought of doing was asking their pastor for help. They didn’t know this girl and had no idea what to do.
  • Once in contact with the pastor he simply told them that Jessamine was way too far off the grid to be helped in their beloved community. She was dangerous. She was responsible for someone taking their life. This couldn’t be proved that she had a straightforwardly anything to do with it, but everyone blamed the girl. So, getting the law enforcement wasn’t an option as they had no real case other than the girl claiming she had done all that. Thankfully, the pastor had a colleague who was working in a home for wayward youngsters with gifts like Jessamine’s. Sending their only daughter was against everything Maria and Jean believed in but the community pressured them and in the end, they had no choice but to send her away. Believing this was better for Jessamine.
  • That’s where it all went downhill. Jessamine’s greatest fears became a reality, even though the girl would never admit this. Her parents had abandoned her. The home for wayward youngsters turned out to be nothing short of a military school for mutants. All the teenagers sent there were being trained to become soldiers.
  • Jessamine was not doing well at the institution. All the teenagers were subjected to mental and physical torture. Alongside they were required to do constant combat training against each other. At this point, Jessamine didn’t care and she learnt to enjoy inflicting pain on her peers. She was an excellent student, when she wanted to be. Most of the time this wasn’t so. Jessamine would refuse to work, or she’d use her powers to make it seem like she was doing what she was required to. So, punishments became very familiar to the girl very quickly.
  • The home for wayward youngsters was a private operation held by citizens who believed mutants were the next generation of super soldiers. What better than to have your personal army of exceptionally gifted individuals? On paper, they were a correction institution for teenagers with severe behavioral problems. The fact that the teenagers happened all to be mutants was irrelevant. Only, the best would graduate and the rest – well they would stay in the institution until killed off during practice or in rare cases proved they were good enough to serve their benefiters.
  • The institution itself was located on an unnamed island owned by a private individual. Once admitted in, you never came out. Everyone was given a codename – Jessamine became Illusion which suited her just fine. The girl had always despised her name and giving it up was more than a relief. Jessamine didn’t make friends as she spent most of her time in isolation as a punishment for her irrational behavior. She could have been the top of her group but since the girl simply refused to take orders her training became lacking. She is very good with different types of torture techniques as she was mostly subjected to those.
  • What kept Jessamine going was simply the pure hatred in her that refused to give up. She would make it out and she would show everyone what she was capable of. That she was a god. She should be feared. Jessamine Marie Roux would not die in that place. She would not let her mind be broken and she found ways to ease the mental torture by inflicting some of her own on the guards that handled her.
  • Then came the day, that the whole operation was brought down. The X-men had found out about an illegal operation to turn mutants in to soldiers and set out on a mission to save the children. One would think that Jessamine would have been glad but to her it was a major setback. She was supposed to make it out on her own and now these whatever they were came and took her glory.
  • Jessamine was taken to the mansion and enrolled as a student. Her control over her powers still hadn’t gotten better even after spending years supposedly working on them. Something in her stopped her from grasping the potential she had. Instead, the girl learnt to fight and she fought dirty. Now, she is struggling to deal with the sudden change in scenery and being added in to a non-hostile environment where it is not in fact alright to smash someone’s nose inside their skull if they get on your nerves.
  • Jessamine is still very hostile towards others but has decided against just going full rampage. No matter her desire to control others, she isn’t dumb. She needs to learn before she can have true control of others. But what truly keeps the girl sort of in check is doubt. There’s cracks in her mental state. Something is changing and she is terrified. Through everything she’s gone through, the thought of losing control is scarier than anything. Being in a healthy environment where others acknowledge her deep ingrained pain of existence is breaking everything she believed in. She has begun realizing that she isn’t a god. Seeing others much stronger than her has set the realization of her own weakness. The girl is compensating for all these feelings by acting more recklessly towards her own well being and trying to stop those accepting smiles and thoughts.



Jessamine doesn’t have any exceptional academic skills. The girl could have been very good at academics but instead she opted out for being a misfit. One of the biggest reasons Jessamine gave up on her academic career was the manifestation of her receptive telepathy. Being stuck in a room full of teenagers was more than the telepath could handle, so skipping school entirely was the best option for her sanity. Her overall knowledge of all school subjects is very poor and become nonexistent after the age of 15, when she was transferred to the home for wayward youngsters. Jessamine speaks fluent French, which she learnt from her father who only spoke French to her while growing up.



  • Telepathic Illusions:  Main aspect of Jessamine’s powers are illusions. She can create invasive images inside people’s minds that to them are as good as reality. Unfortunately, as the girl is quite young her illusions can be very unrefined. The more complicated her illusions are the easier it is for the affected person to recognized that there is something wrong. Jessamine is able to create a small illusion that affects 3 people at the same time. She can’t keep it up for a very long time. A good example for such illusions would be a solitary butterfly. With more detailed illusions she can only do them for one person. Currently the most detailed illusions she is able to do are humans but they are very unrefined.
  • Her illusions can last for a very long time depending on how complicated and large the illusions are. Smaller illusions she can keep up for hours but her attention needs to stay on the illusion throughout this whole time. Once distracted the illusion will shatter as well. Larger illusions such as creating people will require a lot of focus and energy from Jessamine which limits how long the girl can keep them up.
  • She can affect most people with her illusions, but those with extreme mental strength would be able to block out the girls attempts to use her powers. The weaker the affected persons mental state is, the easier it becomes for the girl to create invasive illusions. So, the state of mind is a big factor for her to use her powers. It also affects highly how detailed and in a sense large her illusions are. A person with no emotional distress would cause Jessamine’s illusions to be less refined than the ones with those who are weak willed or in great mental distress. She doesn’t require any specific physical conditions for her illusions to work.

In the future, Jessamine will be able to create massive illusions. Once trained enough she will be able to create whole sceneries with multiple different types of illusions inhabiting it. Also, her stamina will grow so she can keep her illusions up longer despite the complexity.

  • Receptive Telepathy:  Jessamine is a telepath who can hear others thoughts. She is able to hear anyone’s thoughts on a 20-foot radius. Jessamine is unable to turn off her powers which can lead to her hearing unwanted information. Her telepathy work more like a radio in which she just hears others and that’s it. She hears any active thoughts going on in people’s minds. It’s basically as if these people were talking to her, so she can also hear the tone of the thoughts. Pinpointing these things can be hard for the girl as she is often bombarded with too much information for her to be able to focus properly.
  • The more people she hears the more scrambled everything becomes. Imagine being filled in a banquet hall full of people talking to each other constantly, that’s what Jessamine hears when near people. With great focus the girl is able to pick out specific people’s thoughts and listen in on them, just like one might be able to eavesdrop on a specific conversation in a crowded room. Jessamine doesn’t hear dreams, as they work in a different part of the brain than most thought processes are done in.

In the future, Jessamine will be able to block out unwanted thoughts. At the same time, the radius in which she can hear people will grow larger making it easier for her to listen in to others thoughts. But she will not be able to get inside people’s heads or affect their thoughts through anything else than her illusions.

  • Psionic Shield:  This is a power that Jessamine isn’t aware of herself. She has a shield around her mind which causes weak telepaths to not be able to read her thoughts or affect her mind. Strong telepaths such as Emma Frost will have no trouble getting through the girl’s shield. Her psionic shield is an illusion projected around her mind to protect it from other telepaths and partly from empaths. This power is highly dependent on the girls state of mind. The stronger her thoughts or emotions are the less her shield is able to block out.
  • As she learns to use her psionic shield, she will be able to protect someone else’s mind as well from telepaths but only temporarily leaving herself vulnerable. And as Jessamine get stronger so does her psionic shield, making it hard for even well versed telepaths to get inside her head.



  • The weakest point of Jessamine’s illusions are that they can’t affect anything physically. They are mere mirages that you can’t touch. Also, it requires extreme concentration from Jessamine’s part to be able to keep her illusions up. Her mind reading abilities become a weak point for her here as well. The girl can’t stop from hearing others thoughts and this can be extremely distracting – especially if one knew that she can hear them they could simply just start barraging her with very loud distracting thoughts making her illusions disappear completely. With her psionic shield, as mentioned Jessamine doesn’t know of its existence which means she can’t control it at all.
    Another major flaw in Jessamine’s powers is that it is so reliant on her concentration. A strong psychic can easily disable all of her illusions rendering her useless. Strong sound waves and physical stimuli can also stop Jessamine from being able to create her illusions as these would break her concentration.


Non-Power Talents:

  • After the time spent in the home for wayward youngsters Jessamine is no stranger to physical combat, Jessamine isn’t particularly strong but she is quick. Jessamine relies heavily on her small size and quick feet when in a fight. The girl realizes that most people trump her in strength easily, which has lead the girl to fight dirty. Anything is acceptable in a fight for her. Jessamine tends to fight using quick but precise hits in to spots that don’t require a lot of strength to cause the most amount of damage to your opponent.
  • While in the institution she picked up combat styles using retractable batons. These are her trusty sidekicks and she avoids fights where she can’t use them. Jessamine knows how to fight hand to hand but she simply doesn’t have the strength in her body to do actual damage to others with what she has. So, the girl uses her batons in all fights possible. But if she was forced to fight without them, she would prefer using her feet rather hands as she has more strength in them. Closest what her fighting style could be compared to is kick-boxing but nowhere near as polished or accurate.



  • Jessamine isn’t a fan of heavy equipment and she is horrible with most weapons. The only weapon she is truly comfortable with is her set of batons. She has two retractable batons that can be connected to create a longer pole which she uses in self-defense. She keeps her batons near her legs either in her bag or most usually concealed within her clothing. She prefers using skirts as they have more room to hide weapons underneath them. Other than the batons she doesn’t carry any other weaponry.


“Shipper” 2:

  • “It’s just me, myself and I. Solo ride ’til I die”
  • Friends: Jessamine isn’t big on the whole friendship thing. She isn’t an easy person to handle and most get deterred by the girls harsh words and rude manners.
  • Enemies: Enemies are what Jessamine is good at making – or so she likes to think at least. The girl is well disliked but not many see her as an enemy.
  • Loves: Love is a very unfamiliar concept for Jessamine which actually terrifies the girl beyond anything.


Summary of Her Time with Auz:

  • Auz was the brutal former-Marine instructor who gave her all the uncompromising structure she needed.  Seducing all the female staff at Xavier’s, he easily gained their permission to take the girl into his own care and institution.  That, and bending her over for her first usage right in front of them all in the faculty office where she’d been admitted, told her in no uncertain terms that this was a man not to be messed with; he would have what he wanted, herself included.  Showing her yet another person who was far more powerful than her, perhaps even a god like she had wanted to prove herself as, he then took her by the hand like a spoiled little child, and marched her off to his awaiting plane.  None of her ‘illusions’ had any effect on him as he casually tugged her along at a Drill Instructor’s merciless pace; she might as well have been a doll.
  • Jessamine grew tired of trying to beat Auz up in training at Inisfree, her attacks always being skillfully deflected and used right back against her, and she eventually became increasingly –even insanely– horny for the man, her exploding frustrations boiling over into inescapable endless feral lust, which kept her distracted and off-balance; something he exploited every time, and fully.  Doing the opposite of what her parents had done, he mocked, insulted, and punished her –but for not using her powers on others, including on him.  Requiring her to hone her skills by fucking with those random people, he sometimes denied her meals and even sleep when she failed to impress him, leaving her trembling and starving, hallucinating and sometimes lashing out against inanimate objects.  He wouldn’t let her become evil, though; no, he was enhancing and sharpening her, forcing her to finish manifesting the full potential of her array of abilities.
  • Where she’d been sent, she’d learned basic fighting, but they hadn’t really pushed the envelope, in his opinion; they were trying to make her a shock-troop, failing to recognize her innate taking to espionage, interrogation, and other black-ops techniques.  Once she gave up on those primitive combat and defense methods she had learned from them, he gave her a crash-course in all the finer points of Special Warfare; what he had mastered in the Marine Corps and beyond, he now made her memorize, analyze, and rehearse until she could take no more, collapsing at the end of each day.  This was the opposite of what her former masters and instructors had put her through, though; he wouldn’t let her fight, and he didn’t really torture her, at least not anything like they had.  She was a student now, and would be a scholar of the secret military arts.
  • Her parents had given her too much love, freedom, and understanding.  Her community had backlashed too much.  That island had tried to make her be just one thing, and a thing that wasn’t suited to her essence; her nature.  Then Xavier’s had taken her full circle, given her too much understanding again, though in a much wiser controlled environment, albeit.  Auz found the center and right balancing point within all that, and held her there, playing on her weaknesses at first, such as her nagging doubt, and then turning them into powerful tools for her, just as his own master-instructor had back in the heart of Iraq; he was seeing how to make her the goddess she’d always hoped to become.
  • The only reward she was ever given was a rough fucking even more berserk than how she came off when letting loose with her batons –and both those weapons became tools used as sex-toys on her, at the same time, completely changing her view of them every time she involuntarily looked or reached their way.  It didn’t take long for this to color and then finally reprogram much of her psyche, and she inevitably became a doting puppet, putty in Auz’s hands, aching for his returns regardless of how harsh and critical he was of her, shrugging off her incredible angelic beauty like it was nothing to him, keeping her wet and instinctively trying to please him with it and all she was, more and more.
  • “I don’t care about food or sleep, anymore,” she once told him, purring her affections against his chest, no longer afraid of love, lying splayed out naked over his prone body in the aftermath of their union, catching her breath; “as long as you are near, I know I will be happy.”  She no longer wanted to be solo; that old mentality had come from when she had yet to meet anyone worthy as a true match for all her wild side.  Now she knew Auz existed, and he was her Master and god.  Somehow… all he was… was keeping her stable, even good most of the time.
  • His half-Gorean, half-godmaker approach had been what she’d needed all along.  Jess now had a much better grip on her powers, she no longer attempted to beat others into submission, and she could now control her emotions, as well as others very gracefully.  Auz had shaped her into what she was bursting to be since puberty.  He hadn’t abandoned her, but he also hadn’t coddled the girl.  She was a budding pre-goddess now, and she creamed for his regular orders to infiltrate places and collect intelligence for him with her unlocked mutant potential.  Her doubts had been replaced with tested confidence; she knew her limitations, but now also knew she wasn’t going to crack or fail, and that at least one man would always be there for her, and in all the right ways she craved and biologically needed.
  • The two of them married not long after her first season of successful black-ops missions had wrapped up.  The ring Auz gave her was a slave collar snapped and locked around her neck, which she remained still and obedient for, and it was one she would never try to trick others into removing for her; she was his, through and through, and always would be.  Jess has since moved up in the ranks of Inisfree, and is now one of Auz’s most trusted and informed advisers on all matters of training and clandestine operations beyond Inisfree’s walls.  Jessamine Marie Roux is an extremely proud and accomplished young lady of his kingdom now, and she knows she owes it all to him, her one great love and the rock of her foundation.
  • She taught Auz (and his children; the Inisfreean girls) French, and speaks it with him whenever she and he spend time together.  The moment she sees him; her man, she lets her clothes fall all the way off, and walks right up to him, as if in a voluntary trance.  The way she looks at him and sits by his side says it all; the girl is hopelessly deeply in love, and will never want or rage again.  Jess looks up at Auz like others used to gaze at her.  “You made sure I got to be all I wanted to be,” she once told him, her words dripping with affection, appreciation, and that unmistakable total bond.
  • Jess has accepted and embraced the fact that she is a demi-goddess in the presence of the full-gods, such as his Inisfreean children.  She even loves this now, never having really wanted to be at the very top; she only sought such a lofty tier when it seemed the only way to push people into giving her the right amount of structure her genetics require of them.  Today, she is a servant of him and Inisfree, and creams at the very sight and mention of either, as well as at the presence or coming of any of his many daughters –all of which can overpower her (and her illusions) without the slightest bit of effort or thought.
  • Now that she is getting a handle of being less of a blunt instrument, she has traded her sparring batons for a set of golf clubs.  You’ll find her swinging away with a growing precision in her strokes all across Inisfree’s golf course along the meadows.  Whenever Auz shows up to observe her progress, she shows off for him, and stands still and with perfect posture while he uses her right there on the greens.
  • Jessamine experienced the standard Inisfreean age-regression back to peak human health; she will forever look 13-14, like she did during the onset of her powers.

Year by Year with Auz:

  1. 2022 Spring:  met, then training
  2. 2022 Summer:  black-ops for/with him
  3. 2022 Autumn:  married
  4. 2022 Winter:  pregnant; stays outside Inisfree until she gives birth to their daughter
  5. 2023:  rapid full recovery, back to visiting Inisfree/Auz


2021 Update:

Wed24nov2022 (‘date-shifted’ from the 2021 vision of this event; was originally marked here as being at the same time as when that vision came through):  Jessamine fucks Auz at every golf course hole and country club room and roof in Inisfree. Then she rides him in the same dorm room she lived in as a student at Xavier’s, except now in its architectural copy here in Inisfree.  Sabrina, naked, watches. Then a Brit’ ICV joins us. Then comes Sarah Conrad.

(These visions are powerful signs of happenings on ‘the other side’, so learn how to understand and value them, and remain focused on them as an integral part of this story/saga; so they grow.)



Now one of High King Auz’s many happy wives, she has started falling for each and every one of them, plus all his children and slaves (kajirae), and of course to each of the Inisfreeans (ICVs).  Their bond and adoration for another grows stronger every fuck and day.  They continue to make many happy sexy memories at all of Inisfree’s attractions which she frequents.

She has started planning with him how to further unlock/improve/hone her ability and use it both 1) for the benefit for his/their allies, and 2) against their common enemy, the modern humans.

Later this year, she’ll be leaving Inisfree for a while; for the next few years, she’ll be focused on raising the daughter she just had by Auz.  As a beautiful woman, Jessamine will soon be able to return to Inisfree for visits and more golf, etc..  In a dozen or so years, her daughter will, too.

Friday 26 August:  She and her husband, Auz, went golfing; she is now his teacher in the sport (even though his ICVs can also do a great job).  They had sex on the golf cart, then in the country club after driving back there at the end of the lesson.  Hugging tightly goodbye, they scheduled another session as soon as they both could.




How She Loves to Greet Her Husband, Auz:

How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates: