Here is how we keep all interactions in this game to a reasonable amount of time:



While notionally the three different life-paths can range in story-lines from months to years to decades, all players are humans who we want to play the game for years or life.  The way we achieve this is by making game-time always approach an average; every player ends up spending the same amount of real-time to level-up, no matter what type of character they chose to start with (excepting when players just roam around exploring, not caring about leveling up).

No matter which life-path you have, here is how long it takes for certain levels:

  1. 0: the time of the game’s first or second cinematic; seconds (~5-10 minutes?)
  2. 1: a few minutes (~30 minutes?)
  3. 2: several minutes of the most basic movements between very-close way-points for the first/simplest quests (~1 hr?)
  4. 10: half an hour (~2-ish hrs IRL)
  5. 20: 1 hour (~4-ish hrs IRL)
  6. 30: a few hours (~6-ish hrs IRL)
  7. 40: several hours (~8-ish hrs IRL)
  8. 50: half a day (~10-ish hrs of IRL; a few days of logging in and playing for a few hours per IRL day)
  9. 60: 1 to a few days (~13-ish hours of real-life time)
  10. 70: 5-6 days (of logging in to play for a few hours per day; so more like 15-20 hrs of actual game-playing time IRL)
  11. 80: 1 week (25-ish hrs)
  12. 90: 1-2 weeks  (30-40 hrs)
  13. 110: weeks of game-play (50+ hrs) from level 109, followed by a day or two to complete the endgame stuff on the ideal-world with the hybrid children of the King and his top wives, etc.

So it’s like one of those curves on a graph that approaches infinity at a certain number, so you never fully reach that number.  In this case, to get faster speed, more mount options, more map areas unlocked, an easier time getting quests without having to flirt or fuck each quest-giver, etc., you have to spend a little more time getting through and to each successive level.  In other words, it doesn’t take long to double your speed in the beginning, but you’re still going from a crawl to a stroll.  It takes longer and longer to jog and then run, and the longest time of all to approach the fastest speed and the longest stamina in the game, so as players get hooked, acclimate, and fall in love with the MMORPG here, they are more likely to spend the amount of time we deSIRE for them to spend on this game, instead of racing through it at an even/uniform rate, and perhaps getting bored beCAUSE of that uniform rate of leveling.

And the more side quests you do for fun, or to amass more items, or to get rare-drop items, the more these numbers double and more; most players will end up playing this game not for a few days of total IRL time, but for a few months to a few years or longer.  And that’s not factoring in people who pause to take breaks, screenshots, add apps, read about patches, buy other content, tell their friends, wait on spawns, wait on dungeon parties to form, etc etc etc.  THIS GAME WILL TAKE YEARS TO FULLY PLAY/SEE, and expansions at yearly intervals will make it take (and be fun for) a LIFETIME.



We have already established above that bosses take between 1 and 8 minutes.  What about all the other parts of the game?

  1. leveling can take hours to months, depending on if you are just questing, or if you are reading the lore and completing the side-quests, etc.
  2. exploring takes the most time, since the map areas/sections are so vast (even bigger than they are in Halo, and comparable to how they are/were in WoW)
  3. raids are punctuated with boss encounters (such as a SWAT team, veteran parent nut-job, or military strike, etc.), and since the bosses take 1-8 minutes, expect the raid BEFORE the boss to take 10-30 minutes (10-mins for villages, 20 for towns, 30 for combos; towns with suburbs and villages)
  4. dungeons (such as the Xenos Cave) can take an hour or longer; they are HUGE and FULL of buildings, challenges, quests, items, distracting beautiful things/cycles, etc.
  5. training/schooling is part of leveling, so factor that into the hours-to-months estimate above
  6. you get more XP/points/status per completed quest in later levels, but you also have MUCH larger XP and Status Bars, so it almost evens out. That being said, it still takes a little longer to level the more you level-up; the zone-progression of this game is detailed a bit more in the following paragraph of this Word file’s section.  See below.


Zone Progression time estimates:

  1. maps/zones meant for level 10s: ~minutes, perhaps a quarter of an hour since newcomers are adjusting to the game-play, sweeping vistas, lore, etc. (and you can stay at any levels-bracket and play indefinitely if you want; you don’t have to make this game be just about leveling)
  2. for 20s: ~several minutes
  3. 30s: several minutes to half an hour
  4. 40s: ~half an hour per level (assuming you are questing efficiently)
  5. 50s: hours
  6. 60s: several-hrs-to-1day
  7. 70s: days of playing (actual days-long amounts of time spent logged-in and questing, etc.)
  8. 80s: days-to-weeks
  9. 90s: week-to-1month
  10. 100-109: weeks-to-months
  11. 110: minutes-to-hours (or infinite; you can always keep playing after the endgame cinematic/s)



Fighting enemies can get boring, repetitive, and even infuriating.  So we have worked into this MMORPG’s game-logic the following general time constraints which govern how long it takes to ‘defeat’ most ‘opponents’ (more like:  how long it takes to flirt with, arouse, and then satisfy quest-givers and quest-waypoints):

  1. low-level kajirae-character players will find that it takes ~1-minute to satisfy each Master/trainer/teacher/dominant they encounter, so if they are commanded to give a BJ… it will take about 1 minute to complete (resulting in an orgasm, and the kajira swallowing the semen, etc.)
  2. mid-level kajirae-character players will take only ~half that long; about 30 seconds to ‘defeat’ the ‘opponents’ they encounter in this game
  3. high-level kajirae-character players will discover they can bring nearly anyone they encounter to orgasm within a mere 15 seconds
  4. the same ballpark-figures hold true for players of the other life-paths in this game; male-characters initially take ~1-min. to defeat badguys in the Outlands (or to subdue resisting females in NWO MIL TRNG), while mid-level males only need about 30-secs. to defeat most badguys and subdue any females on raids in the Outlands, with high-level males able to do those things in 10-15 seconds, tops
  5. free-women initially must spend ~TWO-minutes trying to flirt with and satisfy (bring to orgasm) ‘opponents’ (since they can’t hope to compete with the sexiness of a fully-submitted female; a kajira), mid-level free-women then spend ~1-min. doing that, and high-level free-women usually only need 30-secs. to get what they are hoping for out of interactions with other Congresswomen in/out of session
  6. ICVs have some of the best times of all for satisfying others; low-level ICV-character players need only ~30seconds to bring ‘opponents’ to orgasm, but a full TWO-minutes to perform a mind-interface (to look into someone’s mind, and only when they have permission to do so from Inisfree’s guests, with some of the more mentally-powerful (or anti-telepathy gear-equipped) Outlanders taking longer, of course), with mid-level ICVs needing 15secs. to bring most to orgasm (even if they are homosexual males in the Outlands, as ICVs use their total knowledge of human anatomy to get those mind-games and juices flowing unstoppably) and 1-min. to perform a mind-interface/surf/hop/override (techno-possession; technology-based mind-control), and high-level ICVs able to satisfy just about anyone in this game within a record-breaking 5-10seconds (how long it takes to defeat most low-level badguys in WoW, such as minions, pets, Murlocs, etc.) –and performing mind-interfaces (or tech-interfaces, since ICVs can connect with ANYTHING; people, computers, gadgets, vehicles, iPhones, whatever) in about 30-seconds.



People lose interest quickly; usually over the course of one music video or song, which takes anywhere from 3 to 8 minutes.  So the following level brackets can expect from the programming of this MMORPG the following estimated times it will take to seduce, orgy with, or otherwise pass the tests of each level/area boss:

  1. 0-9: 1-2.5 mins. (basic dialogue and movements can sometimes do the trick, such as for classes/courses)
  2. 10s: 3 mins. (intermediate dialogue and movements needed in some cases)
  3. 20s: 5 mins.  (complex dialogue and movements needed in many cases)
  4. 30s: 4 mins.  (a few to some of the basic techniques needed some of the time)
  5. 40s: 5 mins.  (all of the basic techniques needed all of the time)
  6. 50s: 5 mins.  (a few of the intermediate techniques needed every now and then)
  7. 60s: 5 mins.  (some of the intermediate techniques needed some of the time)
  8. 70s: 6 mins.  (all of the intermediate techniques needed all of the time)
  9. 80s: 5 mins.  (a few of the most complex techniques needed every now and then)
  10. 90s: 7 mins.  (some of the most complex techniques needed some of the time)
  11. 100s: 5 mins.  (most of the most complex techniques needed most of the time)
  12. 110s: 8 minutes  (sequences of ALL of the MOST complex techniques needed for these orgies and raids (tougher fights if the female free-persons don’t succeed in flirting and seducing them), etc.)

* If you are making mistakes, having to start over for various reasons, losing interest, getting disconnected, or sightseeing and screen-shotting, those 1-8 minutes can easily turn into half an hour or longer per boss/area, but it never HAS to be that way if you focus.