When a boss leaves you an item in thanks for completing a quest, and when an enemy’s valuables fall out into plain site around their body after you take them down in combat, it is called a ‘gear drop’.



The way to keep players engaged and alert is to have hidden pitfalls, surprise attacks in wilderness areas off trails/paths, surprise weather events during normal day-night cycles, and variable-rewards; randomized numbers of hits/kills produce the same skin/fur/organ/item drop, and sometimes produce a rare-item drop (such as 1 in 500 kills of the same beast or boss).  This mix of reliable and random/surprise has a Feng Shui / Yin-Yang effect; a balance between two very different things.

Giving players options mixed with parameters, such as character physiques and life-.paths which must then be guided through strict leveling sequences in epic (wide-open and beautiful) spaces (map areas; Inisfree regions), is another type of this mix/balance of two very different things.

The result is that easy customization lures players in, and the rest of the game is even more addictive, thus resulting in repeat business, thus 1) more income for future game/s development (and the funding of other creations of mine), and 2) more player data streaming in at all times to constantly and indefinitely refine more and more the Inisfree design; “to perfection/paradise and beyond.”


  1. ICVs have perfect memories and supercomputer brains with god-level logic, so they can’t fail any tests during their 20-grades/years of Inisfreean schooling, so the way players encounter the variable-ratios in-game is when interacting with free-person characters, and human-like kajirae (even when those are NPCs); even though ICVs are perfect at seduction, climbing, singing, you name it, sometimes flukes and brain-farts and moments of asshole-itis will settle in with the beings they interact with, and they will be snubbed even when they do a perfect job at something. ICVs will have no emotional response to this, and will learn instantly from it, and the entire ICVs population via the HAN/MAS/INN will understand what happened and how best to go through similar situations with the same type of people later, but in that moment… a perfect performance at something by an ICV might make a visiting Outlander insecure, etc.  THE MOST VARIABLE THING FOR AN ICV IS HOW THEIR PERFECTION IS REGARDED BY FREE-PERSONS; their quests are always given from quest-givers in totality with no need to flirt or improve flirting skill, and kajirae NPCs always obey them.  And ICVs can scan for and sense ANYTHING they are looking for with TOTAL god-level precision –without getting tired; their eyes and other sense are THAT GOOD.
  2. free-persons will find it more difficult to please ICVs, especially since they aren’t submissives like kajirae, which ICVs can often better relate to (due to ICVs being part of a hive-mind; a collective consciousness; a living Internet or Intranet), and when out picking flowers or gathering herbs or cooking recipes or whatever, the variable-ratio is whether they find enough generated in that area of the map they are passing through (there might not be many of a certain type of flower or fish generated in a meadow or stream, respectively) –THE MOST VARIABLE THING FOR A FREE-PERSON IS WHICH QUESTS THEY CAN TEMPT A QUEST-GIVER TO GIVE, and THE SPAWN RATE of DESIRED ITEMS IN ANY AREA.
  3. kajirae will find it easier to please ICVs than free-persons, but more difficult to find places where they can get the amount of rest/sleep they need, and are highly limited in the routes they can take through Inisfree (since they can’t fly, levitate, own property (such as protective clothing or gadgets), or operate vehicles such as aircraft, and require supervision when going through portals, etc.) *sometimes kajirae will be told to repeat the same task over and over by a Master, just for muscle memory, even if they got it right the first time and all times thereafter, so the ‘random drop’/variable-ratio in this case is whether or not they get approval from a Master.  Also, some Masters will let them get away with slip-ups, mistakes, clumsiness, or moments of frustration or disobedience, while others might immediately slap and whip them, even leaving them in a Girl Box, which makes even SLEEPING a chore.  THE MOST VARIABLE THING FOR A KAJIRA IS WHERE SHE CAN GO ON THE MAPS; WHERE SHE IS TOLD SHE MUST GO, and WHEN.



Looting in these games is when someone runs up after a team has taken down a tough boss, steals what it drops, and runs off.  This is colloquially known as ‘ninja-ing’ or ‘ninja-looting’, because no one expects it, it is sneaky, and it often results in the financial ruin of players (they can’t afford to redo expensive instances/dungeons or repair their damaged armor and weapons, etc., or they just d don’t have enough time in their normal-life schedules to keep redoing time-consuming parts of big immersive games).

So… how do we prevent ninja-looting in this MMORPG?

  1. once a boss is dead, that very moment/instant there is an invisible wall that appears around it –or an invisible sphere that appears all around it, and the game-programming only allows the players which were on the team bringing it down to approach and take the items it dropped
  2. for disreputable players ON those teams; who help kill it, but then take everything instead of sharing the loot with the others who need various portions of it (such as rare-drop items), the game-programming makes a pop-up message that they get XP for the fight, XP for the kill, and XP whenever that person with the dropped items turns them in for his/her quest (and the same amount of XP whether you or someone else on your team turns the item in to the quest-giver to prove the quest was completed)
  3. no magic or superhuman abilities can defeat the game-programming; no one can rush in and take what they didn’t help earn/cause
  4. if players report looting, the admins review the footage of the reported event, and then distribute the loot to the players who had intended to share it
  5. if the same player is proven guilty of looting more than once, the admins can temporarily disable that player’s ability (with ANY of his/her characters) to join teams OR pick up items dropped by ANY boss


